Published at 27th of December 2018 05:37:31 PM

Chapter 90

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The four people looked up to the sky with worry in their eyes. Shu Rong looked at Yi Ling and said jokingly, "I guess we should've brought some umbrellas!" The two of them became good friends at shockingly quick speeds. Although Braedon and Zan Fu figured that the two of them would get close with each other, they didn't expect it to take only a few minutes for them to almost become besties.

This was probably due to their similar backgrounds of being the technical head of their own separate clans as well as being extremely lonely since most people around them either wanted to just use or kill the girls. Even though the fast paced budding friendship between them was surprising, it was something that Braedon and Zan Fu welcomed.

Yi Ling looked curiously to the sky, which was becoming darker by the second, and thought that the phenomenon seemed a bit unnatural. When she mentioned this to the others, Braedon asked, "Do you think it's like one of the lightning tribulations?" Zan Fu shook his head in response and explained, "Lightning tribulations would have a slightly divine aura coming off of it. This is different."

Braedon, "By gets way, after this trip I might have something to tell you guys about tribulations. Trust me when I say that you all better prepare yourselves for the news." After saying this, a terrible feeling began to grow in his chest as he felt his hand tremble. Braedon looked at his own hand and as surprised by how it was shaking so much for no reason.

He turned his head over to ask Zan Fu if he knew what was happening. When Braedon looked at Zan Fu, he noticed that he too was trembling in a strange way. Except the reason Zan Fu trembled was because a freezing cold feeling was traveling down his back. Even Voice felt this cold feeling and when he tried to speak he spoke in chatters, "W-w-what's g-g-going o-on?! W-where is th-this feeling c-coming f-f-from?"

Shu Rong noticed Zan Fu trembling intensely and walked up to him to see if everything was okay. When she placed her hand upon his body, a slight shock traveled up her arms and she stepped back with a small shout, "Kya!" Her fingers felt numb under the shock and she swore a tiny electrical bolt traveled up her arm. Yi Ling walked over to check up on Braedon and had a similar experience. Except instead being shocked, her fingers felt as if they were pressed against a stove.

Yi Ling stood back with confusion written on her face, while Shu Rong began to grow panicked as a blue aura came off of Zan Fu's eyes. It was a similar shine as the time that she saw him practice in the training room and he was in a strange trance. Braedon eyes had a similar colored aura being released from them and he started to fall to his knees.

Zan Fu's faces gave off a pained expression as his gums began to bleed thanks to the amount of pressure he was exerting by clenching his jaw. All of a sudden, the two boys gave off a quick shout as their aura exploded from their bodies. A strange strange stone suddenly protruded from their chest and floated in front of them for a few seconds.

The stone looked like any other rock someone would find randomly on the street except it was a captivating shade of blue and red. The rocks started to shave away at their tips until a sharp point was made by them. The stone repositioned themselves so that the points were aimed directly at Braedon and Zan Fu's forehead. With a ~schwing~ the stones flew into the boy's heads with little resistance.

Yi Ling looked at Shu Rong with a dazed expression after witnessing that scene and asked, "Does this always happen to you guys?"

"Usually, yeah." Shu Rong could only say this while shrugging in response.

After that whole debacle, Braedon and Zan Fu just stood up and dusted themselves off like nothing happened. Their aura was completely hidden away and they turned around and continued their walk. Yi Ling and Shu Rong were still frozen there in surprise, so Braedon turned around and said, "What's wrong? Let's go, Zan Fu told me of a new restaurant that opened up and I am quite excited to try it out."

Yi Ling walked up and used her hand to karate chop the top of his head in annoyance, "Are you just going to pretend that never happened!?" Braedon staggered back in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"Don't act dumb! Even Shu Rong saw the whole thing, right Shu Rong?" Yi Ling turned to her friend and asked her. Shu Rong nodded while placing her hands onto her sides, "What was up with that? What the hell just happened?"

At this point Zan Fu came over and listened to what they were saying, "Seriously, what are you guys talking about? All that happened was that a cold wind blew by and it made us shiver a little, nothing more and nothing less. Now how about we all calm down and move to that restaurant?" The girls couldn't believe what they were hearing. Just as Yi Ling was about to shout at them again, Shu Rong placed her hand upon her shoulder and shook her head.

