Published at 22nd of November 2020 09:57:13 AM

Chapter 195: 195

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Faustina knew she was late—very, very late. The garden was far from the main castle, and it took her an effort to climb the stairs. Faustina was not in any way athletic. Even if she grew up in the mountains, she had only strolled and took her time walking. She could only count the time she ever ran—when it was raining and she was outside, and the night her master had died.

Not before long, she was able to reach her classroom. The doors had that name—

'IANUA VI – Class A: First Year'

Faustina came inside the class; opening the door slowly. Appearing before her were scattered students—some sitting on the table, desks, and leaning against the arched windows. There were also ones that were using their staves, and some students who were studying.

But as she continued to scan the place, she immediately realized there was no teacher in sight. 

"Oh, isn't that Faustina!"

Faustina beamed at the familiar voice.


"Oh, Faustina. Here! It's vacant." 

Faustina sauntered her way towards the seat.

"Thank you, Leviticus."

Leviticus only smiled.

"Aren't you late, Faustina Feuerlon?"

"Anakin! You're here too?"

"Yes, it looks like the schedule is toying with us, considering we're here with this spoiled young master." Leviticus teased.

Faustina sat beside Michelle. Beside Michelle was Anakin; and beside Faustina now was Leviticus.

"A-am I really late? Why is there no teacher?"

"Let me answer that for you." Michelle grinned. "You see, the first day is the only day Magierstadt is going to be lenient to us. Teachers will be late for several minutes to give the students time. They said it's to familiarize ourselves in the place."

Anakin nodded. "That's a good strategy, though a bit waste of time. We can actually familiarize ourselves after this—and besides, we already had a few days to explore the academy. I don't see why this is needed."

"Huh. No wonder you're a sheltered rich boy." Leviticus prodded.


"They made us explore so that we wouldn't be lost. However, there was no dry run for the first day of class. Say, if Magierstadt just have its students—whose mental states are still not adjusted to the environment—don't you think it'll be a hindrance?"

Anakin caressed his chin. "Well, you do have a point for a commoner."

"Why, thank you." Leviticus exclaimed.


The three turned towards Faustina, who was in the middle—fidgeting slightly.

"I know this might be a bit of a dumb question but…" Faustina smiled nervously. "Is this going to be our classroom?"

Faustina expected them to laugh at her, but none did. Even Anakin. Michelle only smiled warmly and gave her an understanding pat in the back.

"Every Ianua is subdivided into 4 classes; A, B, C, and D. In every class there is about fifty or so students. Each year (1st year, 2nd, and 3rd ) also have the same system. But the classes are significantly lesser the higher the Ianua. For instance, the first Ianua only has one class per year." Michelle said.

"So… what I'm saying is this is our class. We are Ianua VI's first year students—Class A. It means we are a step behind Ianua V's Class D." Michelle chuckled. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't go out much on the free days due to my headache…"

"No, it's alright." 


Leviticus smiled, giving her a pat on the back.

"You should rely more on your friends, Faustina." Michelle exclaimed as she wraps an arm around Faustina. "We'll be together for three years in the Academy, after all!"

"You have wonderful friends, Lady Faustina." Anakin smiled. 

"You have wonderful friends too, Lord Anakin," Leviticus teasingly asserted.

"Unfortunately, I have no friends." Anakin exclaimed.

"Then what do you call us?" Michelle asked.

Anakin blinked, completely taken aback.

"I'm… your friend?"

Leviticus, Michelle, and Faustina then scowled as they pouted at the same time. Anakin blinked several times as his cheeks reddened.

"You shouldn't be too picky, Lord Anakin." Leviticus grinned. "After all, your wrinkles might show."


"Quiet down."

Faustina, along with the other students, froze upon hearing such stoic voice. All of them turned towards who now walked inside the classroom of Ianua VI's Class A. 

Wearing the professor robe neatly and having her dark-purple hair pulled back neatly into a bun, as well as her sharp, foxy eyes directly staring at the students as if she had seen each of their secrets—was the first professor in the timetable.


