Published at 28th of August 2023 06:15:42 AM

Chapter 231

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‘Who is he?’ Chang-Sun narrowed his eyes.

Judging from the man’s divine class that Chang-Sun sensed, he seemed to be a demon duke or a grand demon duke. However, that was all Chang-Sun could tell due to his mask.


Chang-Sun noticed Simon Magus’ voice trembling. From that alone, he sensed a variety of emotions, including confusion, shock, and…

‘Fear,” Chang-Sun thought.  

Simon was the first demon king and the one who started gnosticism. Peter the Apostle, who had performed many miracles in the , was his rival. Even so, Simon still felt fear now.

‘He recognized [Peter’s Key] right away too.’

Chang-Sun always had his golden key under his top just in case someone could recognize it. However, even Heoju and the other Celestials couldn’t immediately identify it since it looked like a useless Rank C item. Unlike them, the man in front of Chang-Sun noticed the golden key right away.

「He-he’s the great…!」Simon muttered in awe as Minerva and Mars stood between Chang-Sun and the man with black hair, hiding Chang-Sun.

“Just walk away,” Minerva said, acting especially belligerent. Her eyes emitted golden light that the flashy mask couldn’t hide.

Recognizing Minerva, the puppy-masked man with black hair smirked. “Hahaha, I was wondering who you all were… but it was you?”

Although he sounded friendly, his voice faintly held madness.

“And the war maniac is here too? This is a funny combination. Have you gotten closer now?” The man chuckled.

Mars snorted. “Why would I try to get close with this woman? I’m here for my apostle.”

“Apostle? You?” The black-haired man tilted his head and then turned to look at Chang-Sun with interest. “The famous mad dog has an apostle… This is interesting! He even has Peter’s keepsake.”

The black-haired man’s red eyes gleamed wickedly again as he asked, “Who in the world are you?”

The black-haired man seemed about to do something to Chang-Sun any minute now, so Minerva and Mars stayed on alert, grabbing their weapon handles. Chang-Sun couldn’t sit still either, so he started circulating his energy inside him. As tension slowly filled the hallway, Mercury slammed the end of his staff on the floor.


A shockwave spread, disrupting the subtle tension.

The black-haired man glared at Mercury, who nonchalantly pointed upward with his chin as he asked, “Uriel has been scowling at us for quite some time now. Are you sure you’re okay with that?”

The black-haired man, Minerva, and Mars also looked up, finding a seraph[1] with three sets of splendid wings scowling at them from the balustrade on the fourth floor.

[The Celestial ‘Garden Gatekeeper’ is keeping an eye on the people who are causing a disturbance!]

The seraph was Uriel, known to be a clairvoyant. He could see everything that was going happening on the ground and was even ready to fly down to the floor if anything happened. The auction house was the most important building of the , so causing a commotion inside it was strictly prohibited. Not even the powerful demon was an exception to that rule.

Discontented, the black-haired man crossed his arms and quietly snorted. The belligerent air around him was dissipating.

“I’ll talk to you again later, human,” the black-haired man said as he headed to the other room.

Chang-Sun quietly watched the man’s back, for some reason having a strong feeling that this confrontation wouldn’t be the last of it.

* * *

The black-haired man entered the room, finding another man already on the sofa. While the black-haired man was in formal clothes, the other person was wearing a Hawaiian shirt with watermelon and mango patterns, shorts, and slippers.

“What took you so long?” the man with a Hawaiian shirt asked. He was drinking a cup of lemonade with a straw and a lemon slice on top. Unlike the black-haired man, who looked wicked and decadent, he looked very carefree.

The black-haired man looked at him and frowned in discontentment. A ruler of the should have dignity, but Satan, the carefree man, had none of it. After Baal’s death, Satan had become one of the Seven Deadly Sin Monarchs—the rulers of —and the holder of the divine rank of Ira.

“You knew, didn’t you?” The black-haired man asked.

“What are you talking about?” Satan said.


“Well, I’m still not sure what you’re talking about!” Satan answered dramatically.

The black-haired man was certain that Satan held the divine rank of Ira because he had an exceptional talent for making people furious as hell.

“I met the person who seems to possess [Peter’s Key] on my way over here.”

“Wow! Is that so? That’s really good for you, man. You’ve been looking for it for a really long time, haven’t you?” Satan clapped and acted so dramatically that anyone could have seen he was lying.

“You were the one who suggested that I come here.”

“Come on, that’s not true. I recommended this place because you grumbled about needing soldiers for your army. Am I wrong? I didn’t lie, you knowww!” Satan smirked.

The black-haired man just narrowed his eyes in response. Although the people who knew him would have become scared if they saw him, Satan wasn’t fazed at all. Annoyed, the black-haired man eventually sat down next to Satan, who smiled enigmatically as he looked at the man.

* * *

“Gosh, we couldn’t have run into a worse person.” Mercury shook his head.

“Hmph! He can’t mess with my apostle anyway.”

“Are you going to fight him?”

“If needed!” Mars shouted like a general.

“I don’t mind fighting, but don’t do it here if possible.”

While Mercury and Mars were busy talking among themselves…

“That man earlier is Agares[2], so be careful.” Minerva warned Chang-Sun as soon as they entered the room.

Chang-Sun’s eyes narrowed. He was familiar with the name. Agares was the grand demon duke and the second-strongest demon in the

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