Releasing a sigh of annoyance, Yi Ling nodded and turned to the boys. "Fine, but I might bring this back up later!" The friends ended that conversation there and walked over to the restaurant. When talking about cultivation and whatnot, Shu Rong couldn't help but ask, "So what do you all think the dark cloud is?"

Yi Ling shrugged her shoulders while picking up some vegetables from her plate. Braedon was finished with his meal and just sat back thinking to himself, "Maybe it's some sort of warning or omen?" Shu Rong pondered about his words for a few seconds. She then turned over to Zan Fu and asked, "What about you? What do you think it was?"

Zan Fu finished slurping up the noodles that he had ordered and allowed his thoughts to wander for a second. Just then, Drodon appeared out of nowhere and had his own comment to make. "Maybe it's some sort of powerful cultivation technique being practiced, or someone has found some sort of great treasure?" Zan Fu thought that the idea sounded pretty good and repeated what Drodon said. The group talked about it for a few seconds and still no one could come up with an answer that they could all agree on.

Most of the time, Zan Fu would just repeat whatever Drodon came up with. But what he didn't notice was that once in a while, Braedon's eyes would slide over and land on the space behind him. The space where Drodon would be if he was visible.


They left the restaurant after paying for their meal and were thinking of maybe going to a karaoke place for fun. But before they could do that, a strange object in the sky was shooting towards them. Zan Fu looked up and saw it moving at high speeds but he couldn't really make out what it was. That was until it got closer and he could see its appearance, it was a blood red orb.

The same orb that the Divinity, that he battled a while back, had by his side. A look of panic flashed across his face as he summoned his claw out. Zan Fu turned to the people behind him and was about to tell them what was happening, but before he could do anything the orb stopped in midair.

A voice came out of it as it said, "Wait! I come in peace." Zan Fu paused for a second and Braedon's hand was brought over and blocked Zan Fu's arm. Zan Fu looked over in confusion and saw that there was a look of familiarity in his eyes. The orb floated down until it was right next to them. Zan Fu held out the claw and told it stay where it was and not come any closer.

After looking around for a few seconds, he asked it, "Where is your friend?"

"He is dead." The orb responded plainly and passively as if he was talking about the weather. Zan Fu's face became a scowl as he said, "Don't try to lie, I'm not that stupid." The orb just floated there while saying, "I'm not lying. You can ask your partner on whether I am thing the truth or not."

Zan Fu's turned to Drodon and he basically nodded, so he allowed the orb to tell its story.

It explained most of its situation and everything that was happening as quickly as it possibly could. Zan Fu would check in with Drodon a few times to see if the orb was speaking the truth or not. Luckily, for some reason, the orbs could see through each other lies. Something which Zan Fu thought was kind of weird.

After finishing his story, the orb said to them, "Please, I need your help in order to stop that monster. He is planning something terrible and he should not be allowed to continue."

While Zan Fu agreed that Phoen, the entity, needed to be stopped, he couldn't see what advantages teaming up with the red orb will provide.

"Well, I can give your little friend over there what he needs the most. The other half of his cultivation technique." The red orb said this while pointing towards Braedon and Zan Fu turned his head over to face him with confusion on his face. He didn't understand what the orb meant by that but before he ask Braedon what that meant, Yi Ling and Shu Rong were standing there giving him some weird stares.

"What is it?" Zan Fu asked this curiously on what they were looking at and Shu Rong said, "Zan Fu, are you okay? You've just been talking to yourself this entire time..." it took him a second to realize what was happening. Drodon explained to him long ago that the orbs preferred to be hidden away from the human eye. The only way they would be spotted was if they wanted to be seen or if the person who saw them was also an orb master.

Yi Ling and Shu Rong were not orb masters so they had no idea what was going on. But then a sudden realization came to Zan Fu as his eyes shot toward Braedon. Braedon was staring directly at the orb, no matter where it traveled.

His mind raced with this realization and Zan Fu figured something out. Braedon might be an orb master.

While usually this would be something exciting for Zan Fu and he would probably be happy for Braedon, but not this time. This was because he remembered something Drodon told him long ago.

In the end, orb masters would end up killing each other.

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