Star Eater - Chapter 37

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:11:28 AM

Chapter 37: 37

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Chapter 37: Chapter 37

Arthur's Point of View

Unknown Location

Waking with a start and flinching from the pain, I was immediately in agony. Something was wrong. Something other than still bleeding out and dying slowly. First, I was a little confused as to how I was still alive. With how much blood I had lost, it should have been over when I passed out earlier. That or my wounds should've healed thanks to my healing factor.

Next, why did I still feel so weak? When I slept before, all the energy spent previously would return to me after resting. Unless my wounds kept me in a stalemate and something else was absorbing my energy, it made no sense why I still felt so weak.

"It doesn't matter." I mumbled to myself. "As much as I hate that fucking Elf for doing this, I'm not dying in such a ridiculous manner." Rolling onto my back took more effort than I thought. "I need to take care of these wounds." With gritted teeth, I focused on the little energy inside my body. "What the..."

Upon focusing on my energy, I felt a considerable amount there, but I was unable to access it for some reason. At least, not in a large amount. Focusing it into the gaping wounds, they slowly began to close at a snail's pace. With what felt like hours of concentrating, most of my body had healed. Unfortunately, there was still one major wound I needed to take care of. The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

"Run through by a tree..." Grabbing onto a chunk of the wood sticking through my stomach, I yanked it out as hard as I could. "FUCK!" I forced out as blood and spit sprayed from my lips.

Chunks of my intestines were on log, and I frowned as I tossed it aside. Immediately, my mind focused on my energy and moved it towards the wound. It was a slow process, and I was fading once again. For what seemed like days of agony, the wound closed, but I soon passed out moments after.

A loud crashing woke me with a start, and I looked around ever so slightly to see what it was. My wounds, despite being healed, still ached. Moving was incredibly difficult and still filled me with agony despite being healed. It was at this moment I wish I had my sword so I could try to figure out what was happening.

Another loud thumping sound got my attention, and I shifted my gaze around. "The fuck was that?" I whispered out as I strained just to move my neck to look about the area. "Fucking crater." Irritated that I could barely see anything inside my crater, I sighed in frustration.

My nerves were on edge for being in such a vulnerable position and unable to move freely. I was practically at the mercy of anything that would stumble upon me. However, my eye widened in horror upon seeing the creature that was making all the noise earlier.

On the outside of the crater was a conglomeration of trees, bush, rock, wind, and water, creating a rather large golem that took the shape of a bear. If it was a statue that was crafted, it would've been by a masterpiece and considered one of a kind. The creature's detail was unbelievable, and my body tensed as the bear moved down the crater towards me.

"Holy shit..." I mumbled in an awed tone as it got closer.

However, in doing this, my arms and legs gave out as I clutched at my eye in horrific pain. It felt almost as if someone was stabbing me in the eye with a red-hot steel blade and destroyed my eye while cauterizing it. The pain was numbing, and I felt drool run down my chin as my mind seemed to fade.

Unfortunately, this wasn't the time. A screech grabbed my attention to the demonic horse in front of me, with its skeletal rider having a larger sword coming right at me. My mind thought of using the same technique as before, but horizontally instead. This time, when it activated, it blew the Nuckelavee away from me and into the crater wall.

Using this as an opening, another demon grabbed my leg from behind and began to slam me into the ground over and over like a ragdoll. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. Especially without my energy to numb the pain and injuries, I was sustaining. While this was going on, I heard the golem from earlier roaring from above me. Take a bear's roar and huff, which would give anyone pause, but this was just smothering. Surprised these demons would even fuck with such a creature.

Flung from the crater, the golem came into view as I approached it quickly and slammed into its side. It whined out in surprise as my body collided into it and looked at me as I landed on the ground beside it. The bear whined as it sniffed me and then roared again as all the demons circled around us.

"Kill them both." One of the Nuckelavees commanded, and my eyes widened in shock that it could talk.

Rage built up within me, and I felt another wave come from my body as it washed over the area causing all the demons present to pause. "Any of you touch that bear, and I'll slaughter every single one of you." I seethed out from my prone position as I kept a wide and creepy gaze focused on the supposed commander.

The demon in charge came to the wrong decision and hissed as it ordered the others to attack. My left eye started burning as well as I forced myself to all fours. New wounds and old wounds screamed at me, but I ignored them as I released a howl that silenced everything.

A storm of elements seemed to erupt from my body as it contorted back into an arc with my eyes looking up at the sky. Above was the same portal that I arrived here from, and I could see my energy flowing from my body to feed it. That's why I hadn't healed. My energy had been feeding the portal instead of healing me. It's why it was so hard for me to access it. Now... Now, I could feel my energy growing to overpower the portal in question.

Waves of energy thundered off me as it slammed into the demons surrounding us. With a pillar of energy shooting from my body and into the portal above, my entire being seemed to running on pure instinct. I didn't know what I was doing, but I watched as the portal above shattered like glass and dissipated. The demons also seemed to burn away as my vision became hazy and fire flared from my body as it seemed to purge the area of any Demons.

Falling forward, I felt myself fading once more. A whimpering got my attention as I tilted my head in the direction of the golem. It appeared to be just fine despite my light show and was doing its best to nuzzle me without hurting me. My fire didn't hurt it, which was a bonus. I didn't know why this stupid bear golem thing cared so much, but I smiled in return.

"I know you're hurt buddy, but you're going to have to give me a bit before I can make you better." Reaching a hand up and patting its nose, my surprise only grew as I faded.

"Thank you." The golem spoke out in a deep female's voice.

Looking up at 'her' with wide eyes, I passed out soon after.


Our new goals for the coming week are going to be hitting 850 Power Stones again! Should be an easy first goal since we've done it already and had a rather clean margin! Our second goal is going to 900 Power Stones! We were only 27 Power Stones away from hitting this, so I think it should be very doable! Hope everyone is as excited as I am! Thank you for your continual support!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!