Tales of the Paladin - Chapter 45

Published at 12th of February 2019 07:32:54 PM

Chapter 45

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"Mmm. Ho...honey...haa...haa..."

Rosella was left heavy breathing from all his deep intense kisses and constant groping, allover her body. That night, when they confirmed their feelings for each other, was actually a lot calmer compared to what she experienced just now. This time, Yan didn't spare touching her most intimate area. The most embarrassing was that he even sniffed and licked his wet hands in front of her!

" hateful!"

Rae, on the other her side, was furiously blushing. Since they were young, it was only her and Yan, with each other, every night. Now, there was her new Big Sister Rosella. Next time, she knew that their numbers will keep on increasing. Even though the three of them, four when counting Snow, would usually spent the night with each others arms, she still felt a little jealous inside. But she was not angry, she loved Yan very much and would accept everything about him.

She became muddle-headed and looked drunk. Even she can't take the intense scene that had unfolded in front of her! Feeling weak inside, she gathered all her strength to hold Yan's arms.

"Big Bro...Darling. too. Embrace me too."

Hearing Rae's seduction, Yan's energy rose through the roof! Without any further words, Yan lifted the lying Rae to let her sit in his lap. From this position, they kissed intensely.

Slowly, Yan held Rae's clothes and undressed her. Like having their own world, Rae let Yan's actions. She had already once surrendered her body to Yan, and willingly do it again - forever.

It had been days since they had intimate connection with each other. He took off all of his, and Rae's, clothes and inner garments. Both naked, they felt the warmth from each other's bodies and followed their fleshy desires.

Feeling weak in her body, Rosella still held her consciousness. She slowly opened her eyes, only to see and hear Rae and Yan's intense lovemaking.

Even though she was older than both of them, it was her first time seeing these things at front. Though their age was separated by almost a decade, with elves long lives, she was still considered very young.


She tried to cover her eyes with her fingers due to embarrassment. But being curious, she slightly opened her fingers to see a little. She observed all of their movements, which resulted in making the temperature in her body slowly rising. Her heartbeat was doubling and sweats appearing allover her body.

'Waaah. So...b...big! I really can't imagine that the usual cold and silent woman, like Little Sister Rae, can take and handle that intensity. What would happen if it were me?'

She unconsciously held her stomach and bit her lower lip. Honestly, she was a little scared. She was a proud and powerful in the outside but was still a weak woman inside.

Yan stopped kissing Rae but kept doing his intense movements. Seeing his other wife in daze, he couldn't help but smirk. He was very proud of himself. Wearing an evil and seductive smile, he looked at Rosella and stretch his arms towards her.

"Honey, come. Don't be afraid. Join us."

Rosella was drawn by his magnetic voice. She unconsciously stretch her hand to held his. Tonight was the longest evening for Rosella and Rae had - yet. Their noise vibrated their room the whole night and only stopped when the sun rose from the east.

It was already noon when the three of them woke up and bathe together. Of course Yan wouldn't let go of this opportunity to get intimate with his two beautiful wives. Even then, they still spent almost two hours in the bathroom.

- - -

Two days had past. In their last days in Bree, Yan and Rae bought all the things and equipments they needed for their journey while Rosella finished all the paperworks needed for her departure as being Bree's Guild Master. And of course, they spent the nights with each others arms.

Outside the towns gate, a large carriage was unveiled. It was their party's customised carriage. It had all the features Yan wanted, and was even better. If in the future, he hoped when their party members increased in numbers, he will built a bigger and better carriage for travelling.

"Young man, do you like my creation? Hahaha!"

An old dwarf approached Yan and grab his left shoulder. He was the very blacksmith who Yan payed to build his customised carriage. Though his height was a little shorter than Yan's chest, he had a very loud voice. It was a common trait of a dwarf.

"Yeah. Thanks, Anderwael. I already checked the whole carriage and it was even better than my design."

"Of course it is! Well, I should also thank you for teaching me that spring and shock absorption to technique of yours. Because of that, my carriage making would boost. And of course, my the money will also come rolling. Hahaha!"

"No problem. I hope you would get rich from that too. Hehe."

"Okay. I'll head back now. Be careful in the road, okay? You even have two beautiful wives with you. What a lucky bastard! Hmmp!"

Anderwael immediately left Yan's party, unable to resist his jealousy from Yan.

'What a funny guy!'

After watching his figure entered the town, Yan looked towards their carriage.

"Snow, you will be driving our carriage. Don't run too fast or you'll destroy this carriage. Just have your own pace."


Snow immediately grew to an appropriate size to drive the carriage. Yan strapped and connected Snow to the carriage.

Far away, a beautiful woman in scarlet red and gold platings appeared in the towns gate, smiling. She was Rosella. Yan immediately hugged and kissed her.

"Is everything okay now, Honey?"

"Yes. Everything's done."

The carriage door slowly opened and another beautiful woman in white and blue came down. She was Rae. Yan stretch his arms to hold Rae's waist. He also hugged and kissed her.

"Is everything ready, Darling?"


With both beauties in arms, Yan closed his eyes. He was thinking all his plans for their future.

Looking at his devilishly handsome face, both woman hugged Yan. He smiled and opened his eyes. He stared at the north direction, the direction of the Kingdom of Stormrein. With Snow's speed and stopping in between towns, they estimated that they will reach the Human Race stronghold in almost three months.





Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!