The God of Basketball - Chapter 207

Published at 1st of March 2023 05:33:45 AM

Chapter 207: [Suppressing the General]

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"Because of these words, I became very fond of Bruce Lee. You can say that he is thin, but you can never say that he is timid. This is the best response I have ever seen, and Desmond's thoughts have failed."

During the interim suspension, McBrin could not help expressing his appreciation in the espn live broadcast room: "Many old fritters of the league like to scare the rookie with intentional fouls. But now, Bruce uses his actions to tell Mason: Do n’t come . "

These words resonated with many viewers in front of the TV.

The fans were more or less infected by such tenacity as Li Zhen.

However, Mr. Phil Jackson obviously did not feel so sentimental. When Desmond raised his elbow and hit Li Zhen, he hung his whole heart into his throat.

When Li Zhen walked back to the bench, he immediately asked the team doctor to check it out, and expressed his idea that Li Zhen would not play again in the game.

Classmate Li Zhen quickly jumped up at the time. What kind of joke? Don't let me play this time? I just got a 6-point bounce, and there are potential perverts in Washington that have n’t been harvested, I know

Although his chest and ribs were still painful, he still patted hard twice: "I have no problem, absolutely no problem."

"I have to stay on the court, the coach. I have to stand there, I can't be a deserter. If you replace me at this time, those people will become more and more self-righteous and think I am weak.

Bruce told the Zen Master with a very firm voice that he didn't need extra care, he was a warrior.

Phil Jackson only hesitated for 3 seconds. He saw the surging desire to win from Li Zhen. As the head coach, the most basic principle is: do not suppress the player's will to fight.

After all, this stuff is too precious. The huge Lakers, Kobe Bryant, had them.

So he changed his mind.

And turned around to tell Kobe: You replaced Vujacic and played without a ball for a while.


The whistle sounded quickly. The game continues.

The suffocated general General Arenas finally put on the battle again, and he fixed his eyes firmly on Li Zhen as soon as he came up. "You are finished. Rookie! You are completely over !!!"

His aggressive attitude is extremely aggressive.

But Li Zhen has not been overshadowed by his momentum. Instead, he reminded him: "Have you ever thought about it, if you did not do what you said. How will you spend the long night after the game. And the future Over and over again in the long years? "

Li Zhen this is a philosophical question.

Arenas was a little stunned. He hadn't really thought of it that way ... it seemed a little reasonable.

But soon, he was awake again, why should I think this way? I haven't gotten you right when I cleaned up?

Uh! Uh!

Li Zhen made two free throws easily on the free throw line, and Desmond's technical foul added another two points for Li Zhen.

At the same time, the Wizards playing away have been replaced by the full lineup: Gilbert Arenas, Jimmy Butler, DeShawn Stevenson, Antoine Jamison, and Brandon Haywood.

Facing the narrowing gap, the Wizards finally couldn't sit still.

In contrast, the Lakers still rotate the lineup.

Only the biggest ace player, Kobe Bryant, was added.

However, after re-serving, the basketball was still in Li Zhen's hands.

Arenas immediately opened his teeth and danced up the defense.

Arenas' defensive willpower is very strong and determined, but unfortunately, his defensive ability has always been in arrears.

The reason why he fell to the second round at the draft was because he was strong and weak. In recent years, although his offensive ability has been in the room, he has made a lot of achievements. But the defense didn't make any progress at all, and it even retreated a bit.

boom! boom!

After 2 consecutive crossovers, Li Zhen messed up his defensive footsteps. At the same time, Kobe stepped over and crossed the cover. Li Zhen quickly completed the crossover attack and struck the free throw line like lightning. Antoine Jamison hurried forward to defend.

Jamison's athletic ability is very strong, after all, his footsteps still failed to catch up with Li Zhen's super consciousness. Just before he opened his arms to prevent Li Zhen's passing, an orange shadow flashed away ... The basketball fell into Eddie Griffin's hands instantly.

Griffin received a basketball and made a quick jump shot ... Uh!

Get caught up!

The Lakers added another 2 points.

There is only 1 point left between the two teams.

The Temples Arena shouted with joy.

Many fans are shouting Bruce Lee's name, everyone sees it, and Li Zhen is credited with recovering the difference.

But for Arenas, these voices are not hesitant to the biggest challenge. He can't stand the guy he called waste and become a hero sought after by thousands of people.

Therefore, he came to the top of the half-point three-point line with the ball. When Kobe Bryant took the initiative to walk towards him, he made an arrogant gesture of waving his hand and then hooked his finger to Li Zhen.

Such an arrogant action made it clear that bullying Li Zhen was not strong enough.

Suddenly, the scene boos.

