Published at 22nd of November 2020 09:56:37 AM

Chapter 231: 231

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"A child named after Faustus, a mortal who sold his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge. Truly, what an odd name to name after a child."



The Forsaken was now in a foul mood. He was slowly merging with his vessel, and thus he was able to see a glimpse of his memories. 

Happiness. Love. A family.

That is what he had.

The Forsaken—that is what they called him now, wondered that if the moon completely merges with each other in the clock seal, then would he be the one harboring all what this child has?

He scoffed.

Of course.

All of it will be his—and it wouldn't matter, for he will rule the world in a matter of time.

"What is it?" The Forsaken's eyes gleamed. "Make it quick. I'm in a foul mood right now."

Coming from the dark corner was a new face he hadn't seen in years. He had sent him, after all, to wreak havoc to other countries. 

"Gluttony." The forsaken stared. "What of Verteidigerin?"

"It would be a matter of time before war breaks out." Gluttony, a chubby, black haired girl wearing pigtails exclaimed. She was wearing a black skirt and a black vest. Her boots also acted to support her height. 

Her red eyes gleamed as she stared at her 'father'.

"Brothers and Sisters will be returning soon, I presume." Gluttony said, adjusting her round glasses. "Each of us were assigned a country or two to pull the strings for several years, after all."

The forsaken arched a brow. 

"Then? Is there any other reason why you're sneaking around here?" The forsaken asked, staring at Gluttony who was looking at him without an ounce of fear. 

"I came to report L.u.s.t."


"It seems like she's in grave danger."

L.u.s.t, who was a powerful Warlock general he appointed, in grave danger? However, Gluttony never lies. Any of them couldn't lie to him.

Because he created them.

"Fill me in with the details."

Gluttony's glasses gleamed.

"She is at the mercy of the first king of Feuersturm. They are currently in Magierstadt right now." She said. "She requested backup."

Back up? "Then why don't you help her?"

Gluttony stared at the forsaken.

"Why don't we just make a new L.u.s.t?" Gluttony exclaimed. "That one is a broken doll. She's having too much lax time. She could even pass for a new Sloth."

"Are you questioning my decision, Gluttony?" The forsaken questioned darkly. Suddenly the entire room was surrounded with a heavy aura. Gluttony, who was unaffected earlier, now seemed to realize her place.

"Fifteen years in Verteidigerin and you have forgotten who I am." The forsaken exclaimed. "Is it a new L.u.s.t we need or a new gluttony?"

"I-I deeply apologize, Father…" Gluttony exclaimed, bowing down. "I shall provide L.u.s.t immediate assistance."

And with that, she transformed into a gooey slime, and vanished into the ground.

The forsaken then went close to the window, staring at the moon from the tower. 

'Why are you doing this?' The voice of Jonathan asked. 'What can you possibly gain from this?'

The forsaken narrowed his eyes at the moon.



The first king of Feuersturm charged at L.u.s.t before she could leave. The man who was with L.u.s.t had pink eyes widening in surprise. L.u.s.t barely managed to evade the sudden attack, which led to several strands of her heir being cut.

'He was able to pierce through the barrier!' The vampire assassin whispered on the back of his mind. 

L.u.s.t managed o evade the attack by stopping the sword of Feuersturm with her index and middle finger trapping the blade in between.

"What are you doing?" L.u.s.t raised her brow. "Didn't I just—"

The first king then proceeded to slash L.u.s.t's hand.




The first king of Feuersturm then withdrew his sword and then stabbed L.u.s.t straight to her chest.

And as he drew back the sword of Feuersturm, L.u.s.t's body fell to the grass.

The vampire assassin cannot utter a word, and before he could take another step back, the first king of Feuersturm, Alexander Octavius Ein Feuerkrieger IX then pointed the tip of his blade to his neck.

"Tell me the details." He said. "About the master you serve."

The albino's startled expression then softened.

"I serve no master, your majesty."


"I simply… have my life on the line."

The king of Feuersturm then blinked as a chuckle resounded to the entirety. His brows furrowed into a deep scowl, searching for the source of the peal of laughter resonating to the woods.

And then the king realized that the body of L.u.s.t was nowhere to be found.

The king's sapphire blue eyes then darted towards the chuckle—and then in a split second he was able to parry an attack of a sharp, long claws.

