Published at 16th of January 2023 05:51:35 AM

Chapter 34

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The four people sat down around the table. Seeing that Liang Feng didn't speak first, Yang Fu began to solemnly thank Qi Yan. From his nature, he is a profiteering businessman. He only flatters and does not offend masters like Qi Yan. Emotionally speaking, as a father, he should kneel down and kowtow to thank the benefactor who saved his son.

He is such a child all his life. No matter how much money he earns, he is also left to him. If the child is gone, what is the use of any more money he has?

Qi Yan kept a cold smile and listened to Yang's father's endless words of gratitude. When the other party finished, he nodded with a smile and added tea to Yang's father's cup that had lost more than half of his tea: "Mr. Yang really doesn't have to be so polite. When the childe had an accident, he happened to meet me and I could save him. This is about fate."

"You can't say that. The situation was so dangerous at that time. If you hadn't risked the risk to save the dog, the child might have burned alive..." Yang's mother couldn't say the word "death", turned her tongue and covered it up, "although it may be only a small thing for you, it's a great kindness for our family."

Qi Yan smiled after listening. He didn't argue with the couple anymore. He raised his tea cup and took a sip.

Seeing his attitude, the husband and wife were down-to-earth. They praised Qi Yan again, and they were satisfied.

Liang Feng didn't have a deep impression on Yang Fu. There are too many bosses in the imperial capital, and there are many like Yang Fu. His only impression of this person is that Qi Yan once went to his house to see feng shui. Later, he specially investigated Yang Fu and learned that there was a decent company under his name, which could be called a rich man in front of ordinary people. He was a bit powerful, but not to the point of being annoying. Judging from his point of view, master Qi doesn't have to please the Yang family.

It seems that master Qi is really kind to do such a thing. He understands why the Yang family are so grateful.

"Mr. Liang," Qi Yan turned to look at Liang Feng, "I don't know what you're here for today?"

Liang Feng said with a smile, "I've been uneasy since I bothered master Qi last time, so I came to thank you today." after that, he took out a small rectangular brocade box and put his hands in front of Qi Yan.

Qi Yan turned the teacup in his hand, looked at the brocade box and said slowly, "Mr. Liang, you're welcome."

"Yes," Liang Feng said after seeing that Qi Yan was not very interested in the thank-you ceremony. He put down his tea cup and hesitated for a moment, "in fact, I have one more thing to ask for today."

Qi Yan knew that Liang Feng didn't come today to give a gift of thanks. At that time, he had already charged a fee for Liang Feng's appearance. Now Liang Feng brings up the old story again. It can't be that he is grateful after so long. There must be something else he wants to say.

Yang's father and mother are very jealous people. Seeing that Liang Feng opened the mouth, they got up and said goodbye to Qi Yan. Before leaving, they insisted on giving Qi Yan a big red envelope. Only then did they leave the 704 gate in a happy mood.

After the Yang family left, Qi Yan closed the door, went to the tea table and sat down. He made an invitation gesture to Liang Feng.

"Thank you," Liang Feng smiled. "Last time I bothered master Qi, because time was limited, I didn't have a good chat with you," Liang Feng paused. "I wanted to ask Master Qi to show my boss, but I didn't expect you to become friends."

Liang Feng thought it was incredible that his boss made friends with a Feng Shui gentleman after he learned about it. It was really surprising.

Qi Yan smiled carelessly. When Liang Feng found him, he didn't say that he was Cen's assistant at all. Maybe the other party has some scruples, so he deliberately conceals it, and he doesn't care about it. Now Liang Feng brings up the old story again. I'm afraid he is also worried that he will misunderstand him because of this matter.

Seeing that there was no displeasure in Qi Yan's expression, Liang Feng was relieved in his heart. At the beginning, he deliberately concealed his identity for fear of causing trouble to his boss. The boss's identity is not ordinary. There are many people who want to curry favor with him. If the boss doesn't want to see Master Qi at that time, only he will offend people and won't be involved in the boss.

"At that time, there were some inconsiderate places. Please forgive master Qi." Liang Feng was a little glad that master Qi was not a small bellied man. Otherwise, he didn't act very considerate in detail. It might not be too difficult for these masters to deal with him.

Qi Yan kept smiling and waited for Liang Feng to say what he meant.

"Master Qi, I don't know whether there are ghosts in the world?" Liang Feng hesitated for a moment and finally said what he hid in his heart. "She Mei made a boyfriend a few years ago. They have always had a good relationship and are ready to get married, but recently their wedding house began to be haunted."

Qi Yan picked his eyebrow: "have abnormal events happened at home?"

"There were women and children crying in the middle of the night, and when she went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, she found that there were red blood stains at the bottom of the bathtub, and even ghosts." Liang Feng was sad. "Now she Mei is in a trance all day, and she doesn't dare to live in the house she bought with her fiance. The whole person is haggard."

"Have they ever asked their neighbors? Maybe there are women or children crying?" Qi Yan himself doesn't believe this. Many so-called ghosts only say that they are actually psychological factors caused by people's fear.

