Published at 4th of March 2024 05:16:20 AM

Chapter 118

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Overall, the trade had been net positive, Mila decided. While the opposing pair now knew Isabel’s defence was greater than expected, they didn’t understand why or how.


And now, Mila knew Litan’s skin was hard to penetrate. Not impossibly so, proved by the white line she had left earlier. She was confident a good stab would still be deadly. Or perhaps repeated slashes at the same spot, but those would be harder to achieve.


Mila guessed it was a blessing. These two were pious. While it was to be seen if the sister also had a blessing, it was safer to assume she did. “Be careful,” Mila muttered to Isabel. “They both might have blessings. The brother does, for sure.”


After giving the information, Mila returned to reevaluating their chances. While there were now new unknowns introduced into the situation, her move had given them the upper hand.


Isabel was pressuring Liton while Litan was looking at Mila verily. For the first time, he wasn’t acting like a fool, his gaze cold and hateful. But then it vanished. He was back to his previous self.


“Couldn’t have warned me more than just asking if I can handle them both,” Isabel complained. “That almost hurt.” 


“O, shush, you baby. If can’t be that bad if you can speak so much.” That said, Mila did feel a little guilty. It definitely wasn’t a move that could be used against dangerous opponents. But while Litan and Liton were more skilled, they weren't out of their league. “Sorry…” She finally added. “My bad.”


“As long as you know.” Isabel still had attention to spare. Her assault was going well, it seemed.


Now Mila was feeling even worse. She still thought it had been the right choice. But it definitely was a step too far. Perhaps Mila trusted Isabel’s defences a little too much. She shook her head. Litan was again moving towards her. She needed to concentrate.


“Done speaking?” Litan opened his hands wide, inviting Mila to attack.


Mila obliged by launching another throwing knife, leaving her with three. She needed more information, and with such a large gap in the man’s defences, she hoped to gather some with this attempt.


Litan’s free hand blurred as he attempted to catch the flying knife. Mila raised her eyebrow as she closed the distance together with her attack. Did the man want to prove anything?


To his credit, Litan did catch the knife and raised his chin in victory. He even was fast enough to receive Mila’s slash with his dagger.


Their weapons crossed, and Mila lost out by being weaker. But she had expected it. With how much strength Litan had put into the block, she found it stupidly easy to be pushed back with an absurd speed.


Right towards Litan’s sister. Mila once more pivoted around. Her eyes fell on Liton, who had regained her footing. Isabel was blocking each heavy hammer blow with her shield - which refused to be scratched. The same could not be said about Isabel’s sword, which was slightly bent and its blade chipped.


Mila knew Litan was following her. But she was committed to forcing Liton to reveal more of her abilities to help Isabel. If there was nothing - good. If there was something - they needed to know as soon as possible. 


This time, Liton was ready. She took a defensive stance and parried Isabel’s sword blow with her gauntlet. The woman then held her hammer across her body, raising her defences.


But it didn’t help Liton much, as Mila’s steps blurred, and she rapidly changed her direction twice, finding herself at Liton’s side. It was very taxing on Mila. She felt her ankles hurt from exertion.


However, now Mila was free to strike. Only, it quickly became apparent what Liton had been hiding. The woman’s mana weaved into a pattern, resembling a spell. Mila pushed her body to the limit once more, using inertia to move past Liton.


That is not to say Mila was leaving the woman unscathed. Her dagger found Liton’s side and managed to leave a cut before she was forced to jump away to avoid the sudden colourless bolt of mana.


The blood slowly seeped into Liton’s clothing where the cut had been made. The leather armour Liton had on her had proved its usefulness by stopping the worst of Mila’s attack.


Liton sent another bolt towards Isabel, who, without a way to feel it, was hit and forced back a few steps.


Mila twirled her dagger while thoughtfully humming. “We switch.” She suddenly announced.


“What?” Isabel wasn’t happy. “She is an awful opponent for you.” She pointed out.


“Yes, but better than that stone-skinned freak.” Mila jumped back again to avoid Litan’s sharp stab. “Besides, you can’t dodge her spells. So we switch.”


