Published at 25th of April 2022 05:38:39 AM

Chapter 1361

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Beihai, the land of taixuan, has just covered the earth with the twilight of the morning. The sea surface has been stormed all night by the strong wind and waves. At last, it falls into a little calm at dawn.

Then they anchored and camped on the surface of the sea. On top of the endless ships, a monk of the sect sighed and sighed that when they were finally able to lie down safely, the monks fleeing from the north to the South were just like boulders falling into the sea, breaking the original short-term peace in an instant.

A stone stirs a thousand waves!

"Don't lie down. Get up. Something's wrong."

On the North Sea, inside the warships, the monks' shouts and shouts were heard one after another. Then the monks who were lying down jumped out of bed and opened their mouths with doubts and said:

"what's the matter? Is it the enemy's attack? Why don't you whistle?"

"It's not the enemy. It's the first group of monks who went north before. They're back."

At this point, the monk's face showed a thick and incredible color, and then continued to open his mouth:

"but look at these people's clothes are tattered with blood, they are terrified, they should have escaped back!"

"What, escaped back? Go out and see what's going on. "

After that, a monk swarmed out of the cabin. As soon as he stepped on the deck, he found that the whole place where the monk zongmen lived had become a mess. There were a large number of people jumping up on the sea and in the sky, trying to go to the front to have a look at the specific situation. At the same time, there were some black spots on the sea at the end of the north Near.

The atmosphere above the whole North sea suddenly became particularly grim, even in everyone's mind, covered with a layer of haze.

"Where are you going, elder martial brother Lin?"

On a large ship belonging to the GCC, a young and anxious voice came from younger martial brother Fang's mouth. Elder martial brother Lin, who was still standing on the deck, stepped lightly and rose like a big bird. Then the response was sent down:

"I'll go to the big ship ahead to see the specific situation."

"Wait for me."

After that, the younger martial brother Fang hung his sword behind his back, and his figure also rose to the sky. In the air, he released his own racial image. From behind, he grew four wings as light as cicada wings. With one stroke, he rushed forward.

The two brothers from the GCC followed the crowd northward and gradually approached the northernmost part of the fleet, which was a huge ship with a large number of people.

The ship is even as big as a medium-sized city in taixuan, and it has all the functions. There are even restaurants, inns and trading places. It can accommodate a large number of monks to live on it.

This huge ship is the most proud of the entire GCC. It is known as the sea city. It is well-known in the land of taixuan. It is also a well-known gold selling cave in the southeast coast. There is even a saying:

the Haihe gold selling grottoes, throwing thousands of kilometers!

In the land of taixuan, one yard is equivalent to twenty-two cents, which is enough to show the high consumption of this large-scale Haihe ship. Therefore, this time, when the GCC went northward to seek opportunities, it was beyond the expectation of a large number of friars that the GCC would even launch the ship into the North sea.

We should know that if this ship, which has spent countless years, energy and treasure, is a little bit lost, for the GCC, it will undoubtedly lose a cash cow lying on its back to make money.

The sun in the East pokes a little bit out of the head, and then the whole Beihai sky suddenly shines. After the fog of daotui, which originally covered the North Sea, dissipates, once the sun shines directly from the sky, the temperature of the whole taixuan North Sea will rise rapidly.

Warm and suitable temperature has never happened in the North Sea in the past tens of thousands of years. On the other hand, warm environment is undoubtedly one of the necessary conditions for the recovery of all things.

Beihai, a place abandoned by heaven, is quietly recovering at this time.

But at this time, every monk of taixuan land on the Haihe ship had no time to take into account the changes of the surrounding sea. Instead, they rushed to the bow of the ship, because there were monks who had escaped from the north and were led onto the ship.

"Give way, give way!"

On the crisscross deck of the Haihe ship like a city street, the two brothers, Lin and Fang, are rapidly moving through the bustling crowd of friars. As the core children of the GCC, they are not unfamiliar with the big ship under them. Therefore, they quickly shuttle between various buildings and squeeze towards the front.

The area of the big ship was so large that even if the speed of the two brothers was not slow, it took nearly a quarter of an hour to get to the bow near the northernmost part of the ship. They found the rest of the monks in their own family and joined them.

"The elder of the GCC is coming. Please move quickly."

With a loud drink, the monks who had gathered in front of them spontaneously yearned to leave a passage, and then a cold faced, not angry and self-confident elder of the GCC came down from the sky, and with the disciples behind them, they swarmed into the separated road.

After Moyo's ten rest, several monks fell on the deck, looking listless. The frightened monks appeared in front of the Haihe monks. At the same time, their bodies even exuded a strong smell of blood and battlefield evil spirit.The strong evil spirit roared out like a tiger, which made the monks around him change their faces. Then the elder of the GCC moved his white long beard and opened his mouth and said:

"what a strong evil spirit, and there are countless monks' soul howling in this evil spirit."

The elder of the GCC said this with great solemnity. Then he squatted down and looked at a young monk who was constantly shaking in front of him, and continued to say:

"the robe of the Qingquan sect in Tangdu, shangguo, central China, if I guess correctly, you should belong to some emperor. Why are you so embarrassed?"

The young disciple of Qingquan sect didn't respond to the inquiry, but he was still shaking with fear, even in his pupils, he was in a state of unconsciousness.

"He's completely scared out of his wits. Let's see if there are any of these monks who have been brought into the ship with a clear mind?"

A deep frown continued to emerge from the old faces of the GCC elders. Then the party swept their eyes to the figure of monks lying in front of them. They were so angry that they couldn't even find a person to talk to.

"These people are exhausted because of the escape. It is estimated that we will have to wait for the later people to continue to flee before we can find out."

After saying that, elder martial brother Lin, who squatted down the same way, just wanted to reach out to explore the breath of a figure in front of him. Suddenly, his face changed greatly, because the monk with weak breath suddenly opened his eyes and directly grasped the right arm of the former.


Elder martial brother Lin uttered a exclamation and wanted to pull his hand out. But the palm of the man's hand was so strong that it was like a very strong forceps, which tightly bound his right hand.

The next breath, the nun who was sitting up on the ground, opened his pupils and his eyes were even bigger than the copper bell. He opened his mouth and let out a shrill roar:

"escape, run back, don't move forward!"

When the roar fell, the man's seven orifices suddenly began to gush out countless blood, spraying elder martial brother Lin's face, and then there was no breath.

Then elder martial brother Lin turned his head in a daze, with drops of blood dripping down his face. Looking at the GCC people behind him, he murmured:

"elder brother, he is dead!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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