When people are alive, they are angry. Anger is the bane of unclean objects. It makes no sense to always hit people's bodies. Only those who are dying or lack of anger can see abnormal Reiki objects.

Liang Feng shook his head: "asked, other neighbors didn't hear these strange sounds."

"I don't know how your sister is?"

Hearing this problem, Liang Feng was stunned and said, "it's good. I can eat, run and jump at ordinary times, but I have a poor appetite in the last two days."

"I see," Qi Yan looked at the time. "Is your sister free today? I have to go to her new house first to see what's going on."

"She just asked for leave to rest at home today, so please master Qi." Liang Feng bowed to Qi Yan, which was related to his sister. As a brother, he would inevitably be worried.

Qi Yan returned to the study room and took a box the size of two adults' palms. He said to Liang Feng, who was waiting for him in the living room, "OK, let's go now."

CEN Baihe finished the meeting and said to the Secretary, "Liang Feng asked the personnel department for leave today?"

The Secretary nodded and said, "it seems that something has happened to brother Liang's family. Brother Liang needs to deal with it."

CEN Baihe didn't ask any more when he heard the speech. As the boss of the company, if he didn't even ask when something happened to his confidant's home, it would be too chilling, "I see. You can sort out a copy of the meeting minutes just now and give it to me."

Liang Feng drove directly to the downstairs of his sister's new house. Qi Yan got off the bus and saw a beautiful woman dressed in fashion coming towards them. Although she looked a little haggard, she couldn't hide her strong woman's momentum.

"Hello, master Qi, I'm Liang Yun." Liang Yun stepped in high heels to Qi Yan and thanked him, "thank you for taking this trip for me." she heard from her brother that the young master Qi had seen Feng Shui for the cen family and had a good relationship with the cen fifth master. Just because of this, she knew that the master was a very powerful person.

Many people like to link age with ability, but not all people who really have ability are old.

After they said hello to each other, Liang Yun led Liang Feng and Qi Yan upstairs.

The house bought by Liang Yun and her fiance is very auspicious, 1606, facing south, with good lighting and ventilation, and the decoration is also very warm. After Qi Yan entered the house, he looked around and saw that the owner was very interested in the decoration of the house.

After reading the circle, Qi Yan didn't say anything in the face of the hot eyes of his brother and sister, but opened the toolbox he brought.

Liang Feng thought that there were all kinds of magic tools in the toolbox. Unexpectedly, there were all kinds of tools for chemical experiments. He looked at Qi Yan suspiciously and didn't understand what the other party meant.

I don't know which two things Qi Yan mixed together. Liang Feng saw that the liquid soon turned red. He was a little confused for a moment.

Instead of looking at him, Qi Yan drew the curtains of the living room and darkened the whole room. Then he turned on a lamp and asked Liang Yun, "is the blood you see at night like this color?"

Liang Yun was stunned for a moment and shook her head blankly: "I don't know. At that time, I was very afraid and turned around and ran away. Later..." later, her fiance came and saw that she was very afraid, so he let the water wash away the blood in the bathtub.

She looked again at the things in the beaker and felt that the color seemed really similar.

"What is this?" Liang Feng asked.

However, when he asked this sentence, he felt Qi Yan's eyes looking at him very strange.

"Phenolphthalein indicator plus alkaline solution with pH value of 8.2 to 10.0," Qi Yan shook the red liquid, "this chemical reaction will occur."

"Of course..." Qi Yan poured the chemical waste together, turned and rushed into the toilet and said to his brother and sister, "what you see may also be the blood of other animals or ketchup, but ketchup probably can't be washed with water and disappear without a trace."

"Master, do you mean that there is nothing in this room..." Liang Yun looked at the room with the curtains closed, "there is nothing unclean?"

"At least I didn't notice anything wrong in this room," Qi Yan packed his toolbox. "In fact, I don't think you should find a master, but call the police."

Liang Yun's back cools when she hears the speech. Before, she thought her home was haunted. She didn't think much because she was afraid. Now she is very afraid. If it's not haunted, but man-made... Who did it and who can enter her home?

Click, the sound of turning the key came, and then a man with glasses and shirt came in from the door, with a bag of fruit in his hand.

"Big brother," the man was stunned at first, and then walked happily to Liang Yun. "Yun Yun, I heard you were coming today. I specially bought the fruit you like to eat. I don't know who this is?" he looked at Qi Yan. He didn't know why a stranger suddenly came to his house.

"This is the master invited by big brother for us," Liang Yun said with a smile. "Why didn't you go to work today?"

"I asked the company for two days off," the man explained with a smile. "You're not in good spirits. I want to accompany you more."

Jiang Yun smiled, a little sweet on her face, and went into the kitchen with the fruit bought by the man.

The man greeted Liang Feng and Qi Yan to sit down, walked to the balcony, opened the curtains, and then sat down opposite Qi Yan: "master, you really want to help us see. Recently, there have been a lot of inexplicable things in this house. Yunyun and I are ready to dispose of this house and buy a new one."

