Taoyuan Mountain Village - Chapter 2534

Published at 14th of March 2022 04:18:23 AM

Chapter 2534

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"To such a degree?" The old mountain god's eyes fixed on the little brown bear, and so did the old sword servant beside him. The little brown bear was still holding a crab leg.

"I've seen some memories of it breaking through the fairyland, and I don't know what happened later." Jiang Xiaoye stops and looks at laoshanshen.

"Ah." The old mountain god sighed.

Xiao Hei ran over with his tail wagging and sniffed laoshanshen. He tilted his head and thought for a while, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

"You go first." Jiang Xiaoye signals that he actually wants to see the little brown bear's reaction. The little brown bear's reaction is a bit unexpected. It seems that he has completely forgotten laoshanshen.

"I'll see you in the mysterious place." The old mountain god takes a deep look at Jiang Xiaoye and turns to enter the jungle.

"Younger martial brother, remember to protect us early." Nalan smiles and turns away.

Others are disappearing in the jungle.


Who are you!

Xiao Hei screamed, how can he feel a little familiar? It seems that I have felt it in Lao Wang ba.

At this moment, Xiao Hei thought of the old bastard who had been sucked blood by him and haunted him for several months. From time to time, he made some images, as if there was this man.

The breath is similar.

Jiang Xiaoye knocked it on the head and said, "what are you looking at? How can you do it?"

"Woof, woof!" Xiao Hei called several times.

"What? Old bastard? You said, "the old Wang Bayi has been pestering you?" Jiang Xiaoye is surprised, and finally knows the reason why Xiaohei mutates. The original old Wang Baxue didn't have that magic effect, but the soul of the old turtle was swallowed by Xiaohei!

"Woof, woof!" Xiao Hei wagged his tail.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Jiang Xiaoye grabs it by the ear. Why don't you tell me such an important thing?

Damn it!

"Woof, woof, woof!" Xiao Hei quickly stretches his paw to press Jiang Xiaoye's hand and explains it quickly.

Jiang Xiaoye understands that Xiaohei talked to him many times when he didn't learn to communicate with lingjue, but at that time, he thought that the dog was whistling, whistling, whistling

Originally, at that time, Xiao Hei was telling him that the soul of the old turtle had been pestering Xiao Hei.

No wonder Xiao Hei was so crazy about the blood and meat of the mutated creatures at that time, and even didn't listen to them. It turned out that

After he knew how to communicate with others, Xiao Hei was too lazy to talk after being scolded many times, and gradually the old turtle was completely swallowed by him, so Xiao Hei forgot about it.

When Jiang Xiaoye mentions Xiao Hei, he is afraid to move.

"Don't move." Jiang Xiaoye's imperial power quickly flows into Xiaohei's body. At the same time, he starts to check all parts of his body to see if there are any hidden dangers.

However, obviously, this dog is too rebellious and sucks everything. Even before his imperial power is checked, he is instinctively sucked clean.

Xiao Hui came to see Xiao Hei.

Jiang Xiaoye puts down Xiaohei, touches Xiaohui, and checks them. There's no problem. The two guys are as strong as the dragon. The old turtle was also unlucky at the beginning, and degenerated as the little brown bear. Then he met Xiaohei.

The great demon degenerated and was swallowed by a local dog. Even his soul was too weak to kill such a local dog. It was also miserable.

"Brother, how do you bully Xiao Hei?" Taotao came to have a look.

"Nothing." Jiang Xiaoye looks at Xiaohei. The dog may have known a lot of important information at the beginning, but the dog... Has been ignored directly, just as a dream.

The original old turtle was not simple. It could be used as a backhand by the old mountain god. What's more, it hid for a hundred years in order to change its life. But for the appearance of Jiang Xiaoye, the inheritance plan left by the old mountain god would have died.

In fact, the most likely inheritance left by laoshanshen is Shanshen Yaotong.

If Shanshen Yaotong gets it, the old Shanshen wants to borrow the way he has practiced for many years, and Shanshen Yaotong will never refuse it. It's just a good chess, which was crushed by the old turtle.

"Would you like some?" Zhao Wu Liu came over and handed over a big crab leg.

"Who caught it?" Jiang Xiaoye takes a bite. This crab leg can satisfy normal people. It's too big.

The king crab is amazing.

Zhao Wu Liu motioned to Xiao Hei.,

"Brother ye, when shall we go live to catch crabs at the bottom of the sea?"

"Yes, yes!"

Rourou Nuo runs over, and their fans have urged them to take off. They all want to see them go to the bottom of the sea to catch emperor crab.

"Let's go now," he said with a smile

"What about here?" Chen gal'ang indicated that there were so many treasures in the castle.

"This will be my new home in the future, and the treasure in it will be mine. I won't give it to you." Jiang Xiaoye is going to move the island back. He is going to find Xiao eya's grandfather tortoise. The old tortoise can definitely carry the island.

As long as he let the old turtle break through again, it's a fair deal.

"Here... Isn't that sleepless?" Chen gal'ang muttered, "take this place as your home. Can you sleep in the future?"? Last night, if it wasn't for the light shining on all the dead corners and a group of people sleeping in a big room, he would have stayed up all night.

After all, there are so many weird things in it.

"Well, let's go and catch the king crab!"

"It seems that we don't use our hands to catch the king crab. Shall we go down and catch it with our hands?"

"I don't know, brother Ye. How can we catch him later?"

How to catch it is a problem. According to Jiang Xiaoye's idea, it's OK to catch it directly by hand, but these ordinary people can't do it. The emperor crab's attack power is very fierce.

"I'll change into diving suits later. Those suits will protect you." But don't worry about the safety. The ones who are pinched at most will not hurt too much.

Jiang Xiaoye has already made preparations.

"Can the emperor crab be cultivated?" Xu Yanan reminds Jiang Xiaoye that there are seafood in bishuixuan and Jingquan Yushan restaurant. Bishuixuan has to spend a lot of money to buy king crab every year.

If you can breed it, you will get rich.

"It's not impossible to breed the king crab. They are very adaptable. As long as I get a king crab farm in the sea area, the king crab belongs to the deep sea crab, and generally lives at a depth of nearly 1000 meters, and the water temperature is below 5 ℃ ° Below, there are many suitable places for this kind of environment in Jiangcheng. "

Jiang Xiaoye really wants to breed king crab.

After all, if it is farmed by him, there will be no need to import king crab in the future. Now Longyan shrimp in the desert has dried up the Australian lobster market, and this is just the beginning.

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