Published at 25th of April 2022 05:36:28 AM

Chapter 1517

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In Beihai, the land of taixuan, the sky turned into an ocean. Between lightning and thunder, Zhao Yu relaxed and leaned back, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was calm. He listened to the rain outside the car quietly.

The rest of the people can revel in the rain, but as a young emperor in the north, he needs to keep calm.

But Zhao Yu wants to see his family more quickly.

Liang Po is probably one of the people who know Zhao Yu best in the world. Therefore, the carriage to the summer palace shuttles through the rain curtain faster than usual. After a while, the mellow voice of the former directly rings:

"Your Majesty, you have arrived at the Summer Palace."

After that, the carriage stopped outside the summer palace. Then Zhao Yu got up and walked slowly out of the carriage. He patted Liang Po, who was standing outside the carriage with an umbrella. He said in a soft voice:

"po'er, you can go back to have a good rest tonight. It's hard these days."

With that, Zhao Yu turned his eyes to the summer palace, revealing a sincere smile.

Across the heavy rain curtain, under the eaves of the summer palace gate, a figure standing waiting vividly, with a lamp in his hand, and two very clever little dolls standing beside him.

What is happiness?

Most of all, there is a lamp at the end of the wind and rain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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