Published at 17th of April 2024 06:24:34 AM

Chapter 0

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I believe that humans always live to gain some kind of stimulation.

Naturally, these stimulations will be different for each person.

It might be something related to eating, reading a novel after a long day’s work, or maybe sweet moments with a lover.

Some may even enjoy immersing themselves in activities to satisfy their intellectual vanity.

There may also be those who seek stimulation itself.

Just like that, I, too, sought small stimulations in my everyday life.

Tiny stimuli would make the monotonous routine more vibrant, just like the daily grind of running on a hamster wheel.


But what did it cost?

If I knew it had led to nothing but screaming without being able to scream and my body melting away, I might have just gone home and grabbed a can of beer.

While some seek stimulation through self-destructive behavior, I am not that twisted.

If I had known that death awaited at the end, I wouldn’t have wanted it.

I was just a regular office worker who feared death, that’s all.


My view gradually begins to blur.

Other than that, I couldn’t think of any other words to express this.

The sound of my scream echoes.

No, can it even be said that it echoes?

My blurry view gradually darkens.

It felt astonishing that I still can think.

They say when facing death, you see a flickering light that feels like an eternity.

It was peaceful.

It flowed peacefully. A soft and squishy feeling.

Thus, my sight became utterly dark.

A cold death had arrived.

Or so I thought.

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