Steve Smith on the ESPN commentary couldn't help but whisper: "Arenas is really bullying and hard. It is well known that Kobe Bryant is a top defensive player, and Bruce's ability to fight is very weak. He does this. move……"

Before Smith had finished, Reggie Miller interrupted: "I don't know what you want to say."

"Soldier on the battlefield, there is no room to choose opponents. And I do not think that Arenas is bullying and fearing hard, he had already said to teach Bruce Lee before this game."

While Reggie Miller said this, Li Zhen took firm steps on the pitch. He put Peter Pan under the defensive position and opened his hands in front of Arenas.

Although Arenas is the strongest point guard in the NBA, his strong upper limb muscles are already at the inside level, and he also has the fastest first-step explosiveness in the league today and can be called the anti-sky shot.

But Li Zhen did not step back in half a step.

He stood resolutely in front of Arenas, just like the **** who crossed the river, and went to the Tiger Mountain!

Robert, the manager in charge of Li Zhen's brand operation, quickly pressed the shutter, and he grabbed the scene. He somehow thought that this might be a hot spot after the game.

In fact, at the same time, the Adidas team on the sidelines had opened all ten dvs they brought. Attempt to record the whole process of Li Zhen being abused by Arenas.

After losing Kobe Bryant, Adidas can't wait to recover the lost ground in the field of basketball shoes and recover the gap with Nike.

General General Arenas is the man of their destiny.

So, they have been building momentum for this game.

After all, once Arenas played an eye-catching game in this game, it would be a super-marketing event with Kobe and Li Zhen. They can't wait to fully absorb the commercial influence that Li Zhen has just condensed, and at the same time give Kobe Bryant the signature shoe he just launched.

The wishful abacus outside the court was very loud.

Arenas on the court was as arrogant as ever, pointing in the direction Li Zhen stood: "Remember, rookie. I will hit a 3-pointer there."

At the moment, he seems to be possessed by Larry Bird.

Not pretending to make him feel uncomfortable.

However, Li Zhen was focused on his defensive footsteps, fearing that they would be swept away by Arenas.

And Arenas immediately stepped on a fierce step after putting out the rubbish, his explosive power was too strong. He relies on a one-meter and nine-one height all year round to face a defender of about two meters, and it is impossible to live without a housekeeping.

If Li Zhen ’s explosive power is 76 points, then Arenas ’explosive power reaches at least 93 points or more. NBA's pure explosive force is stronger than his but only a few hands.

And this is why even if Li Zhen left a space close to one meter, he was still almost wiped out by him.

Fortunately, Li Zhen's reaction ability is good enough, he quickly sideways back steps to win him some defensive space.

In the case of Arenas 'publishing the answer' in advance, he is now facing an open-book exam, and the defensive attention point is in the position of Arenas pretending.

To be honest, this is very passive for Arenas' attack.

But there is no way to force it out.

As a superstar, it has to be rounded.

He thought about slamming Li Zhen away with a strong body, but Li Zhen's big cunning, like a slippery loach, kept changing his feet back and forth, just not giving him the opportunity to get in touch.

Therefore, he can only retreat quickly after a quick assault. Then jump shot.

However, at the moment he was about to take off.

Li Zhen jumped suddenly, his body suddenly rose, and his terrifying long arms flew like a fairy outside the sky.

Are you dumbfounded?

He didn't expect it, how could this be?

Although he knew that Li Zhen was bouncing fast, how did he jump so high?

I knew I would dance more fully if I knew it earlier.

He can only rush.

However, the basketball still did not escape Li Zhen's fingertips ... chant! !

Li Zhen's nails made a harsh sound on the basketball, and then the basketball deviated from its original orbit. It flew high, the parabola was obviously raised, and then quickly fell ... fell into the paint area, away from the basket The basket is at least one meter away.

Quick-eyed Eddie Griffin grabbed the basketball.

There was a moment of hesitation in the Staples Arena, and then a loud wave of cheers broke out.

The dj on the scene roared out the loudest volume: bruce-leeeeeee! ! !

This cover is really depressing.

Gilbert Arenas' aggressive and arrogant heads-up single-handedness finally got a cold and ruthless cover, so cool!

Steve a Smith even roared in the live broadcast room: "Incredible !! Unbelievable !!! Bruce Lee actually blocked Arenas. Compared with Arenas' previous hook action, it is really ironic !!"

While Smith said this, Arenas' face was extremely ugly.

A question mark hung in his heart: how could this be? Why did Li really jump so much?

He still didn't understand why he was blocked.

But Li Zhen's smiley face has been quickly passed on: "Don't play this game of designated shooting location next time, it will be covered."

Li Zhen's kind reminder is more bitter than the cold winter wind.

The general grinned his teeth and repeatedly gritted his teeth and said: wait and see! Wait and see! Wait and see!



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