Suffocate My love - Chapter 57

Published at 30th of January 2023 06:02:33 AM

Chapter 57

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Because there is such a large number of students taking the etiquette classes, they had to be divided into two ,A and B. The  teachers on the other hand are divided by the modules they have to impart onto the students. Meaning that when one class learn brush work and learn how to professionally write a report or other important documents ,the other is learning how to properly address victims and communicate well.

The class lists were  made casually and students entered to any class they wanted and the generally famous pentapulets ( Valian, Syin, Adrian, Herim and Joln) are all in the same class , being class B

The classroom architecture is very similar to the labs except that instead of the bi-arrangement of experiment table, there are three columns with ten rows of blueish -grey benches ,perfectly spaced across the space . Each bench seats only two students and is very spacious.

The bench is just a medium length stool jointed to a hundred and fifty centimeter table. The table was customized to have a single slate for ink for sharing and an under compartment for storage of books and other belongings of the occupants of the bench.

Class B is still in the written modules portion of their  approved and examinable modules. So Class is in the other..

" today , we are studying expressive and summarized writing. As you all know the success of any individual shows in everything they do and that should be flawless. That means your handwriting should be well efforted and your words should be enticing and display intellect ", dictated Yao Nalem . . She stood adjacent the fore-table and was holding a paint brush. The paint brush in her placid hands danced obediently as she played with it.

She is the calligraphy and literary teacher but most importantly, the only female and wolf to have mastered ass much as eighteen sword  moves , which according to the books of cultivation played a huge role in the transfer of cores from Spirit creatures.

Core transferring is not a simple take . Others say it is like transplanting the soul of an essence into  other individual..And they are partially right

In the third section of the books of cultivation, it says that the process of core transfer is very intensive and can take about forty days and nights to trace and successfully identify the boundaries of the core and thus to be able to transfer it to the next individual

There are different aims that are sought when transferring a core but the note worthy one is that of different species, hominid and wolf

The first step of course is to pinpoint the level  of the donor and recipient . Since at the time it was done using spirit creatures, the level of the spirit creature should be somewhere around that of its master.

With this in mind, the source is would have a greater core level which is why the sect is so desperate to preserve the core. And this would make sense to have a donor accepting  a core that is above them otherwise what he would be the point.

For the reason that,  the receiver should be competent enough to undergo the process, it's of inordinate imperativity that they are brutally screened for eligibility.And that being the case , upon ticking all the boxes, the recipient has to swiftly commence exploiting  techniques that will make them produce an energy similar to the one the spirit creature can contain. It matters not whether the ability to do so is temporary , as long as it lasts long enough, it should be fine .

As for the other sect members, because they can't use the core when the animal is completely dead,  they form a preservation seal around the body. One of the golden rules of mortality is it's not possible for a body to be alive without a functional core or a core to be functional in a dead body. That means that they work hand in hand. For as long as they try the body alive , they can still be able to transfer the core. 

That being said, the dying animal would be taken away and then would be kept in a seal enclosure. Like the recipient , the animal has to be isolated from everyone and usually the animal is take to the many underground caves in the forest.

This seal is remarkably unique such that it is made by an alpha and sustained by omegas. The alpha provides the power and the Omega distributes it because despite being 'weaker', adult omegas make the best internal furnace using their bodies as cultivation weapons that can absorb and output power, with minimal to nil chronic side effects.

The seal can be casted by any combination of alpha and omega who have the capacity to sustain an entity like that designed to conserve as well as  retain diabolical amounts of energy. This means that the seal is not choosy and thus a pair of wolves can alternate without breaking it.the trick is in on how to do it right and werewolves have the best accuracy so there is no inconveniences there 

This seal however is not enough to keep the  core and animal alive. There has to be some type of huge power-source to supply the ridiculous demand. And that is where a team of cultivators comes in

They like the recipient cultivator have to be able to supply the vitality level similar to the one the core used to have. And given that they are of a lower level, they have to train really hard before they can attempt the challenge.

The said challenge is whereby they each connect to the body of the dying animal or its core depending on how the animal was used when it was alive. After connecting to it  they have to create a simulation whereby they fight inside it and and they end up outputting their energy. This energy should be everything they have got , only that way they stand a chance to win.

Inevitably given that they would be connected to the spirit creature, all the pneuma they give out would be ingurgitated by the core.

