Published at 7th of December 2021 02:25:25 PM

Chapter 260: 260

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"When you use that, you will be able to teleport wherever you see fit. Its consistency will become water, and when you step into the water, you will be teleported to where you want to go." He said. "Just keep it in your pocket, or somewhere near you…"

Faustina stared at Ezekiel. Ever since she met him, he had been someone who did unpredictable things. He had appeared in the most unexpected places, and he had helped her a lot of times too…

"So, this is our secret too, then?"

Ezekiel smiled warmly.

"I guess it is."

Ezekiel's amethyst eyes then stared at Faustina. For a while, he just stood there, looking at her.

"Faustina…" He said. "I've been meaning to ask this ever since the first time I met you…"

Faustina stared at Ezekiel intently.

"Why," his hand then found her cheek—he didn't touch her, nor did she felt his touch—but the gesture made Faustina blush.

"Why do you have such an uncertain look every time we meet?" He asked. "Like you're confused and lost."

"Really?" Faustina chuckled lightly. "I guess I do give that vibe."

"…Yes," he said. "You always look like you're suffocated and confused."

Faustina stared at Ezekiel.

"I…" Ezekiel started. I want to help lift that burden off."

Ezekiel's amethyst eyes gleamed from the moon rays. "Even in the most little things."

Him, dancing her in the middle of Feuer capital,

Ezekiel, helping her under the sewers—

Ezekiel, saving her from the marionette;

Giving her a witchlight,

Little flowers,

Keeping her secrets…

Ezekiel Unsterblich.

"Can I see you?" He asked. "I want to see you… to tell you in person… about what I feel…" He exclaimed. "I know I might sound paranoid, but I don't want to just realize that I might be too late now. That I might regret not telling you sooner."

Faustina feels like this was 'something' that she had been researching about. 

Suddenly, the image of the king flashed into her mind—his deep, sapphire-blue eyes and his smile.

"I…" Faustina mouthed, but then—


Suddenly a loud explosion resounded continuously—and the source was—"the forest…!?" Ezekiel exclaimed as he sees the trees beginning to set into a deep, purple flame. 

Before Faustina could even react, suddenly an explosion into the garden occurred. Faustina, a mere projection, had seen it all—the place that was filled with beautiful roses was now surrounded with purple flame and destruction. Ezekiel had taken the impact unprepared, with his unconscious body into the ground.

"N—" Faustina screamed.


Faustina sat down from her bed—she was now back in Feuersturm. She then reached to the communication orb and began to call them back, but all lines were cut off—

She then stared to her hand—the turquoise sphere Ezekiel gave her.

Faustina didn't hesitate. Immediately she changed her clothes and then took her staff. 

She held the sphere portal and closed her eyes.

"Take me to Magierstadt!"


Faustina stared at the hellfire spreading throughout the academy. No, not only at the academy, but also at the city! She then looked around. She had landed into a place somewhere far—not inside the academy, but in the middle of the streets. Her eyes widened—


That's right. He was caught into the hellfire that was caused by L.u.s.t!

"Aqua!" Faustina then tried to put out the fire, but strangely enough, water wasn't enough to tone it down. The purple fire was burning ever-iridescent, and was harshly spreading through the trees, roads, establishments. She was running, and in her way she was seeing citizens being shielded by the magic of the magicians. It seems like Magierstadt already deployed their defense—"evacuate the people!"

"You, go to somewhere safe!" One of the mages said. "We can handle this!"

Faustina nodded as she held into the portal.

"Take me to Ezekiel!"


Faustina was quick to arrive into the exact place she was earlier in. She rushed towards Ezekiel who was scathed from the hellfire.

Faustina's eyes widened.

The half of Ezekiel's arm…

She stared in terror at Ezekiel's bloodied arm. The layer of his skin was scorched, which now showed his muscle fibers. Faustina's hand trembled as she reached to help him.

"F…faustina," Ezekiel winced as he feels the pain in his arm. "I—"

"Hang in there!" Faustina said as she walked. "We're going to the schoolmistress' tower!"

Faustina's eyes widened as she turned towards Ezekiel who was also unable to walk.

"We can use the portal—but—" Faustina bit her lips.

Michelle, Anakin, Leviticus! How in the world would she know if they were safe? They were within the impact area.

"Let's… let's search for your friends… first…" Ezekiel said through his ragged breaths. Faustina bit her lips.

