Strongest Villain System - Chapter 2513

Published at 25th of April 2022 08:02:14 AM

Chapter 2513

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"I don't understand. It doesn't matter. You'll understand later."

"For the next ten years, this is your place of cultivation."

"I will seal your rank and make you a mortal. There is food and water for three days."

"You need to cross this thousand mile desert in three days."

"Shana, if you can't cross it, you will die!"

After that, the ancient wasteland disappeared, leaving three bottles of water and some food on the ground. Shana was the only one standing still in this desolate dry sea.

Shana feels herself without any extraordinary power. She has become an ordinary person who has become a secular star in the eternal sky. It's quite inappropriate for her to lose her extraordinary power.

The Xingling family has had the star soul since its birth. Shana, who has never lost her strength, has felt the vulnerability from mortals in less than an hour. The wind and sand in the sky and the poisonous sun are consuming her physical strength all the time. Let alone crossing thousands of miles of desert in three days, even one tenth is dangerous.

An hour!

Two hours!

Until four hours later, Shana had replenished two bottles of water, but she still felt very thirsty. Looking at the last bottle of water in her hand, she wanted to unscrew it and drink it countless times.

But Shana knows she can't use this bottle of water until the last pass.

In the scorching sun, on the desert, only Shana's footprints moved slowly, leaving a big channeling footprints. With the wind and sand sweeping, the footprints also disappeared.


scorching hot!



Even mental fatigue, so that Shana finally reached the limit, dug out a barely shelter cave under a low sand dune.

Shana lay down with a loveless face. She didn't want to go any more. She had never suffered such torture and pain, but she knew very well that her new teacher would never be as gentle as Mr. Filo. If she couldn't get out of the desert within three days, she had to die.

At this point, Shana had to calm down, so she rested for half an hour, simply ate a few mouthfuls of dry and hard bread, drank a little saliva, and continued to drive forward.

With the passing of a few hours, the sun gradually tilted to the west, and a touch of cold penetrating into the soul came, Shana remembered that the temperature difference between day and night in the desert was very large, which could heat people alive during the day and freeze people to death at night, and she had only a thin long skirt all over her body. If she didn't find a shelter as soon as possible, she would freeze to death tonight.

Soon, two low sand dunes emerged. Shana walked over and dug a two meter deep cave in the middle of the two low sand dunes. With the help of the residual temperature of the sand, she soon fell asleep.

The chill was getting deeper and deeper. At dawn, Shana woke up from the cold. She was shivering all over. He couldn't help shivering. He had to keep pulling the sand around to cover her body. Finally, only one head was left, which was just a little better.

A burst of sleepiness came, and Shana fell into deep sleep again, but her consciousness entered a strange dream. It was a dark and endless void, but there stood four incomparably huge pillars, each of which had different colors, and the surface was engraved with countless mysterious lines.

Blue, red, green and yellow, the four huge pillars filled Shana with an inexplicable sense of familiarity, especially the huge red pillar, which gave her infinite warmth.

Under the influence of ghosts and gods, Shana gradually approached the red column and reached out to touch it gently. In an instant, countless mysterious lines of the whole huge red column seemed to be activated, directly burst into a towering flame, and a humanoid creature condensed by the flame came.

"Welcome back, the original four kings of creation, under the crown of the great fire king, the ruler of the power of the world, the owner of creation and destruction, and the embodiment of the origin of infinite fire."

"Billions of universe, infinite heaven and earth, the oldest God."

"I, the spirit of the heavenly pillar of fire, will follow the supreme oath before the infinite era, will follow the crown of the fire king again, burn the darkness of the heavens, cut off all evil, and let the warmth last forever."

"Under the great crown, are you ready to accept the power of the pillar of fire?"

Humanoid flame creatures surround Shana, making a sound in the oldest and most primitive language, full of extreme mystery.

"Wait, I don't understand the fire king and the pillar of fire."

"Can you tell me in detail?"

Shana has a silly face and doesn't know where it is, but it's strange that she can understand the meaning of this ancient language, as if she was born.

"Under the Great Fire King's crown, I am the spirit of the pillar of fire, and you don't seem to wake up the ancient memory."

"A long time ago, you were one of the creators of billions of universe, infinite world and vast world. You were the monarch of fire, one of the four powers of earth fire and geomantic omen."

"The pillar of heaven you see in front of you is called the pillar of fire. It is also the pillar of heaven for you to create the world and stabilize the universe. It is also the result of your power."

"I don't know how much the world was born by relying on the burning Tianzhu, but with the fall of you and the other three kings, the power of the four Tianzhu fell silent, and countless universes and heaven and earth fell into destruction."

"When your origin wakes up, I can use the power of Tianzhu to bring your soul here. This is the original place of creation."

"Under the crown of the great monarch, an unprecedented crisis is coming. You are the first to wake up. You must find the other three monarchs. Only when the four monarchs gather together can you unseal the original place of creation."

"Use the power of the land of creation to solve this crisis of destruction. At the same time, under the crown of the monarch, you must be careful of a person. He is a human race and has the title of mixed demon king. His name is guhuang. Similarly, he has many different identities. One of the most famous identities is Wuhuang."

"If you meet this man called Wuhuang, you must run as far as you can before you fully control the power of the pillar of fire and call me to show."

"Remember, remember, if you can't run away, you can't show any hostility to him, let alone reveal your identity, otherwise you will..."

"Crown... Today's you first... Go back..."

Shana's soul was suddenly dragged by a force and directly away from this mysterious dream world. At this time, it was already dawn. Shana opened her misty eyes and struggled to get out of the sand. Her mind was full of everything that happened in the dream. It seemed unreal, but it was a very clear memory.

Impressively, Shana felt a burst of heat on her arm, and saw a strange flame pattern on her arm, and there was an inexplicable force inside her body. She saw a red flame burning in the palm of her hand.

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