"I am Professor Mariam Gustavos; the Dean for the Dark Arts." The woman exclaimed. "I am the adviser of the entire Ianua VI for the entirety of the year. As you all know, I didn't introduce myself in the ceremony. I have, after all, more important matters to attend to."

Professor Mariam's eyes then darted towards Faustina, making Faustina flinch in response.

The professor stood in front of her desk. She had a wand over a staff. The wand was the same color as her eyes—a dark-grey color. Faustina noticed that the wand was see – through, like glass.

"I have no time for formalities or the waste of time like introductions. You are all going to be interacting with each other at the entire year, after all. I don't see a need to do pleasantries."

The professor then swayed her wand to the air—and without even chanting anything, a magical orb appeared before the desk. The orb was the same color as her wand—translucent, yet still harbored the dark-black color.

"Now. All of you—one by one—come here." She exclaimed. "Let us test which element you are all compatible with."


Professor Mariam called upon the students. One by one they went towards the professor. The students stood in front of the desk. 

Faustina watched as the first student came.

"Aren't we all going to do that after several lecture lessons?" One of the students whispered. "I know we're going to do lecture parts on the Dark Arts first considering it's a very difficult to follow subject. Aren't we basically skipping some important things at this rate?"

"—maybe you haven't heard," Professor Mariam started. "That Magierstadt is changing and revising its ways. I believe that students would likely have a grasp over the happenstances given the fact that all of you were shoved into that dungeon without prior preparation…"

"But then again, all of you are Ianua VI. You are the ones who barely passed the exam, so I wouldn't expect all of you to be bright."

The students fell silent as an awkward air sufficed.

Faustina, upon hearing the professors words, suddenly remembered Sheila. Harsh words that only spoke of truth. It was as if she was drinking her own, bitter medicine. Faustina turned to the students who didn't look pleased at the professor's words. Nonetheless, they did not retaliate. The professor have all the authority. They are all nothing but students.

There was no way one would be comfortable now, at this rate.


"Fire. What a shame. Next!"

All of the students were told to touch the sphere with their fingertip in order to determine which element they are compatible with at the current moment. Faustina wondered if this was aligned with the subject; they were, after all, taking classes from a Dark Arts teacher, not an Elemental Theory one.

"The orb is detecting your mana and is borrowing it to conjure the element you are able to comfortably summon." Professor Mariam said. 

Anakin was the next one to go towards the orb. Before he could reach a hand towards the orb, the professor spoke.

"What a shame, to waste my time trying to teach a cheat." The professor exclaimed. The other students heard this, which made all of them to fixate their attention to Anakin and Professor Mariam.

"You are the student who tried to frame another examinee, aren't you?" Professor Mariam articulated. "You're that child who wanted to go to Ianua I by using underhanded tricks such as mana revitalizers and mana refills. Did you think that you could get away from it easily?"

"N-no, Ma'am."

"You insulted Magierstadt by using those tricks." Professor Mariam narrowed her eyes. "The schoolmistress only had given you the permission to study because she saw a potential in you. But that potential—I do not see it. Neither does any of the professors."

Faustina clenched her fist as she sees Anakin's surprised and agonized expression.


"Don't you talk back." Professor Mariam exclaimed. "Your presence alone is a tarnish to the academy. Go back to your seat. I will not check for your elemental compatibility."

The students began to chatter; some let out laughs as their prying eyes glued into Anakin who turned to go back to his seat.

But then…

"I don't think it's right…" Faustina ambled her way towards Anakin, and then held his hand as she made him come back with her towards the professor.

"I don't think it's right to bully a student, Professor!"


Chain's corner:

I've been stuck with school activities lately so I upload the chapters about thirty minutes before midnight lololol. Anyways tell me your thoughts about this chapter. I'm thinking of drawing the cover after I get enough money to buy a display tablet. You can leave suggestions on how you want the cover to look down below.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!