Published at 21st of October 2022 05:59:12 AM

Chapter 295: - Caherone, again!

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"Akhtar Kahlonay! It's been a while."

I greet Actor Kahelonay, remembering that Karin had told me that the Church of Aleithra was involved in this request.

"Master Rust, it has been a long time. You remembered me. Taura has informed me that you are safe. Thank you so much for saving her. Was Sister Lese's scripture helpful?"

Oh... Oh, this man is a friend of Taura's, isn't he?

"You can't thank me enough for Taura. She is a dear friend of mine as well. And I really appreciate your help with the scriptures. Thank you very much. I was just about to return the favor."

"Then I would like to invite you to visit Sister Lese later when you come to the church. If you have it."

"Yes. Yes, I have it with me. After this, you will go to the church of Aleithra?"

I realize that I had left Florent alone to talk to Kahelonay.

I hurriedly looked at Florent and saw that she had a strange smile on her face.

Florent nods at me, perhaps noticing my gaze, and moves his hand as if to indicate the door.

It seems that she is asking me to leave.

Hmmm... I guess I should ask Actor Kahelonay about the rest? In the end, we were unable to get any specifics from His Highness Florent. This check, too, shows no trace of his highness Florent or the royal family.

In the end, it seems that the only evidence that this request came from Her Highness the First Princess Florent is the testimony of those who were involved. I have a feeling that the Admiralty will be held responsible for any problems that may arise as a result of my actions.

I wonder if that is included in this amount of money. That's our recluse princess. She hates to be out in the open.

Florent keeps his mysterious smile on his face. I bow politely to him with a sarcastic smile and duck out of the way. Kahelonay followed me, looking a little flustered.

I exit the building and wait for her to come out. Outside, I do not see the guide who led me here.

"Oh, you were nervous, weren't you?"

Kahelonay, who came out slightly later, speaks to me.

"Yes. You are a very difficult person to deal with, aren't you, Your Highness?

Glad I agreed with her, she smiled at me.

"Now, let me show you to the church, Rust. It's not something we should be doing outside.

We walked alongside Kahelonee, who started to walk, and we headed for the church of Aleithra in the Royal City, chatting about trivial matters.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!