Published at 21st of October 2022 05:58:51 AM

Chapter 308: - Unknown protection!?

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I was thinking about Her Highness Princess Lily.

If she can remember the time when she was in the third seat, she can find out the location of the next point. The question is how. Memory, huh?

I was twisting around the idea that there might be some way to get to the next point when I remembered what had happened recently.

I hear a boom, boom, boom from far away.

It was still daytime, but it sounded like fireworks. And then more and more. Over and over.

"What's that noise?"

I have a bad feeling about this, so I tilt my head and listen. Then, there was a heavy knocking on the door of Kahelonay's private room.

"Actor Kahelonay!

"Sister Lese? Come in."

In the middle of Kahelonay's reply, Sister Lese jumps into the room with great force. In her hand is a piece of parchment.

"Urgent message from the sisters in the castle! We're under attack. Moreover, the enemy may be using an unknown blessing.

At the words of Sister Lese, the color of my face and Kahelonee's changed quickly.

"Kahelonee, these sisters in the castle, have they ever been in battle?

A little. But they are only assigned at the request of the royal family for the rituals and penance of the afflicted in the castle. And I don't remember a single actor today. If the enemy uses blessings, they will not be able to handle it. There are of course the knights of the castle, but depending on the nature of the blessing, even they may not be able to ......"

Once again, the sound of intermittent booming and thumping echoes from far away.


"Oh. Let's go. I'm curious about the use of the unknown blessing."

"Okay. I'll be ready in a minute. I'll meet you at the church entrance. Lese!"

With that, Kahelonay and Lese run out.

"Yes! How many do you want to go?"

We could be attacked. The safety of the bishop...

I turn my back to them as they move away from me, but I suddenly realize that I should get ready myself.

I wonder which way is the entrance: ......

Then a voice calls out.

"Master Rust, I will show you the way!"

"Thank you, that's great!"

I followed the Sister who called out to me and started walking quickly.

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