Published at 4th of August 2019 09:25:11 AM

Chapter 315

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"Have some shame, guys. Making gooey eyes to each other in a public setting. It seems like you need to get a room," Pat's voice broke their reverie.

Slightly conscious, Jia Li got up and told Pat to stay back with him while she got some food for Tang and herself. 

At the buffet, she nearly banged into Mr. Xie. Apologising slightly, she started towards the table which was groaning under the weight of all the scrumptious food.

But he stopped her by touching her arm.

Jia Li braced herself for what was coming. But this time she was determined to not let anything he say come in the way of her being together with Tang.

Suddenly, he bowed in front of her, taking her by surprise. She looked at him nonplussed while he raised his head and started talking in a hoarse voice.

"I know that this much delayed, insufficient apology today will not bring back the time that you both have lost, nor will it compensate for the loss and hurt you suffered because of my obstinate cruel behaviour all those years ago. But this is all that I have to offer currently. Take it as a pathetic attempt of an old man begging for his son's happiness which is tied irrevocably to you. It has taken me so many years and heartbreaks all around to realise that. You may not believe it but I had already planned to reach out to you once Chu's wedding was over. I will understand if you don't believe my words today but I hope you will give us a chance to be a family in true sense of the word," his eyes were begging for her understanding and maybe, mercy.

"Uncle Xie, we are all flawed creatures, prisoners to our own circumstances. You don't have to apologise. Maybe Tang and I needed to go through these trials to reach here. I think my parents would be happy today and that makes me happy too. Let's not linger on in the past anymore. I think the future is way more exciting," she told him with a smile.

Few weeks later

"You are getting ready to do what??? Did I hear you wrong?" Jia Li nearly dropped her phone.

She was on a video call with Wang Wei and had finished telling him about the happenings of the recent past. She had anticipated his surprise but hadn't expected to be shocked in return. 

"Stop being melodramatic. This wedding with Samantha is nothing but a need of the hour. That bas**** brother in-law of hers has managed to convince her father to transfer his entire shareholding into his name, which means Zhu Cheng would now own a large chunk of stake in the Li family holdings and also in our company. He has also been trying to buy penny stocks furtively in the past few weeks. In order to consolidate our position, Sam and I are entering into a marriage of convenience. We have to make sure that the company ownership doesn't fall in the wrong hands," he explained to her, while getting ready to go for the registry of his marriage.

Jia Li smiled coyly and said, "sure, that sounds like the perfect reason to get married. I think you look wonderful except for the tie which is slightly crooked."

Suddenly, she heard the annoyed words from behind her.

"Stop trying to flirt with him," Tang's deep voice echoed in the room.

Jia Li turned to look at the man who was coming towards her on his mechanical horse(wheelchair) and gave him a dazzling smile.

Ever since Chu's wedding, he had started seeing a speech therapist who helped him get his tongue straightened out, which had been preventing him from forming words and sentences. After the successful treatment, the therapist had remarked that he had never seen anyone so driven towards getting better.

To which Tang had replied that his fiancée was getting more and more bossy and he needed to get some of his 'faculties' running again else she would steamroll him for life.

"How can I flirt with a nearly married man? Do you know that his woman is a qualified martial artist. I wouldn't dare," she said, tongue in-cheek.

"He is WHAT?" Tang's reaction was nearly identical to her own.

He tried to grab the phone from her but she asked him to use his own. She disconnected the call abruptly and dialled Samantha. Jia Li couldn't wait to hear her version.

"Well, it's just that he was being a reluctant groom and maybe I… uh, gave him an exaggerated version of the situation," Sam told her.

"Ha ha, I knew it. I am so proud of you, girl. So what is the actual situation? Do you need any help? I could ask Tang to intervene. He is one of the smartest business brains around," pride had crept into Jia Li's words, inadvertently.

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