Published at 21st of October 2022 05:58:02 AM

Chapter 334: - side early 13

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Thrown into the air, in your spinning vision, you see something glowing blue-white approaching you.

An enemy called "ants" attacked.

The ant-man randomly grabbed another ant clad in pure light that was at his feet, squeezed it into a ball, and threw it toward him.

"Oh, Ant-man's ant ball attack! Super-imposed, super-imposed!"

The ants are rounded up, appearing to have been thrown by the force of their arms alone.

But with incredible speed, the ant ball, clad in pure light, is already in front of you.

Twisting in mid-air, I manage to catch it just in time, using the hilt of my spear.


The momentum, which I am unable to prevent in the air, slams me back against the basement wall with the ant-ball that is thrown at me.

This is the second impact of the day. I feel that my internal organs have been badly damaged again.

The ant-ball is so hard that it bursts open and turns the area around me blue.

"Ah! Kaaaaahhh..."

A gasp is forced out of his mouth, which opens involuntarily.

But soon after, the ant balls followed up. They are thrown at us, one after another.

Move! Move! Move!

Dazed by the pain and the shock, I attempt to roll around on the basement floor.

I manage to spin around, but I am unable to dodge the balls of ants that seem to be pouring down on me.

Although he manages to avoid any damage to his vital organs, his body is being torn to shreds by the balls that keep landing on his limbs.

The doodads that snagged his hands bent his fingers.

An ant-ball that catches your leg breaks the plate of your knee.

The ant-ball that snatches your face shaves off your earlobes.

In the space of a few moments, ant balls poured down on me, one after another. Still, I fought back what little consciousness remained, spinning and moving around on the ground, trying to minimize the damage as much as possible.

The pain has long exceeded its limits.

It is no longer pain, but only a fever that torments me.

The physical pain, which seems to go on forever, suddenly ends at a certain moment.

It seems that I have thrown all the ants that are the source of the ant balls.

"What a pity, I failed to catch them. Oh, well, hey. I'll get you some more soon. Ant-man!"

The enemy in the form of a village girl whistles his fingers again.

That's a great opportunity for me.

I try to get a potion from my pocket while lying on my side, forcing my bent fingers from the direct hit of the ant ball.

My broken and trembling fingers.

The bottle of the potion is taken out slowly.

But it falls out of your hand.

The bottle of potion rolls to the floor in front of your face. Through the bottle, you see your enemy.

From the floor and the walls, ants covered with purified light, the material for ant balls, come out in response to the whistling of the enemy.

Once the ant ball has been removed, the hand can no longer lift it, as if it has run out of strength.

The ants are gathering at the ants' feet.

I twist my body with all my remaining strength. Luckily, I manage to get the bottle of potion in front of me into my mouth, the only mouth that is still intact.

I put all my strength into my jaws and bite down.

I hear the sound of breaking glass.

The shards of shattered glass cut through my mouth, and soon after, my mouth fills up with the potion.

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