Published at 7th of December 2021 11:08:39 AM

Chapter 819: 819

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After finishing the communication with Talz, Lavoisier was silent...

This kind of unfolding was something he had never thought of. He and the Lanyao Republic finally broke free from the threat of mankind. As a result, another powerful civilization had already hit the door without knowing it.

And according to Taltz, this civilization never left alive along the way, obviously, it has the plan to completely destroy the entire Lan Yao Republic.

Tinder plan Lavoisier will not worry much at that time, after all, as long as he enters the hyperspace, it is basically safe.

However, only the top elites from all walks of life in the Cradle Republic were picked up by the Tinder Plan, with only hundreds of millions of people.

However, the population of the entire Lanyao Republic is directly calculated in trillions.

As Taltz said to Lavoisier at the end, if you can save it, try to save as much as you can!

But the point is...

Looking at the information file that Talz had just passed in front of him, Lavoisier had a headache.

This is the information from the garrison star system around the capital area before it was completely occupied, including some battle images and some information about the opponent's warships scanned.

No matter how you look at it, this is a civilization that is definitely not weaker than humans, and in some respects it seems to be more advanced than humans.

For Lavoisier, this is not good news. It is that his rescue plan is even more difficult, almost becoming an impossible task...

However, even if it is impossible, he still has to do it.

after all...

Hundreds of trillions of compatriots began at that moment!


At this moment, Lavoisier suddenly remembered something and shouted abruptly.

Isn’t there one of the subordinate civilization treaties of mankind that the suzerain civilization is obliged to protect its subordinate civilizations?

Can I use this clause to ask the Federation to assist in this rescue mission?

Yes, Lavoisier did not want the Federation to repel the invaders, but only hoped that the Federation could assist in the rescue operation.

After all, he also read the information sent by Taltz. The enemy at least has a powerful civilization with more than 200 billion warships, and its technology is not weaker than that of the Federation, and the Federation is in the Holtair super galaxy cluster. There are only 25 billion warships.

Lavoisier himself is an extremely outstanding commander, and he knows very well that it is impossible to defeat this unknown and powerful civilization based on the current power of the Federation in the Holter supercluster.

Therefore, instead of making such an impossible request, it is better to ask the Federation to assist in its rescue mission.

In fact, Lavoisier was right at all. Even with such a clause in the agreement, it would be impossible for Elphy to use 25 billion warships to hit a rock with eggs.

The Federation is indeed obliged to protect the affiliated civilization, but it also has to be an opponent that the Federation can defeat.

"Connect me to the communications of the human fleet commander."

"Yes, commander!"


Just as Lavoisier was preparing to ask Alfi for help, the Sor was also busy and very busy.

"Are there any errors in the data?"

"Yes, Commander, I have checked it three times!"

"That is to say, when we were fighting with the local combined fleet just now, large-scale battles were also taking place in other parts of this supercluster?"

“It’s not 100% certain. After all, the detected anomaly is 80 million light-years away from our side, but if you analyze the data you get, you can be 90% sure that the energy anomaly there is caused by the war. And..."

"And what?"

"Moreover, we detected traces of dark energy impact!"

This is not good news...

As far as Elfey knows, there is absolutely no civilization in the Holtair supercluster that can use dark energy technology, and it is reported that this location is located near a cosmic ocean current in the supercluster.

What happened to the Holtair Supercluster?

"Commander, Lavoisier, commander of the Lan Yao Republic, requests communication!"

"Well, just a few minutes after I went back? Wait, I remember that cosmic ocean current is located in the territory of the Lanyao Republic, right?"

"Yes, Commander!"

"Come here, maybe he will give us an answer!"


Soon after the communication was connected, Lavoisier's figure was projected on the bridge of the Sor.

"Lavoisier, what happened?"

As soon as Varasi's figure appeared, Alfie saw a trace of panic on his face.

This is a very strange thing, even if he was captured before, Lavoisier never showed such a look.

Could it be...

Is there really something wrong with Lanyao Republic?

"Commander Alfi, there is an article in the Federal Affiliated Civilization Agreement. It says that the Federation has the obligation and responsibility to provide necessary military support when the affiliated civilization is invaded by external forces, right?"

"Yes, it is true!"

"Well, I need your help now to help me save the people as much as possible!"

"Wait, what happened?"

After hearing Lavoisier's request, Elphie knew that he had guessed correctly before, and it turned out that there was a problem with the Lanyao Republic.

Moreover, Lavoisier just mentioned the foreign invasion in particular, coupled with the previous detection of anomalous spots on the battlefield, which are not far from the cosmic ocean currents leading to the Gregor Supercluster.

From these points alone, Alfie was almost able to guess a general idea.

The Lanyao Republic has been invaded by foreign civilizations, and this civilization comes from the Gregor Supercluster.

And the most important point is that in my previous report, I said that a large amount of dark energy impact was detected at an abnormal point.

That is to say, this intruder is very likely to be a technological civilization of at least Tier 9, so it is no wonder that Lavoisier is so anxious.

But has to let Lavoisier say what is going on.

After all, so far it's just Alfie's speculation.

Soon, Lavoisier did not conceal anything, and told me all the information he knew about Elphie, and also passed the pile of information from Talz to the Sor.

When Alfie saw the information, she frowned.


Obviously it is a ninth-tier technological civilization. Even judging from the image data, it is very likely that it is not an ordinary ninth-tier technological civilization, but a ninth-tier technological civilization that, like a federation, has developed in some respects!

What is this concept?

This means that the combat power of this unknown civilization can be almost equal to that of the Zilun Empire in the Neilkenia Supercluster!

In any case, this is not something that my 25 billion conventional fleet can handle!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!