Published at 25th of April 2022 05:50:39 AM

Chapter 541

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Remorseful, unyielding and unbelievable, Xue Dao, who is always in a state of total emotion, can't remember how long he didn't sleep soundly.

The right hand, which was cut off by a spear by a high-level barbarian, could not be reborn because he could not find the broken limb washed away by the underground river. However, under various treatments, he could not feel any pain at this time.

Xue Dao, who wakes up from his false sleep, opens his eyes and just wants to prop up his body with his hands. However, he finds that his right hand has no sense. Then he remembers that he has broken his arm. Therefore, his dark and cold face flashes a trace of ridicule and murmurs to himself:


The faint self mocking voice just dropped, but a cold and beautiful female voice sounded clearly outside the door:

"when I was in Nanman, I saw too many injuries like you, but they were not rubbish."

"The heart is dead, even if the limbs are sound, it is still a waste."

Through a wooden door, Xue Dao's voice continued to ring. Although his voice was young, it had a dull smell. As he said, sorrow is more than death.

Once an elite scout loses his spirit and the heart of an assassin, he is a waste.

After Xue Dao's voice dropped, the woman's voice outside did not reply. The young man who was leaning against the plank inside the door had a more bitter smile.

But all of a sudden, the door was directly opened by a huge force, and the sun suddenly penetrated into the room. After a long time of not seeing such a dazzling knife, he subconsciously narrowed his eyes, but recovered as usual in an instant. In the training of the scouts, the training in the face of strong light is a basic training course.

Xue Dao's pupils shrank subconsciously to counteract the influence of the light. He looked up slightly. In the light, there was a figure in a dark robe. The figure was not big, but rather small. The next breath, a lovely little head arrogant robe appeared behind him. Then he looked at Xue Dao, who looked pale in front of him, shyly and curiously 。

The girl takes off her hood, and then she shows a face full of exotic customs, especially the barbarian totem with four horizontal bars, which attracts Xue Dao's attention. Then she looks forward and says slowly: "it's none of my business whether you're rubbish or not. I don't care whether you give up yourself, but if your majesty doesn't give up you, you can't let go Abandon yourself. "

After the words dropped, manyuanyuan looked at the startled young scouts in front of her again, pulled her sister around and walked out. Then a faint voice continued:

"I've heard about you. No matter whether your comrade in arms is really treason or not, you should be the one who needs to find out the truth and answer, and your Majesty must think so So if you don't want to be ruined, come with me! "

When she finished speaking, she was led by her sister and walked out of the door. The little girl, manpingping, was holding a sleeping pig. She looked back at the door, which was still quiet. Her big eyes flashed.

Although she was still a little muddled, she could clearly feel the strong negative energy of the young man in the room.

After a few minutes, the knife in the room, the only left hand clenched his fist, hammered the bed board under his body, got up and walked out of the room, and said in a low voice:

"Damn it, the far north snow field, right? Shanzi, no matter where you go, I will catch you back. Even if you are really treason, you can only die in my hands. "

In the early morning of winter, a slight light pierces the darkness and spreads over the vast land of China, bringing infinite light and warmth. However, further north of the HaoTu huwo mountain range, there is a vast expanse of snow and boundless darkness.

It takes three years for the night in the far north snow field!

The vast land area of Shenzhou is almost boundless. Daxia and the Terrans occupy the fertile area of Central Plains with suitable climate and fertile soil. The unique geographical advantages make the Terrans, which are the spirits of all things, expand rapidly. However, in those cold snow fields, or swamps and jungles full of poisonous insects, there are some human like creatures struggling in them, such as the famine people The barbarians, and the snowmen of the far north.

The sun will bring warmth, and the extremely long night in the far north snow field has almost reached the extreme cold. However, the blood of adventure and the spirit of business road flowing in the blood of the human race make several northern chambers of Commerce open up commercial routes, go out of the Tianmen pass to the North, and trade with the snowmen.

We should know that these snow people, who are famous for their belligerence and rough character, are not a good trading object. Although the snow people distributed on the snow plains in the unit of tribe are under the jurisdiction of liulicheng in name, and pay tribute to the summer as a subordinate foreign state every year, they are defiant and rebellious and fight each other when they disagree.

In the early days, people from the clan chamber of commerce were often looted and even damaged a large number of people as soon as they entered the Xuemin tribe. Later, the Jiang family, who was guarding the Tianmen pass, killed all the tribes who participated in the affair with the help of sun, one of the upper four armies. Only in this way did all the Xuemin tribes abide by the iron law of the great Xia Dynasty and dare not kill the merchants Daxia again common people.Despite this, some deliberate difficulties still exist, coupled with extremely bad weather and fierce snow beasts, which also proves that every time you enter the snow plain, it will be a test of life and death.

Deep in the snow field in the far north, the sky is gorgeous and gorgeous.

Under the aurora, a team is braved the wind and snow, slowly moving forward, in the light of the aurora, the front of the team has two flags fluttering.

On one side, there is a large Xia character written on a black background, which represents that this team came from the great Xia Dynasty, the overlord of China's vast land. It is also the biggest dependence of this team in the snow field.

On the other side of the banner, there are two words "Nanke", indicating that it is a Nanke chamber of Commerce. The implication is very simple and straightforward. For the original guests in the south, the simpler and more straightforward, the better.

Under the deep snow, ordinary carriages can't move at all. Therefore, the merchants' chambers of Commerce will tame a huge snow beast named Snow camel as a walking tool, pull off the wheels, install the sled carriage, and move between the snow.

At this time, a middle-aged man who wrapped himself up in his own package was sitting in the carriage pulled by a snow camel. Looking at the thick scratches on his right hand, he said to a young girl beside him:

"Pearl, it's almost time. You take the dry food to the rear team and send it to the passengers."

In the snowy plain of three years of darkness, the marks on the carriage on hand represent time. In the ice and snow, the food is limited, so the staff of the chamber of commerce can only eat one meal of dry food a day.

"Yes, father

Then there was a young response in the carriage. After the sound fell, a figure was not tall, but covered up and down with thick cotton padded clothes. He opened the door and jumped directly into the wind and snow outside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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