Published at 10th of February 2022 04:55:54 AM

Chapter 994

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"It's a bit narcissistic and funny to say. If I want to tell others, I will be scolded for who you think you are, but I tell you, I'm really afraid that Mr. Lin likes me, because I knew from the beginning that this feeling is not something I can respond to, and the relationship between us is doomed to pain and beggability."

Lin Shijin nodded in response, and I already knew, "I've heard about you and told you that it's impossible. You can stay by means, but the heart can never like you. "

"Then why..."

She vomited a foul breath, and the second half of the sentence was uninteresting.

"Do you know why it is so decided?" She didn't wait for Yun jou Chia to answer, or she didn't need her answer, "because you are very similar to me. I always think you are another me. You don't admit defeat, are smart and find a solution first in case of something. It's a pity that you are not as lucky as Zhou Xiaochuan and me."

Yun jou Chia also wanted to defend from her own point of view. She was interrupted again by the woman in front of her.

She is not communicating at all, but telling her inner thoughts. Some things that can't be told to others can be vented by this just opportunity and topic.

"I made it clear and asked him if he still wanted to work hard. The tree answered me with a bitter smile. You gave him the courage to face everything. It was because of you that he fought for it and tried to live.

Now that we have taken the first step, we can only try the next thing.

If it wasn't for the purpose of keeping you around, he really couldn't think of the reason for taking charge of the Lin family. Like his father, he has no ambition and fighting spirit at all.

After all, you and Tang Shao are the same people. "

Suddenly mentioned Tang Yunzhe, Yun jou Chia's spirit came back three points, "people along the way will often quarrel."

Women laughed at Tucao under this intimate relationship. "In the final analysis, since the trees have the courage to do this, they must make complaints about all risks.

What's more, no matter how much I spoil him, I can't be sorry for the Lin family. "

"Do you take Tang Yunzhe as an exercise in trees?"

If you win Tang Yunzhe, the beauty and the company will be in your hands. If you lose, it's hard to say.

Just through this battle, you can let others see the ability of trees, which can be achieved in one fell swoop.

The other side admitted, "can't you?"

"Yes, ginger is still old and spicy. We can't compare it."

"So do you want to trade?"

Yun jou Chia was half out of strength and said helplessly, "you have seen the situation in a month. What else can I struggle with? I agree."

"Well, remember that you are not allowed to leave the manor for a month."

She nodded. "Don't worry, I mean what I say. There is still a little consciousness."

The two clapped their hands to swear, and Lin Shijin was also very crisp. "Well, I'll give a notice to my family tomorrow and try to make your play beautiful. We can't make a quick decision about settling down."

"OK, I thank you."

Night has risen and the sky is full of stars.

Lin Shijin didn't invite her to dinner. He said he hadn't been with the old lady for a long time. They wanted to say something considerate.

Yun jou Jia scratched her head and asked, "Lin Yunze is sure she doesn't like Amanie?"

She thought it funny, "otherwise, the boy is so arrogant. You haven't seen many people. Few women can get into his eyes."

"Does he need to marry?"

"There are usually two kinds of marriage. One is to climb high like Amanie, and the other is to stabilize the current position."

I see, Lin Yunze's ambition is not so strong. He doesn't need Lin Zhuo's climbing branches. As for stabilizing his current position, he can rely on his own ability.

She stopped the woman who was going to leave again. "Then he can like anyone?"

The woman's eyes changed from indifference to doubt. She asked sharply, "what do you know?"

"Yes, I have a woman's intuition. I think Lin Yunze may be in love."

"It's terrible. So many people in the Lin family didn't notice it. Mrs. wenlish didn't dare to refuse when she wandered in front of Lin Yunze every day. An outsider should have such an intuition?"

Implication, your intuition is so unreliable.

She didn't get angry. After all, she thought it was unreliable. "I'm smart."

Lin Shijin suddenly smiled, and the finger pointed casually. His expression and action were full of doting.

"If Yunze really has a girl she likes, just mention it. No matter what kind of girl she is, everyone won't say no. my second sister-in-law is in a hurry. "

She shook her head. "I'll find a chance to remind him."

Women have no hope for this. After all, Lin Yunze always knows the weight. If there is a girl she likes, she will bring it back openly, and then prepare the family for the wedding and make it public.

She will never let Yun jou Chia notice it secretly.

She patted the girl on the shoulder and said, "come on, my little housekeeper."

"Aunt Lin, go slowly."

People are now separated by the roadside. She looks at the time. It's about seven o'clock in the evening.

Mr. Lin is really busy. He asked his assistant to come and have a word and let her eat and rest early.

Yun jou Chia, uh huh, responded with a few words and sent the man away.

She wanted to tell amanny the news earlier. She strolled to the place where the woman lived. No one saw her, but she saw her little sisters gathering in the room. The wine pool and meat forest were gorgeous and rotten. She glanced at it a little and quickly walked away. She left a message for the maid to go to her place to find her tomorrow.

Walking home idly along the road, he bumped into Lin Yunze with a suit and a Navy scarf.

She walked forward with a smile, "what a coincidence!"

"Unfortunately, I just came out of the monitoring room. I knew you were coming this way. I came to see you specially."

While talking, the man handed a piece of paper and looked at all the daily chemical supplies of girls.

Yun jou Chia took out her cell phone. "I'll give you the phone number. Just call me directly next time."

He pondered and estimated that he had analyzed the interests in his heart, "good."

"Well, I don't know what to say or what to say..."

"I owe Miss Yun a favor. Just say it."

She wanted to persuade him to make his girlfriend public, but she looked up at Lin Yunze's solemn eyes and couldn't say it at once. Even if Lin Shijin knows that, with his character and character, if there is a girl he really likes, he must be open! Why is it like this? What are the difficulties?

"Miss Yun?"

She smiled and raised the paper in her hand. "If you have difficulties in the future, just find me. Don't be afraid to trouble me. You can't wrong her for important things."

Lin Yunze's eyes twinkled, "thank you."

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