Published at 7th of December 2021 11:25:19 AM

Chapter 180: 180

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As usual, Lin Fan took the two women and dozens of members of the expert team on the shuttle to the surface of Leica Star.

Lorne naturally arranged a grand welcome ceremony. A total of 10,000 royal knights lined up in two rows from the air to the front of the palace, forming a passage, while Lin Fan's shuttle ship descended along this road.

Through the portholes, a group of experts really ignited a strong interest in the knight, and they speculated on the principle.

Some people even put forward the idea that if we obtain the technology of the Lycra Empire, can we upgrade this technology to replace the current mecha?

For Lin Fan, he can understand serving as a battle armor, and he can also understand the mount. These knights can achieve it, but the question is, how do such a small mount and the armor worn by the knight obtain energy?

You know, just a battle armor and a mechanical mount can actually be produced by humans who specialize in research, but the energy you need to drive these things is scary, even humans currently cannot make such a strong energy so small. Right!

This kind of energy is definitely not worse than nuclear fusion. The key is that this Lycra civilization is only a level 2 civilization. How did you come up with such high-end energy?

However, Lin Fan believes that the members of the expert group will handle this, and he is also very optimistic about the Lycra civilization, and believes that they should not have much problem joining the human federation affiliated civilization through evaluation.

When the spacecraft reached the ground, Lorne had already waited here with a group of ministers.

Although Lin Fan said that they had no malice, but for a force that can easily destroy the Kabat Empire and is still a fourth-level civilization, no matter how careful it is, it is correct.

After introducing each other, Lin Fan was naturally the same, taking the two women out to play, and Lorne arranged a team of royal knights to guard him.

Speaking of it, the Lycras are actually very similar to the Earth people. They are about the same height and body shape. They have the same human shape and appearance. The difference is that the Lycras have blue skin and one more eye on the forehead than humans. Someone in human mythology is quite similar.

Seeing along the way, Lin Fan discovered that the Lycra were actually not much different from the federal technology line, and even felt like they had returned to the earth, but their military technology was very crooked.

Unlike people on earth, knights are just an ancient pronoun. Since the emergence of thermal weapons, the career development path has actually been broken.

Unlike the Lycras, the knights have had too much influence on their culture, no matter how advanced the technology is, their knighthood is still sacred.

As a result, in military technology, the Lycra were so crooked. They did not develop spaceships, but went all out to develop knights. The original mount became a mechanical mount, and the original armor became a high-tech single-player armor.

The most exaggerated thing is their weapons. The knight’s guns and swords held by the knights are almost like warship guns. Don’t look at the Lycra knights charging with the knight’s guns and you think they are ready to go up for close combat. In fact, they took them The knight's gun is a long-range weapon, and it is also a beam-type long-range weapon. The gun head can shoot energy beams.

As for the knight sword, it destroys the three views even more. It feels like a great swordsman in Lin Fan’s previous life of a migrant worker’s animation. With a flick of his hand, a sword aura goes out. Of course, this is not a sword aura, but an energy. This kind of application, but the form of expression was forcibly turned into a sword-like appearance by the Lycra Empire.

Simply put, the knight gun is a long-range powerful weapon, while the knight sword is a medium- and short-range medium-power weapon, and the mount is a single-person aircraft.

After understanding this, even Lin Fan wanted to make a set of knight equipment to try it out, it was too fanciful.

And these days of play also let Lin Fan understand the energy problem of the Lycra Empire. In fact, it is not how strong the energy technology of the Lycra Empire is, but in this stellar system, several resource stars are rich in a kind of crystal. People call it an energy crystal.

This crystal itself has no energy, but what's interesting is that it can store energy, and it can store a lot of energy.

Even a small crystal can store the energy needed for a battleship to maintain a battle, which is a terrifying thing.

The most important thing is that this kind of crystal is almost everywhere on several resource stars of Lycra, and it is inexhaustible.

Three days later, Lin Fan received the news from the expert group. After evaluation, the Laika Empire's potential score reached 9.2 points!

Although Lin Fan thought from the very beginning that the potential score of the Lycra Empire should be okay, he didn't expect its potential score to be so high.

Lin Fan has also understood the scoring criteria, and those who can score 9 points or more are definitely very talented races.

Immediately, the expert team initiated an invitation to Lorne to join the federal affiliated civilization. Lorne's initial reaction was similar to that of Augustus. No, it should be said that it was stronger than Augustus's reaction.

After all, the Lycra Empire had just suffered from the Kabat Empire for 20 years, and now he heard the words “Subsidiary Civilization” and his expression changed drastically.

For this situation, the expert team had long been psychologically prepared, and even after explaining the subsidiary civilization system for Ron in detail, Ron's expression eased.

After repeated discussions with the ministers, he finally made up his mind to sign an agreement on subsidiary civilizations and become one of the subsidiary civilizations of the Human Federation.

After all, in addition to the name of the subsidiary civilization, the entire agreement really does not see that it is a subsidiary civilization. It is exactly like a multi-civilization cooperation agreement based on a human federation.

Five days later, everything was settled. When Lin Fan returned to the Lycra Palace with the two girls, Lorne immediately stepped forward to say hello.

At the beginning, Lorne didn’t know the identity of Lin Fan. Until a few days ago, someone in the expert group told him that Lin Fan was actually the son of the leader of the human federation. Lorne knew that the one who came down with the two women to play. The man turned out to be the prince of the human federation.

Now that he had decided to follow the Human Federation in the future, Lorne was also very active. Hearing Lin Fan said he was interested in knight outfits, he directly gave Lin Fan a set of knight outfits.

It was not an ordinary knight suit, but one of the seven paladin suits of the Lycra royal family. I don't know if it was a coincidence. Even the color was consistent with Lin Fan's hobby, and the whole body was silvery white.

Lin Fan naturally accepted it without pretense

And when Lorne saw Lin Fan accept it, he was also very happy.

This is the prince of the fourth-level civilization. Since he has received his gift, he will naturally help if the Lycra Empire encounters any trouble in the future.

After completing the Lycra civilization, Lin Fan's guard fleet also embarked on the journey again and set off for the next civilization.

And Lorne, just like Augustus, began to scoop up points frantically.

In addition to uploading its technology, the federation that has learned about the situation has also purchased energy crystals on a large scale, buying them at a price of 10 points. This can make Lorne excited. You must know that this thing is not valuable in the Lycra Empire, and the price is not as good as that. Money for a meal.

So, under Lorne's order, the entire Lycra took action, went to various resource stars one after another, and started mining frantically.

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