Published at 3rd of May 2023 06:31:08 AM

Chapter 12

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GFR Ch12


So-Won had a nightmare again that night. 

The scenery of the operating room appeared again in his dreams. He thought it would be okay because he didn’t have a nightmare when he took a short nap in Tae-Woo’s private room. 

Eventually, So-Won opened his eyes not long after falling asleep.

When So-Won thought of Tae-Woo, he was not as scared as he used to be, and he slept peacefully in Tae-Woo’s private room while leaning on his arm. 

Nevertheless, the fact that Tae-Woo was still dying in his dream seemed to have a more fundamental problem than his fear of him.

Is it because of the guilt of his death? Or is it because of the vague fear that he can go back to the day Tae-Woo died at any time as he returned to the past?

He thought of his dreams. 

So-Won thought he wouldn’t have nightmares with Tae-Woo. 

The unknown anxiety seemed to disappear when So-Won saw Tae-Woo breathing alive. 

So-Won held Tae-Woo’s hand during the day and held his right hand preciously. 

The warmth kept coming back to So-Won.

So-Won fumbled in the dark and found a cell phone hiding under the blanket. 

The bright light that appeared when So-Won pressed the screen stabilized his eyes a little. 

So-Won found Tae-Woo’s contact in the phone book and pressed it. 

When So-Won pressed the call button, a familiar connection sound came out. 

It was only then that So-Won noticed the time on the screen.


4 a.m.No matter how diligent a person is, it must be hard to stay awake now. 

So-Won came to his senses belatedly, but the connection was already ringing. 

So-Won hurriedly tried to hang up the phone because he was afraid his phone would wake Tae-Woo up, but the connection stopped. 

So-Won thought the phone was cut off, so he checked the screen, but the phone was not cut off. 

The phone time was gradually increasing, with the words “on the phone” floating on the screen.

So-Won was embarrassed and held his smartphone to his ear. 

Beyond the phone, there was nothing but silence.

“Hello? Is it connected?” So-Won spoke carefully.

“Lee So-Won?” Tae-Woo’s low voice was heard over the phone, which seemed unlikely to hear an answer. 

So-Won felt more relieved that he heard Tae-Woo’s voice than the fact that he answered the phone. 

Even though So-Won was anxious when he had a nightmare, he could calm down quickly by just confirming that Tae-Woo was alive.

After So-Won came to his senses, he felt sorry for calling in the early morning, or in the middle of the night.

“Yes, that’s right, Lee So-Won… I am sorry to call you at this late hour. Were you sleeping?” 

“No. I was up.” It seemed to be true because his voice was not hoarse. 

However, So-Won’s voice was full of sleepiness. 

So-Won was secretly embarrassed and warmed up his voice.-

“Is something wrong?” asked Tae-Woo.

Something happened. 

So-Won had a nightmare of Tae-Woo dying. 

The reason for calling Tae-Woo was to check if it happened, but So-Won couldn’t say. 

So-Won was to omit the cause and say only the conclusion.

“Can I move today?” 

“Today… You mean”

” I can’t…?” 

Tae-Woo blurred the end of his words feeling troubled as he felt sorry for So-Won. 

However, So-Won wanted to go to Tae-Woo’s house as soon as possible with this request. 

If he went back to the house, he thought that nightmares that kept bothering him would no longer come to him. 

So-Won couldn’t keep his fingers still and waited for Tae-Woo’s answer.

“No, it’s okay. Then I’ll have a room ready.” Tae-Woo said.

“Really?” So-Won’s expression brightened in an instant. 

So-Won was even happier because he thought it was natural to refuse because it was such a tight schedule. 

After a quiet smile, So-Won felt a little ashamed to call at 4 a.m. and ask for an unreasonable favor. 

So-Won happily tap his finger

It’s starting to get tangled.

“Well… I’m sorry to call you so early. I’ll be careful next time.”

There was a long silence over the phone.

 It seems that it wasn’t right to cause inconvenience. 

If So-Won had checked the time a little earlier, this wouldn’t have happened. 

So-Won blamed himself.

“That’s all right.” Tae-Woo replied.

 Once again, there was a long silence.

It was So-Won’s turn to answer. 

So-Won tried hard, but he couldn’t think of what to say.