"Oh?" L.u.s.t's red eyes gleamed. "You are not the first king of Feuersturm for nothing!"

The king scowled.

"I pierced your heart." The king then attempted to slash through L.u.s.t, but she evaded the attack by drawing away. "How are you alive?"

L.u.s.t then laughed again, clearly amused.

"You were right. Things turned out to be more interesting than I initially thought." L.u.s.t murmured. "King of Feuersturm. You said yourself that I am an artificial monster. I would choose a prettier term. I am the undying rose created by Father. L.u.s.t—the third warlock general!"

The first king of Feuersturm had heard of them.

The warlock generals—the warlock of the 'seven seas' who appeared mysteriously fifteen years ago. None knew their faces, but they continued to wreak havoc to the world, creating plagues, death, and bringing misfortune. They are said to harbor the seven deadly sins—Pride, Greed, L.u.s.t, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth.

L.u.s.t then continued to attack him, and the king continued to parry the attack as well. His sharp, sapphire blue eyes were fixated on L.u.s.t alone; not only is she skilled, but she also had the scent that allures people. Like a fragrant and beautiful, yet deadly flower.

She seemed to be most amused, and was fighting so gleefully.

But the first king knew he didn't have enough time. The 'change' cannot happen here—there is a chance that the body will only fall into slumber.

Where is Sheilalev when she is needed!?

The king then switched to offense rather than defense. He then, once again, was able to slash L.u.s.t's arms, and then next is her legs. He then pierced the sword of Feuersturm to her neck, chopping her head off.

This… this should kill her.

Or so he thinks.

L.u.s.t, who had her head chopped off, laughed hysterically.

"Oh… how pleasant this night is." She exclaimed.

The king's sapphire-blue eyes widened as he sees L.u.s.t's limbs stitching back together—her tendons, ligaments, and bones begun to reform as they stick back into place. He slowly drew away, seeing now L.u.s.t had come back to life… IF she had ever died at all.

"Wench," the king spat. "Are you immortal?"

In a thousand years of having his soul stay on the world, he had never seen anything like this. It was as if he was seeing an immortal. He stared at L.u.s.t, who know licked her red, luscious lips.

"More." She whispered. "More! I want more!"

She then charged once more to the king, way more aggressive than before. She clawed her way to the barrier, which was repeatedly being destroyed. The king clenched his jaw as her nails cut through his face. 

She licked his blood.

"No wonder Father said the blood of your kin is delicious."

The king's eyes widened, remembering Noah who suffered from the fate of having his family murdered. 

"So that's why." The king glowered.

"Hm?" L.u.s.t arched her brow, smirking.

"The forsaken used the blood of my descendants to create you."


It was the missing piece to the puzzle.

"Two cursed bloods to form an impenetrable creature." The king exclaimed, and then in a second he dug his hand to L.u.s.t's heart. He then grabbed her beating heart, making her scream in return. 


"To whom does this heart belong to? The late queen? The late king? The unborn child?" The first king darkly exclaimed, and then pulled L.u.s.t's heart, making her collapse to the floor.

"I pierced through this. But you did not die." The first king then kicked L.u.s.t's face, making her head dig into the ground, with skull cracking up.

"Get… off… me!"

"What was that?" The first king's eyes narrowed as he crushed the heart in his hand. "I knew it."

L.u.s.t screamed loudly.

"The tincture." The king exclaimed. "The philosopher's stone."

The heart then crushed completely, vessels and veins in the king's hand. "I can't believe the sword missed such small thing."

The king said, now seeing a small cyan-colored fragment.

"No… not—not that!" L.u.s.t exclaimed, staring in horror. "I'd do anything! Not that! JUST DON'T DO ANYTHING TO THAT! I won't do anything anymore!"

The king smiled.

"Of course." He exclaimed, crushing the small stone, with its dust fading away to the breeze.

"You would not do anything anymore."

L.u.s.t's body then began to rot until it was reduced to only to charred, black bones.


The king then darted to the child in his arms. 

"You…" The king's eyes widened as the clock seal strikes to IX.


Faustina slowly opened her eyes.

"Are you awake now?" The king asked.

…the king?

"Y-your majesty?"

"Faustina." The king exclaimed as he stares at her.

"You are no longer safe in Magierstadt."

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