Published at 25th of November 2022 05:13:19 AM

Chapter 468

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"Big brother!"

Seeing Shen Xueming, Shen Xiangwan's heart stopped. She is afraid of hearing bad news, and even more afraid of The capital has changed. A heart pounding is just like breaking out of the chamber.

"Wan'er, where's her brother-in-law."

"You come with me."

Looking at her sister's tense but meticulous appearance, Shen Xueming's heart is very unpleasant.

"I'm not afraid. I'm here."

Shen Xiangwan steps slightly stagnant, turns back, that pair of black let a person palpitating eyes stare at him, "this time, is it my business?"

Shen Xueming is a little depressed.

My sister is so clever.

Dang can't hide the truth.

In Shen Xiangwan's eyes, he had to nod, "it's a little bit Little trouble. "

Shen Xiangwan gave an astringent smile, pursed her mouth, and did not speak any more.

Shen Xueming is also helpless.

He also knew that what he could do in person was not small. However, in the eyes of his sister, he really did not know how to say it.

"Don't think about it. My brother-in-law will come out to talk to you."

"Well, you go in. He's in it."

Murong Xiude is sorting out some files of his previous appointment. These things should be told to the emperor briefly at that time. So he has to sort it out. Of course, there are also some local affairs that have to be sorted out.

When he saw Shen Xueming, he was also very calm and met him. "


Looking at him, Shen Xueming sighed to himself.

Sister and Murong Xiude are both delicate minded people. If he shows a little look, he will be noticed by them.

Close the door, inside the room, Murong Xiude's voice is a little astringent. "What is it?"

At the moment of seeing Shen Xueming, he had a lot of things in his mind: something happened to his parents in law. But immediately denied it.

Because my parents in law just came back. There should be no accident.

Then there was Fei Yuqing's accident.

But even if Xuan understood that Fei Yuqing had an accident, his uncle could not have come here to stop them.

Most likely, something happened to them. But myself and Wan'er What else can I do to make my uncle look so dignified? What's more, I come here to discuss with them after I get the news.

"It's Wan'er..."

Murong Xiude's heart thumped. Unprecedented solemnity.


"Now the black and white countries are ready to sit down and negotiate with us. Now representatives of both countries are waiting for us. What makes people angry is that people in these two countries have actually made a request, that is Waner

Murong Xiude stood up.

"These shameless people!" Reading net


"Black and white people, white people Is it fengzhuoqing? "

"The wind is so clear?"

Shen Xueming is puzzled.

Immediately, it suddenly occurred. "Yes, I heard earlier that my sister had a suitor."

Murong Xiude seriously corrected, "not a pursuer, but a perverted person who plundered her. That person, also in Wan er's body under GU medicine. I've always suspected that he might be the remnant of the black bee kingdom. It's just that in the absence of empirical evidence, this kind of thing is not sure. "

"Well, there is only one person left in the black kingdom. According to the news, the real king of the black kingdom should be a man."

"Yes Murong Rongzhi Rong Ge'er. "

Although unwilling to admit it, Murong Xiude still pointed out that who the man would be.

"You say Murong Rongzhi in your mansion

Shen Xueming jumped up.

"Yes, he had such feelings for Wan'er at that time, and Wan'er had been rejecting him. On the contrary, the man felt very good about himself, and felt that Wan'er was interested in my ability and so on. Maybe he thinks that with power, he can get Wan'er better. An extreme man always has different ideas. "

After hearing this, Shen Xueming nodded, "this is also true. Generally speaking, some conceited people impose their own ambitions on women. In my opinion, this Murong Rongzhi was ambitious from the beginning, and wanted to get something different. He has been working hard to get more rights, but he can't get away from that moral scope. Finally, in her subconscious mind, she turned her dissatisfaction towards Wan'er into a goal of striving for her. "

Murong Xiude jaw head, "he does not love Wan'er at all. If he loves her, he will only make her happier. Instead of being forced to do things that make her unhappy and unhappy, as she is now. Where is love, true love Only for the sake of each other. I will only be happy to see her smile, and I will only... "He shook his head.

Really love a person, as long as you see her happy, you will feel happy. Love is not possession, nor is it an excuse to be strong.

Love, just pay for her silently, see her happy.

"These people, want to find excuses, there are, but how do you infer that it is Murong Rongzhi?"

Shen Xueming is still curious. You know, this brother-in-law is not in the capital, nor in the six doors. How do you feel that he can investigate and speculate more than himself!

"Because all I can think of is him. Moreover, I doubt his sudden death some years ago. Depending on his skill, how could he have died in honor after meeting a gang of bandits. Besides, he died in a big fire. "

Shen Xueming is even more puzzled.

"But as far as I know, there were two bodies in the fire at that time. Are you not sure one of those two people is Murong Rongzhi?"

"A man who is well prepared to escape, can't he prepare two bodies in advance? Now is not the time to discuss the body, but how to deal with it. It must be uncertain what the emperor is going to do if you can come here. You have asked me to talk to me in advance. "

Shen Xueming nodded, "there is a smart sister and a smart brother-in-law. I really don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. As you said, the emperor said that he didn't intend to exchange his wife for peace. However, the people of these two countries are also very damaged. They even proposed that if Wan'er is given to them, they will bow down and submit to the throne! "

Murong Xiude's pupil shrank. But spin even shake your head.

"Well, the emperor is not going to do it. If so, offend not only you and me, but also Yuqing's family members. More importantly, people in the world will laugh at him. But, as you said, this condition is too tempting, people's hearts It is also the most difficult to control the existence. In this case, we must nip the danger in the cradle. "

"It's not tiring to talk to smart people. Brother in law, what you said is what I want to do. How about this matter? What do you say we should do? "

Shen Xueming squints at his brother-in-law.

I always know that this one is not a bag of straw. But now the real contact to deal with things, only to know that this brother-in-law is really good. At least, there are many things to know one can know the third.

"My brother-in-law and Yu Qing have some ideas about this matter, but it depends on my decision in the end, isn't it?"

At this time, Murong Xiude did not hide his clumsiness.

He poured out all the things he could analyze.


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