The Defeated Dragon - Chapter 837

Published at 5th of August 2022 05:49:37 AM

Chapter 837: Thick ancient thin today (second more)

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"I think that for the killing of the tribe, the main way should be to lure," Duerte said.

Liszt can't help: "Speak carefully about your thoughts."

"His Royal Highness, our Knights have swept the many murderous tribes in the whirlpool rivers, and captured nearly 30,000 murderous serfs. But as the serfs continue to increase, it is necessary to separate a large number of knights for supervision and defending, which will seriously weaken the knights. The reorganization of the regiment."

The Knights are mainly based on the Cavaliers, and they deal with small tribes of one or two hundred people. A knight team can perform the arrest work well.

In the small tribe, the ancient magicians of the three or four half-levels are not the opponents of the knights.

But for the big tribes of thousands of people, a knight squad is not enough to watch, and often requires four or five knights to work together to complete the arrest. And the larger tribes of thousands of people, even need to be full of Knights to arrest, but also have to be prepared to not be countered by the ancient magician.

With the deepening of the actions of the killing of the tribes, the larger moon-killing tribes began to appear, and a large tribe may have tens of thousands.

In such a tribe, there are quite a few ancient magicians who already have the level of the great magician. The magical volley, even the Knights, has to shun. If the Knights of the Flame Collar are all involved in the slavery, then the big killing of the native tribes will not be repeated, and the number of Knights who arrived at the Flame Island is not enough.

The number of land knights here is less than one thousand six, and the number of trainees is only two thousand. It is necessary to maintain the safety of the camp and arrest the indigenous people.

"So I want to take advantage of the quality of life in the territory and attract the killing tribes to automatically trust us. As long as we can provide them with certain shelter and food, I believe there will be a lot of people who will kill the moon. And we can focus on killing the moon. The ancient magician was tempted."

"Do you want to lure the ancient magician?" Liszt browed and gestured to Dulth to continue.

"The magic guild's magician is analyzing the magical inheritance of the ancient magician. The inheritance of magic first needs to inherit knowledge, so the knowledge transfer of the murderer is almost always between the ancient magicians. They are a group of indigenous high-level people who pursue the interests. It is easier to be controlled and corrupted by interests."

The murderer has lost the prosperous civilization of the Moon Empire era, living in the forest for hunting and gathering for a living, and living conditions are very difficult.

Even the ancient magician class, life is hard, and it is not enough to eat and eat in the autumn and winter.

Duerte said with a sigh of relief: "Now, in October, the weather has turned cold, the production of forests has begun to decrease, and the hardships of killing the moon are coming. It is we who change the plan to replace the capture of the killing of the serfs. Timing. As long as the ancient magician class is corrupted, how many killers are the fate of serfs."

"Your proposal sounds good. In this case, the heads of the various groups of the Knights and the management staff of the towns are called to discuss the scheme."

The meeting is scheduled to be held in the evening.

It is in the hall of the administration that has just been completed in the town of Salvation.

Before the meeting, he first invited Kelly Truth, the president of the Salvation Magic Branch, to ask about the ancient magician and the holy mountain. Kenli originally presided over the study in the Whirlpool Town of the Whirlpool Islands. With the discovery of the Natives of the Moon, she was transferred to host the research on killing the moon.

"His Highness." Kelly owes her body. She is a magician who is intoxicated with magic. She has almost no interest except magic. Life is all around magic.

"You have studied too many killings of ancient magicians, how is the summary of the language of the month?"

"The language of the moon is very complicated. Although the ancient magician who killed the moon has mastered the inheritance of the Moon, many words are gradually lost, especially the record of the ancient moon empire. It is almost a blank. After our research, daily communication The basic language of the moon is mastered."

"What do you think of the magic that kills the moonman?"

Kelly thought for a moment: "There is a certain reference. There are several kinds of magic that have been cut off. If you improve it, you can shine a certain light... But the killing of the moon is inherited from the magic of the moon empire, most of them are too Behind, the consumption is high and the power is weak."

She then added a sigh of emotion: "The magician who once yearn for the Moon Empire, thought that the current magician is far less than the magician of that time. But only from the spellcasting scheme, the magician of the Moon Empire era, Far less than the present."

"The times are developing, although the magician has declined, but it has become more suitable for the present era, so you don't have to look forward to the past, you should look forward to the future." Liszter smiled, and everyone has this habit. The more ancient things, the more blurred the details, the more they feel taller.

Part of it is feelings, and part is the beauty of distance.

The Moon Empire is a typical distance from beauty and sentiment. Of course, it is undeniable that the magician ruled the era and created a brilliant magical civilization. Energetic and curious wizards can study magic, study the soul, study big projects, and even study the nature of the world.

These are the most desirable content of the magician. Now in this world, the Cavaliers rule everything and the interests are the most important.

What is the nature of the world, does it matter that the nature of the world can bring profits? If not, why should we study it? At that time, it is better to drink more wine, dance more dances, and come to the last intimate contact!

Liszt is also a knight.

Although he is more aware of the spirit of the magician's research, but with class theory, it is still necessary to deny the beautiful existence of the moon empire, and be wary of the restoration of the magician.

After chatting for a while, he turned to the topic: "Kenli, did the ancient magician reveal the specific location of the holy mountain?"

"The ancient magicians who have been to the Holy Mountain are not. The Holy Mountain is only a legend for the moon-killing people. Their range of activities is not large. Traveling is often only between several large tribes."


Liszt frowned.

He thought that the task of "finding the holy mountain and investigating the ancient magician" was very good. Just a little torture of the ancient magician would find the holy mountain. I didn't expect the holy mountain to be known.

However, although the holy mountain was not found, the reward of the "indigenous treasure" of the previous smoke mission has a clue that the corner tribe has been clarified to guard the treasure.


After the meeting was held and it was determined that the inducement was used as the main means to change and kill the natives of the moon as serfs.

In the early morning of the next day, Liszt rushed to the position of the corner tribe. After some searching, he successfully searched for the corner tribe that had reached the population of tens of thousands. The location of the corner tribe is not far from the flame mountain that Liszt will build in the capital, and belongs to a small mountain range.

On a low mountain near the corner tribal living area, the "broken tower" that treasured the treasure was successfully discovered.

No one is guarding, this two-thirds of the stone tower has collapsed, but it is surrounded by a circle of stones, and there are traces of bonfire burning on the platform.

When the murderer’s party is held, it will be held in this place.

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