Published at 27th of December 2018 05:38:36 PM

Chapter 45

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Braedon's mind was boggling from the story that he had just heard. Something like that was exactly what was said in those games and novels that he loved to read when he was younger.

Heaven defying battles, wars of world ending proportions, heaven's and deity level existences, and battles for the greater good. This was what Braedon pictured when he thought of a cultivator, of course he still understood that this was a story from years ago. But he wondered why Kai Jun never finished the story? Maybe something really sad happened or maybe he just wanted to keep him in suspense.

Braedon kept on walking behind Kai Jun for a few hours until he suddenly stopped walking. Braedon, who didn't noticed this, walked directly into him and was forced to take a few steps back, "What happened?"

After keeping himself from falling backwards he asked this simple question until he saw what Kai Jun was looking at. Directly in front of them was a large tower with what seemed like thirteen floors. He counted thirteen thanks to all of the windows placed on each floor.

Surrounding the tower was an actual moat of what looked like slimy green water. After he stared into the water for a while, a large black fin slid out of and back in from the surface. A surprised expression appeared on Braedon face as he took a step back.

Both he and Kai Jun walked around the moat until they finally found a bridge for them to cross. They looked at each other and an adventurous look appeared in Kai Jun's eyes as he began crossing the bridge. On the other side was a wide black gate being guarded by two knights in jet-black armor. They were three meters tall and held onto large, double-headed battle axes that blocked their path to the gate.

Kai Jun placed his hand in front of Braedon to stop him from advancing forward. Instead, he himself took a few steps up until the knights picked up their axes and pointed them at him, "Stop there!" One of the knights spoke in a deep metallic voice, as if it was a common person speaking through a tin can.

Without stopping a soft voice came out of Kai Jun's mouth, "Move aside, I am here for the portal." The two protectors looked at each other as a loud , hollow laugh rang out of their helmets. "You wish to reach the portal at the top of this tower? Pitiful weakling, you won't even be able to go through us much less the boss of each of the tower floors."

Without saying another word, Kai Jun swiped his hand to the side and the head of both knights fell from their shoulders onto the wooden bridge beneath them with a ~plop~?

He wagged his finger back at Braedon and told him to come along.they passed through the gate and entered into the first floor of the mysterious tower. While in there, Braedon saw piles of skeletons laid across the floor.

He would've been more worried if they were human skeletons. But for some odd reason, the skeletons were all rabbits. They weren't even Berserko Rabbits since those had green, shiny skeletons. No these were the bones of normal bunnies.

This didn't worry Braedon but it did weird him out. What sort of monster did this? As they walked even further along, he finally got an answer to his question. A giant bunny that was as big as a minibus. Not only was its size grand, but it's metallic fur and large claws gave it an intimidating appearance.

"Why is everything here so metal-like, I mean the knights I understand but why is the rabbit covered in metallic fur?" Braedon couldn't stand it anymore and asked the question that had been bugging him. "Maybe it is just a theme for this floor, don't mind it too much. Now prepare for battle!"

"Wait what?"

Kai Jun sprinted full speed to the rabbit leaving behind a dust trail. Braedon reacted a few seconds later and followed behind him calling forth his bonded weapon into his hand. Flames popped out of his body and reformed in his hand as a feather

He finally caught up to Kai Jun and they ran up to the creature side by side. Kai Jun suddenly disappeared but Braedon continued his charge. The rabbit focused its sights on him and raised its paw ready to kill him. But instead Kai Jun reappeared and pierced his hand through that very paw.

Braedon was able to run up under the rabbit and slice its neck open in a single swipe. The rabbit looked at the two in shock as it coughed up its own blood and collapsed dead.

Kai Jun returned to Braedon side, who was also wiping his feather clean. "You know that the feather will just disappear and the blood will be left behind right?" Braedon nodded as he explained that he felt more comfortable cleaning away the blood.

"Hmm How unexpected that the floor boss was only in the first realm, what do you think Kai Jun?"

"I think that this was only the first floor and we need to prepare ourselves for the higher levels." Braedon agreed with him and also asked him why were they in the tower anyway. Kai Jun answered that at the top of the thirteenth floor was a gate. This gate led back to earth or Braedon's old world.

"I told you didn't I? We are going back to your world." This news surprised him, he honestly thought that Kai Jun was just joking. To hear that he was serious got him extremely excited, "I going home!"

A kind smile appeared on Kai Jun's face, "Let's go to the top first."

They moved onto the second floor and found a large goat was their next opponent and simply dealt with it like the rabbit. They repeated this action in the third floor with a pig that could morph into a slime monster and even the fourth floor, facing a small serpent but it was extremely quick and was almost impossible to catch.

The more floors they overcame, the more Braedon noticed a sort of pattern. They entered into the fifth floor to find a minotaur was their next opponent.

"An ox... just as I thought. These things are..."

"Braedon!" Kai Jun called out his name in the second he was distracted and he quickly jumped out of the way. The minotaur had hopped toward him in the split second that he was distracted and smashed down onto the ground where he was just standing.

Both Kai Jun and Braedon moved around and stood side by side next to each other.

"That was too quick!"

"Prepare yourself Braedon, the real battle starts here!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!