Published at 19th of October 2023 01:31:41 PM

Chapter 240

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White night can be quenched into Wanyuan spirit pulse!

And the so-called Wanyuan spirit pulse, is a kind of no matter how much hurt, even if the whole body meridian are broken! It can be reborn, can be like a Phoenix Nirvana reorganization - Super spiritual pulse!

That is to say.

If Daye can get this "Luan Feng" in her body, then from now on, her meridians will be more powerful than copper tendons and iron veins!

Not only that!

"The night when she awakens the spirit pulse of Wanyuan is just one last step away. As long as she can awaken the spirit bone of Wanyuan, she can harden her body into the spirit body of Wanyuan! In this way... "

Xiaoling thought of this, the whole body of snow-white hair, then excited "fried" up, just like an enlarged cotton dandelion, very lovely.

"The spirit clan protected by the Spirit Lord will recover slowly! Spirit clan, can be prosperous Xiaoling murmured, a pair of big blue eyes, almost excited to overflow water.

It's at this moment.


The head of Luan and Feng has taken shape!


At this moment, a layer of extremely spiritual energy rolls like a tide and washes into the four limbs of the white night, making her feel as if she had been washed away by the spring rain.

"Shua!" The body of the white night, like a new willow after the rain, has drawn out its vitality.

At this moment of the white night, I just feel that the Xuan Qi that disappeared before was not only filled back, but also more solid! That kind of feeling is like her body before hiding is "cotton", but now is filled with "hot metal".

Although the quantity is similar, but the "quality" is completely different!

So although she seems to be a four grade Xuanshi, she can clearly realize that if she fights with the "beast" qingxuantian again, she can make him to pieces with one blow.

That is to say,

Bai Ye's present fighting power can end the abuse of Da Xuan division! It's not a newly advanced master, or a medicine advanced master like Qing Xuantian, but a stable master!

"Great." White night is very satisfied with this.

Although Xuanshi and Xuanshi, it sounds like a big difference, but it is not easy to advance. Because whether it is from xuantu to Xuanshi, or from Xuanshi to Xuanshi, each level of advancement has to go through nine small steps.

It's easier to go from a xuantu to a Xuanshi.

But from the beginning of Xuanshi, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to make progress every ten years or even decades. Therefore, it can cause such a big sensation when you are promoted to several levels in the banquet hall today.

"I can't die now, even if I'm beaten by King Xuan. As for the half step King... " White night thought of in the banquet hall, the fifth celebration of her hand.

Now --

"his hand can hurt me at most, but it won't make me unable to resist." White night ponders and evaluates that in fact, she was scared at that time.

After all, although she challenged the xuanwang strongman like lou'an, she expected that others would not do it. This is not the same. And

"One more time, I don't think I dare to challenge." The white night helps the forehead to murmur a way secretly, because when her own strength comes up, she just knows she and other people's gap after all how big!

To tell you the truth, it's like crushing a mole ant to death. I'm afraid to think about it.

"Take it easy in the future." White night secretly reminded himself, this just assess the breath of open before, but met Xiaoling that pair of suspicious big blue eyes.

"You are not a little night." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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