Published at 21st of October 2022 06:00:21 AM

Chapter 261: - state of actor-lase

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The scroll of the < that had been deployed slowly circled around Actor Lese, reading its state.

All the while, the girl remains staring blankly into the air with empty eyes.

I stop moving the scroll and read through the information that has been read.

"This is ......."

"I don't know, Rust."

Hearing my mutterings, Kahelonay inquired about it as if she were covering me. She must be very worried.

I hesitate for a moment whether to tell her frankly or not, but I decide to tell her the truth in light of what she has said and done so far.

"She is slightly weak, but otherwise in good health. There is nothing wrong with her. Physically...

"So you're saying there are other causes?"

"Yes. I think it's more likely that the spirit is in bondage.

I answer, clenching my right hand, which has been feeling a tingling sensation, with my other hand.

I am sure that Actor Lese's condition is caused by witchcraft.

I wonder why the Aleithra religion is so much involved with witchcraft, and why I don't remember any sorcerer in my lineage.

I still have the feeling that the sorcerers were very hostile to the Aleisraelites.

"Akhtar Lese has been influenced in his spirit by sorcery. Now, Akhtar Kheronay. Where is the scripture of Akhtar Lese?"

I only asked him that, but I guess Kahelonay, who has good instincts, guessed it. I thought that the scriptures in Akhtar Lese's possession were the cause of her spiritual bondage.

Slowly she pointed to the desk by the bed. It was the same one I had seen in Kahelonay's room. Perhaps it is a uniformly provided piece of furniture.

"There, on the right, I think, is the top drawer."

He stopped Kahelonay, who was trying to take it out.

"Oops, that's dangerous. I'm sorry, excuse me."

I decide to take off the glove on my right hand.



Can you do me a favor for a while?

"Are you being reckless again? Well, I don't blame you. But I'll tell Lady Arlene when I get back.

"That's harsh."

He slowly pulls open a drawer of his desk, his gratitude reflected in a wry smile he turns toward Roa.

I can tell just by putting my hand on the drawer. It's the sensation of magic interfering with magic.

"Master Lust, your hand!

A black curse overflowed from my hand and began to swirl after the interference. Kahelone's voice was surprised.

They were fading away.

For the second time. I dare to let the sensation take over.

Just as when I was pierced by Taura's sword, but this time slowly and of my own will, I fell into consciousness.

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