This ability to connect to an absorbent core is somewhat difficult and seldom successful at first attempt but whatever the case, it habitually consumes ATLEAST twelve thousand gallons or three hundred years of IQ from the opponent at the end of the challenge

When executed correctly,  the assimilation is slow and less sedative but if done thoughtlessly, all the energy can seep out of the body within a heartbeat  .This is why the connection to the core is never at any point performed by a single individual because they will becomes energy-less beings the second they signal completion by attempt a disconnection .

The three hundred years of qi can keep the core satisfied for four lunar months buying the chosen cultivator more core-enhancement time

In the meantime , immediately before anything else, they again have to use the most dire techniques to replenish their energy and avoid disaster like deterioration or crumbling of their core, the process where the core begins to eats itself due to lack of energy. (This is actually what they aim to stop when they transfer the core...)

These ardent methods include several diverse weapon manipulation procedures that were forbidden then but are unknown now. One of them is the twenty-two sword slash technique that is rumored to split the  ground and dry the leaves of springs. It's a strenuous technique as it involves fighting all senses numbed except audio and it's incorrect use causes explosion of the sword and potential severing of  meridians over organs like the heart and spleen

Because of the drastic approaches with questionable side effects they are obligated to undertake, some sect masters decide to go into seclusion where they train at 'qi pressure points' like mountain peaks, deep caves or banks of rivers following from high land

Once the core transfer has been agreed , the fate if these cultivators is ordered. They kept training fervidly and challenging the core , over and over untill the chooses one reaches the appropriate level. Which if they chose the right individual , it should not take more that eight lunar months.

It does take an enormous and tedious degree of effort and  sacrifice to transfer a core but it's not like they have an option. If they all refuse , nobody can accurately describe what should be the outcome of despising a body with a core like that. The worst case scenario would be a fox. But what more of one made from the core of a Spirit immortal creature. 

After some time the individual would come back and usually at that time the cultivators are called back. The grandmaster of all know use of energy would be tackled.

Everyone would assemble in the cave and the chosen once would lie supine on the pedestal. The challengers would be seated on all the rocks acroos the place.

The ones managing the core would be hovering five meters above the one on the pedestal.Throughout the act,  Two sect masters capable of wind and water manipulation would encircle or wrap in serpentine pattern ,the limbs of the maintainers to cool any heat they might conduct.

Like the first time,  the fifty or so cultivators must once more challenge the core and consecutively those making the seal have to sort of pressurizes it with the goal of trying to maximize the input from the fifty. This pressuring helps to also reduces the distance between the energy and the body. Entailing the while challenging, because the core is absorbing the energy, the seal of a dome is actually enclosing the energy in the perimeter of the body

At the same time that is done, the receipt cultivator must have keep their energy agitated. The logic is that the more agitated their core, the greater the assimilation.

Anyway once the process begins there needs to be twenty more omegas and Alphas on standby near the seal. But their role will come in later.

The fifty will challenge all their energy in to the core and the seal will be closed once the fight session complete. more water and wind would be needed now more than ever.

The core will begin to change glow when it starts to absorb and that is the green light that the recipient cultivator needs

Immediately when the perimeter of the animal glows white, the seal has to be open. The cultivator then instantly channels  their core and sucks all the energy ,only in and through the core,  sort of in the same way the cultivators where having their energy absorbed.

The recipient has to absorb all energy until the perimeter blackens and the seal made by the wolves recolors from reddish orange to translucent blue and green .

When the process of color-change begins the team on standby must immediately form a seal around the absorber.

The complete discoloration will be noted by formation of an ashy or burnt wood color on seal and and the  body of the donor will turn to dust on the spot. Promptly then they have to close the seal even if they can see dense streams of energy flowing to the absorber. That is just the reminats, true absorbency is too fast for the naked eye ,which they are supposed to be using now. The standby have to kept the dome closed so that the cultivator sponges all the energy hat could have seeped out !!The cultivator can't have absorbed everything so there are some leaks due to them being of a lower energy level . 

The seal should be faultlessly for twenty nights and days where the team alternates keeping it closed. After then they can leave as it would be on auto-lock, nothing can acess it ...

 The following day,  all the energy would been absorbed  as such the seal melts into  nothingness . After three days they will wake up  and emerge through the water , where everyone would be awaiting them.

Like a butterfly from its cocoon, A werewolf Spirit immortal would bloom from the water

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