"Hold on to me, alright…" She said as she held him tightly, his uninjured arm dr.a.p.ed around Faustina's shoulder.

Faustina sauntered her way towards the chaos. Roses caught in fire scattered everywhere as petals rested atop the grass. Faustina looked around as ashes fell. She looked around in search of people—searching for specific people. He looked around, searching for the ones who are on the midst of the turmoil. There wasn't anyone in sight.

"Anakin!" Faustina called. "Leviticus! Michelle!"

There wasn't anyone answering—nor was there anyone in sight.

Faustina felt as if she was on the verge of crying. Where are they? Where did they go? What happened to them? Faustina wanted to cry. She looked left and right as she tries to find them. But there was no sight of anyone else. There were also no students around.

"Ezekiel…" Faustina said through her tremulous voice. "Hang in there…"

She tried to give reassurance, but her voice was too shaky.

"I-it's alright," Ezekiel said. "I can handle this… I—"

It seems like it wasn't only Ezekiel's arm which took the damage but also his legs, which made it harder for him to walk. Faustina continued walking for a while while carrying Ezekiel, but to no avail, no one was there. It was as if the students who were just in the place earlier vanished to thin air.

"I…" Faustina murmured in a small voice. "Let's get you into th-the schoolmistress' tower…"


She did so. Faustina sauntered her way into the schoolmistress' tower, which had harbored the highest defense system in all of Magierstadt. Strangely enough, she hadn't seen a single soul on her way. There was still hellfire, but there was no one in sight. Faustina looked around, vigilantly looking around on her way. It was too quiet. Compared outside, the citizens were being tended to from the damage.

Did the students become the first to evacuate? If so, where? Were they sent into their dorm? Faustina couldn't figure it out.

Ezekiel winced in pain. Even though he was silent, Faustina had still heard him.

"Just a little more…" Faustina reassured. "Just a little more and we'll get you healed…"

Faustina had just assumed, or tried to convince herself that maybe Michelle and the others are in a safe place now; that Anakin and Leviticus are also saved and were shielded from the impact. That right now, they are in a place beyond L.u.s.t's reach.

That's right. Right now, she had to bring Ezekiel to the schoolmistress' tower.

Faustina and Ezekiel were able to pass through thanks to Ezekiel's blood.

"The portal… doesn't work here…" Ezekiel exclaimed. "But teleportation circles… would."

Faustina nodded. "Then, I'll—"

Ezekiel took a deep breath. "No," he interrupted. "Only I alone… have the access…let me do it." He said.

Ezekiel looked pale. He was bleeding, after all.

He soon evoked a transportation circle; and as it gleamed underneath them, Faustina soon let her body succ.u.mb to the magic as it took Faustina and Ezekiel into the schoolmistress' office.


Ezekiel and Faustina arrived to Anna Unsterblich's office. Anna was sitting in her chair, reading doc.u.ments. And as she lifted her bespectacled gaze, her eyes widened, seeing Ezekiel in that state.

"Good Lord, Ezekiel!" Anna then thumped her staff to the floor, summoning mages who then healed Ezekiel. Faustina sighed in relief. Now Ezekiel's fine. He's safe—maybe, the others are too.

"Amazing." Said a voice behind Faustina. "I can't believe you can lure her like this."

Faustina's heartbeat grew louder against her chest upon hearing that voice.

"You made my son in this state! Pay more attention!"


Faustina's hands trembled, turning to Ezekiel who was now unconscious.

"Don't worry about him. My son will not die." Said Anna Unsterblich with a smile.

"Y-you…" Faustina's voice croaked as she saw the woman coming towards Anna Unsterblich. Standing on Anna's side was the one who occupied Lilianne's body—


"You caused too much chaos in the city." Anna said.

"Well, I did need to find some failure of a servant." L.u.s.t smirked. "There's no casualties. What are allies for, right?"

"…Allies…?" Faustina felt a bead of sweat dripping across her forehead.

"That's right, dear." Anna smiled warmly. "Miss L.u.s.t and I planned this. To lure you."

Faustina felt as if her world was being torn apart. All this… to lure her?

"Don't hate Ezekiel. He had no knowledge of this." She said.

"You used your son… to get me?"

"I didn't mean him to get injured," Anna said sadly. "But he's being healed, so that's all that matters."

"H-how could you…?" Faustina could only utter these words.

"Dear," Anna smiled warmly. "This isn't our battle."

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