Published at 25th of April 2022 05:35:10 AM

Chapter 1605

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As the saying goes, there are days outside the sky and land under the ground, but there are few forces in the land of taixuan that can really make full use of these spaces.

In the eyes of the taixuan race, the vast sky above the nine heavens belongs to the Tianyun hall and numerous flying races in Fufeng County, while the underground race is the first one under the earth, which is burning away the upper kingdom.

In this way, many races want to extend their power upward and downward, but they have to consider the influence of these two invisible forces. Therefore, for many years, except for the palaces built by the holy court, the vast majority of taixuan forces have strived to develop and expand above the ground.

"Today, our vast land and big summer, except for Jiaozhou and Haizhou on the Bank of the North Sea, the other 36 states are Xiandao floating on the North Sea. Therefore, our department of transportation does not need to consider other factors, and various ideas emerge in an endless stream."

Outside the ruins of Taiping, in the stairway leading to the underground, the voice from Lao Fan continued to ring. The communication between the two people had already crossed nearly two-thirds of the channel. Then, the voice of inquiry from the young people in the rear came out:

"Uncle fan, it is very difficult to implement these wild ideas."

"It's natural. Whether it's Shenjing or the rest of the big cities in Daxia, because they were built for a relatively long time, the width of the street and the bearing capacity of the ground do not meet the design requirements, so almost all the articles that can be done on the ground are blocked.

"After all, we can't completely flatten the buildings inside the capital city. So, as you said, the final focus is on the sky and the earth. "

Although the voice of old fan's response is still vigorous, it has a hidden color of pride. It is true that today's Department of transportation belongs to an unknown, but it is an extremely important cornerstone role.

No matter what era, people's livelihood is always the first priority of a country's prosperity!

"First of all, we people put our eyes on the sky. After all, the whole land of taixuan is larger, and the way these creatures travel depends on a very important force, Tianyun hall!"

As the person in charge of the transportation department in such an important place as the ruins of Taiping, Lao Fan's position in the office is not low, and he knows much more about the outer taixuan place than the others.

After the voice falls, he continues to reach out and take out his own identity jade plate. With a gentle sweep in front of him, the border between the upper and lower bars slowly emerges and opens outward.

Later, Lao Fan continued to move forward, and by this time, they had completely stepped down the stairs to the underground platform, and then the voice of the middle-aged man continued to ring out:

"the Tianyun hall is composed of numerous flying races distributed in the land of taixuan. They make a living by carrying the rest of their lives as a means of livelihood, and jointly build the most basic traffic network of taixuan.

"So we'll see if we can learn from this method and implement it in summer, but we find that this method is not realistic."

At this point, fan shook his head and put away his jade plate of identity. Then he groped for it in front of a wall and said again:

"first of all, the main body of our summer is the human race, and there are no other flying races. If we introduce foreign races rashly, it will impact the foundation of our country, so it is certainly not advisable.

"On the second point, we have discussed with the craftsmen of the Ministry of engineering about the idea of flying puppets, and we have received the answer that although it is feasible, there are some hard injuries that can not be ignored.

"Because each flying puppet is not only extremely precious, but also complicated in taking off and landing steps, and the number of people it can carry is very small. In other words, if you take a flying puppet for a short distance in the city, the gain is not worth the loss, and there is a transmission array between cities, which is extremely chicken ribs."

Old fan's rich voice fell down, and his fumbling movement suddenly stopped. Then he raised his hand and patted the wall in front of him.

The next breath, a violent roar suddenly sounded from the front, and this time, the outward slowly opened is no longer the previous border, but the thick city gate composed of stone walls.

"After the plan above the sky is denied, there is only one kind left, that is, the underground where we are at this time, and its inspiration comes from the Bafeng pass countless miles away."

After saying that, Lao Fan suddenly raised his head and looked at the stone gate which opened to both sides in front of him. The fanaticism in his eyes became more and more intense, and the voice of word by word continued to spread out:

"under the Bafeng pass, countless underground rivers were dug by the workers of the Ministry of labor to transport the living creatures entering the pass, as well as the soldiers and supplies in our border areas Feed, the efficiency of transportation equipment can be increased by ten times when we use the underground waterway for combat! "

"Uncle fan, is it possible that under the ground of our God's capital city, we have also imitated the example of the overlord Fengguan in Xinjiang and dug countless underground rivers?"

"How can it be, boy, the most important point is that Bafeng pass is located on the Bank of the North Sea, with endless sea water, while our Shenjing city is located in the northwest hinterland of the vast land of Shenzhou. The rivers of three rivers and six banks can not fill the vast underground area of Shenjing city.

"On the other hand, bafengguan was built in recent years. It can be said that it is the peak work of our whole summer, but the Shenjing city is not. It has a long history, and the water flow is more difficult to control."After the old fan came out with a little funny voice, he took the lead to step into the stone gate, and the louder voice continued to spread across the ground:

"although we can't build a waterway under the capital city, we used another more ingenious method, that is, the rail way!"

As the voice dropped, old fan stopped directly. At the same time, all the lights under the ground were on at this moment, and all the scenes inside were displayed before them.

"This, this!"

After an instant, the pupil of the young man behind the old fan shrinks fiercely, murmurs to the outside, and subconsciously steps forward.

Displayed next to the young man is a puppet dragon made up of countless machines!

The whole body of the Dragon presents an amazing brilliant silver. The whole body is made up of sections of boxcars, which are like a thousand legged centipede magnified countless times.

The light of the whole underground tunnel, shining on this long dragon, makes the indescribable breath of puppet machinery vividly and vividly.

This is a completely different from the monk's strength, full of cold and strict!

"Uncle fan, boy, I really can't use words to describe the big guy in front of me. Every part of it is so precise and ingenious. It's hard to imagine that such a huge puppet is made up of craftsmen from our work department one by one."

"Yes, although I didn't personally participate in the construction of this big guy, I still feel extremely proud."

After that, old fan stepped forward, reached out his hand and gently stroked the silver outer wall of the puppet dragon in front of him, just like touching the most precious thing in the world, and murmured: "I believe that in a few days, the name of this big guy will be completely spread throughout the vast land of Shenzhou, and you and I, as the first people to control this big guy, are very lucky!" . , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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