Since the silence could no longer be allowed to be prolonged, So-Won eventually decided to wrap up the conversation.

“I’ll contact you again when the time is set. Good night, Tae-woo.”

It was too late to say a bedtime greeting, but So-Won and Tae-Woo exchanged formal greetings with each other. 

So-Won hung up right after hearing Tae-Woo’s answer. 

There was a quiet silence. 

So-Won regretted it belatedly after finishing the call. 

This is because So-Won still felt scared in the dark where he couldn’t hear Tae-Woo’s voice.

He stayed up all night. 

Only traces of Tae-Woo on the call list proved that he was still alive.

So-Won couldn’t keep his promise. 

It took quite a while to pack, and no company moved on the day. 

So-Won looked at the luggage that was only half-organized for a few hours, and sadly contacted Tae-Woo to delay moving for a few days.

“Son, do you have to go already? You said you only need to move within a month. It’s only been a week…”

So-Won looked at his mother with worried eyes because he was tired of organizing his luggage.

Although So-Won persuaded his parents, he could not ease his parents’ worries, because of that, So-Won was receiving his parents’ worries every day.

“Even though he looked like that he is not a bad person.” 

“Even he is not a bad person, what if  he accidentally hit you and hurt you somewhere?” So-Won’s mother asked.

“Hmm…” So-Won could not answer.

Tae-Woo was worried enough about So-Won. 

Tae-Woo couldn’t control his strength well because he hadn’t been guided for a long time, and there was a famous story that he broke someone’s hand while shaking hands at an event. 

Some say it’s not broken, but crushed.

So So-Won was also afraid to guide Tae-Woo. 

He was afraid Tae-Woo would hurt him by mistake. 

For the past eight years, Tae-Woo has never hurt So-Won, but he couldn’t help worrying.


When So-Won couldn’t answer, his mother’s worries deepened. 

Suddenly, he woke up as a guide and cried as if the world was over in the emergency room, and it was unlike him to say firmly that he would become Kang Tae-Woo’s guide. 

She knew his son as a good, innocent, but timid child. 

So-Won’s mother was very worried that such a So-Won would be a guide to Kang Tae-Woo, who people call a monster. She is afraid of them staying in the same place.

As soon as So-Won was designated as Kang Tae-Woo’s guide, So-Won’s complexion grew bad day by day.

It was clear that if  So-Won fell asleep, he would have another nightmare. 

It wasn’t that he wasn’t sleepy, but So-Won stayed up all night. 

Perhaps because of that, his face looked a little shabby, but his mind was rather clear because he didn’t have nightmares. 

So-Won firmly believed that he would not have nightmares when he returned to Tae-Woo’s house. 

So it was okay not to sleep for a day or so.

After sending all the luggage in the morning, So-Won’s room was empty. 

So-Won sat on the floor of his room, where there was nothing, and looked blankly at the window. 

So-Won didn’t want to go to Tae-Woo’s house. 

All the memories So-Won had from being in the house for eight years were all bad memories. 

So-Won can sleep, but…. he was afraid that depression, which he barely overcame after going there again, would come back.

“So-Won, if anything happens, you have to contact me.” His mother told him.

So-Won had lunch with his family and said goodbye. 

When he saw tears in his parents’ eyes, he also cried for a moment. 

It was as if So-Won were to see a family that he would never meet again if he leave today.

In fact, Tae-Woo’s house is not that far from the apartment where So-Won lives. 

Tae-Woo’s house was located in a quiet place outside Seoul, so it was difficult to move without a car, but it was only an hour’s drive from So-Won’s house. 

So-Won could come back home whenever he wanted.

 In the past, So-Won used this point to often run away from Tae-Woo’s house.

So-Won refused to see his parents off and took a taxi to Tae-Woo’s house. 

When the densely packed high-rise building disappeared and the trees and quiet scenery seemed to have come to the countryside, they arrived near Tae-Woo’s house.

“We’re here.” 

 “Thank you.” 

When So-Won got out of the taxi, a house that was so large caught his eyes.

Tae-Woo’s house looks very large from the outside, but the walls are thick, so when you go inside, it’s not that wide.

For So-Won, it was Tae-Woo’s house, which he came back after only a week.

In the past, So-Won had been running away for months, so he didn’t think he’d seen it for a long time.

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