Qi Yan looked at the man with a smile: "what if he continues to be haunted after selling to others?"

The man smiled awkwardly and said, "yunyun and I have thought about this problem. It's a big deal. We'll lose some money and deal with it at a low price. This house... I really don't want to live."

Liang Feng, the future brother-in-law, didn't speak. Judging from his slightly plain attitude towards men, he didn't seem to like his brother-in-law so much, but his mood was well covered up. If Qi Yan hadn't studied micro expression, he really couldn't see it.

"Brother, master Qi, have some fruit." Liang Yun came out with the washed fruit, put it on the table and said with a smile, "Wenhan, go to the supermarket and buy some vegetables."

"OK." Zhou Wenhan nodded and went out with his wallet.

Qi Yan looked at his back and put a washed grape into his mouth. He was so sour that he almost shed tears. He quickly took a sip of water and pressed down the sour smell in his mouth. Liang Feng stretched out his hand and took it back when Qi Yan lowered his head to drink tea.

Liang Yu didn't notice their movements. After she lowered her head and peeled a grape and put it into her mouth, the whole expression twisted. After reluctantly swallowing the grape, she smiled at Qi Yan awkwardly: "master Qi, ask Han that he can't pick things. Let you laugh."

"It's all right." Qi Yan sipped his tea and said calmly, "sour grapes are also refreshing. It's very good."

Hearing Qi Yan's words, Liang Yun lifted the broken hair at the temples to her ears. The embarrassment in her heart still didn't disappear, but she barely maintained a smile on her face.

Liang Feng sighed: "yunyun, I heard Zhou Wenhan say that you are going to sell this house at a low price?"

Liang Yun hesitated and said, "Wen Han mentioned this to me yesterday and hasn't decided whether to sell it or not." she knew that her family was not very satisfied with Wen Han and his family, so she didn't have enough confidence to say this. The house was bought three years ago. It cost more than two million yuan when it was bought. Because Wenhan's family had poor conditions and his work had just started, his family only paid less than 400000 yuan, and the remaining two million yuan was given by her. At that time, she didn't have enough money in her hand, and her family helped her pay one million yuan.

"Miss Liang, your house has only value-added but no depreciation. It's too bad to sell it at a low price," Qi Yan frowned. "It's better to think about it carefully."

"It took me a lot of effort to decorate the house, and I don't want to sell it," Liang Yun looked around the house and smiled a little relaxed. "Now master Qi said that the house is OK, so I'm relieved."

"What are you worried about? The troublemakers behind have not been caught yet. You can rest assured that I can't relax." Liang Feng's tone is not very good. Maybe because Qi Yan, an outsider, was present, he showed restraint.

Qi Yan listened to his brother and sister talking. About half an hour later, Zhou Wenhan came back. Liang Yun got up and said to him, "you can talk with my brother and master Qi. I'll go in and cook."

Zhou Wenhan sat down on the sofa and saw that the fruit in the fruit tray had hardly moved, so he pushed the fruit in front of the two people: "this fruit is very fresh, you eat it."

Qi Yan stared at Zhou Wenhan's face and suddenly said, "how long have Mr. Zhou and Miss Liang been together?"

Zhou Wenhan was stunned and then smiled: "it's almost eight years. We met in college and it's not easy to go all the way to now."

Liang Feng's cell phone rang at this time. Qi Yan was about to speak and swallowed it back.

I don't know what Liang Feng was talking about with the person at the other end of the mobile phone. Suddenly, he turned around and looked at him: "yes, master Qi is with me, too."

"Yes, he helped my sister look at the house."

After the mobile phone call, Liang Feng said to Qi Yan, "the boss just asked about you and said he wanted to see you in the evening."

Qi Yan moved his eyebrows, nodded slightly, and his eyes fell on Zhou Wenhan again.

Zhou Wenhan is stared at by Qi Yan. I don't know why. Mingming, the so-called master Qi, doesn't look like a real master at all, but his eyes look like one can look into people's hearts. He even doesn't dare to look at master Qi.

"I see Mr. Zhou's face. His family background since childhood should be very ordinary, and there are many brothers and sisters. It should not be easy for your father to train you to go to college?" Qi Yan lowered his eyelids slightly. "It's really rare to fly into the sky."

Zhou Wenhan smiled awkwardly, "my parents are really not easy." he said that his family was ordinary and was polite.

"Since everything is hard won now, why don't you cherish it?" Qi Yan raised his eyes and looked at him fiercely. "Mr. Zhou seems to have committed a peach blossom recently?"

"Master Qi, don't spit out blood!" Zhou Wenhan suddenly stood up from the sofa and looked at Qi Yan and Liang Feng angrily. "Brother, I know your family despises my poverty, but you can't deliberately find someone to provoke my feelings with yunyun. If you really think we're inappropriate, you can tell me directly. You don't have to use this means!"

Qi Yan smiled instead of getting angry when he was yelled. He looked at Zhou Wenhan lightly and turned to the kitchen, "why don't Miss Liang come and listen?"

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