Star Eater - Chapter 537

Published at 15th of January 2024 06:53:17 AM

Chapter 537: 537

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Chapter 537: Chapter 537

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"How are things going?" General Kheri asked me.

I didn't look up as she entered my room. My head was resting on my palm with my elbow on my desk. "It could be better. Could be worse." I told her honestly. "How's my sister?"

"Still upset. Priestess Arceana has been quiet compared to before, but she is not happy." Continue reading on No_veLbIn

"That is not surprising. Has she made any moves?"

"Not that I've noticed. Alwin has also been checking on her. She seems to trust him, but who really knows."

My eyes shifted to her at that. "She still trusts Alwin after he left with his family the way he did?"

The General shrugged. "From what he told me, he explained that he was unaware of what was happening. To be fair, that is true. He was only listening to his mother, and was barely able to stand at that point, so he wasn't exactly thinking properly." She smirked. "Alwin didn't lie."

I rolled my eyes at that. "I suppose not. Do you think she has anything planned?"

"You know your sister better than I ever will. Do you think she does?" Kheri asked back.

"If you had asked me before all of this, I would've been able to answer more confidently. Unfortunately, with Rudnurth involved with the two of us, my confidence is shaken." Another sigh left my lips as I sat up. "How is Typhon? Has his training been going well?"

Kheri finally nodded as she relented. "What of Arthur's guardians?"

I quickly shook my head. "That is something beyond me. Given my limited interactions with them, I'd say they rival my sister and I in terms of power. They could even be stronger than us. Not that it matters. They seem easy enough to get along with. Their 'father' is more than able to deal with us without them should he ever want to."

"Have you talked to Arthur about everything?" She asked, worriedly. "Has anything about with your body?"

"I do not believe I am pregnant yet, but only time will tell. It could take months. As for talking to Arthur, it is difficult to bring up certain topics. My condition is one of them. His connection to Aydan is another. Why does he have my father's ring?" My hands moved back to my sides. "He is still hiding things. Not just from me, but everyone. Although, given the Farro's actions, I'd say they know more than most others."

"Should I try to approach Greigh and Ziah? They might be willing to tell me something."

"They are your friends. That will be up to you as I will not order you to do so. However, I have the distinct feeling that if they haven't told you already, they probably have no plans to do so for the moment." I told her truthfully. "Is there anything else to report?"

"Alwin has been training with Arthur has well at the man's request."

I quirked a brow at that. "Arthur is training one of our Generals?" She nodded. "Has he extended that opportunity to you?"

Kheri shook her head softly. "No. I believe Arthur is doing so because of Lucia."

A groan left my lips at that. "Something else I am curious about but find myself to get any answers. Neither from Arthur or Lucia." I took a deep breath before slowly letting it out. "Thank you, Kheri. Please keep me up to date with anything you find important."

The General nodded. "Of course."

She just stood there instead of leaving. "Is there something else?"

"The rumors circulating about Arthur have received mixed reviews. Many are finding out he is no longer our Knight."

I stared at her for a moment. "Leave it be. There's nothing we can do about that. Just try to reinforce our continued support of the man."

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