It was true that Liton wasn’t a comfortable opponent for Mila. But only Mila could feel those spells forming. And frankly, she didn’t think she could heavily injure Litan without giving a limb to him. That tough skin of his was annoying for a precision striker like her.


But Isabel could deal with that. She had more strength. Isabel also didn’t have to worry about that dagger. Of course, it was questionable if Mila’s girl could catch Litan, but with Lion being stuck here… Mila doubted he would run. Not when their ‘Hunt’ was still ongoing.


Mila eyed the woman verily. She couldn’t afford to block even a single blow from her. Liton was frowning while touching her wound. She brushed her finger on it and then tasted the seeping blood. “No poison?” She wondered.


“No… I blade is enough for one such as you.” Mila circled Liton while Isabel intercepted Litan.


“Bold words! I like it!” Liton announced and charged Mila.


It was a feint. Well, not quite. The charge was dangerous, and Mila couldn’t face it. But the true danger came from the forming spells.


Even before Liton reached Mila, formless, invisible bolts shot out and threatened to kill her. Mila carefully plotted her path. She twisted her body, avoiding the magic and ducked under the compact swing at her torso.


Mila wanted to strike but was forced back by another bolt. Really, it was so unfair. At least…


Before Mila could formulate the thought, Liton’s mana flared into a more complex pattern. She deftly danced away from a surge of flames chasing after her. The destructive fire made her remember her mistake at the City’s guard station. 


Why was it always fire?


And Isabel’s curse revealed she thought the same. Just a little more than a week ago, Isabel had cast a similar spell and burnt down a large swath of the city. Mila feared this barf of flames would make a repeat of that feat.


Not to mention that Inquisitor, what seemed ages ago. That one had used fire as well.


Mila rolled away from the roaring plasma, then another bolt that shattered a stone where her head had been just a moment ago. She lifted her dagger, wishing it had more reach. While great for infiltration, surprise attacks and precision strikes, it sorely lacked in a direct confrontation.


And Mila wasn’t the only one suffering because of the choice of her weapon. Litan was not fearing well against Isabel, too. His attacks didn’t scratch her. Power was needed, not accuracy, to deal with Isabel.


Speaking of different weapons. Mila looked at Burt’s corpse. The man’s sword was still lying next to him. She ducked and weaved without stopping as more attacks came relentlessly from Liton.


That one would come in handy. While still unwieldy, Mila was at a stage where using a proper sword didn’t kill her wrists immediately.


With that in mind, Mila began twisting herself towards the sword. Liton, of course, followed. The woman didn’t give her even a second to gather her breath.


But with Mila’s sharp senses, she managed to step through the barrage of attacks and find the sword. With a daring somersault, she grabbed the weapon and rolled away from the smashing attack that broke more of the paving.


Mila suffered through another shower of shambles and narrowed her eyes. The sword gave her the much-needed reach. As she slipped her dagger under her cloak, Mila also grabbed the remaining throwing knives.


Before Mila could decide on her next action, Isabel’s attack pushed Litan to stand beside his sister. Her girl huffed and stopped on Mila’s side. 


“I can’t hit him,” Isabel complained. “And the one time I did, he shrugged it off.”


“You managed to hit him?” Mila asked in surprise. She couldn’t decide if the short pause was a good thing or not.


“Well, nicked his cloak,” Isabel confessed while raising her shield once again. “Ready?”


Mila looked at their opponents. Litan was whispering something to his sister, who frowned. She shook her head before, from the looks of it, changed her mind. “Fine.” Liton raised her hammer again. “But I hate it.”

His sister’s disapproval didn’t seem to phase Litan. He even appeared to be happy. “It’s time!” He spoke.


From the pained expression on Liton’s face, whatever was coming was likely to be dangerous - quite possibly to both sides.


Isabel felt it, too. She moved in front of Mila with her shield raised. There was now a pregnant silence hanging in the air.


Finally, Litan and Liton moved. The brother threw his cloak in the air, revealing a tight outfit beneath. His muscles visibly moved beneath the silky fabric. He proceeded to hide his face behind the blade of his dagger while glaring over it at Mila and Isabel.


“You have now done it…” Litan whispered while Liton groaned. “You have forced me to reveal my hidden form.” Another groan. “Even when I was a child, I have been hiding this beast inside me.” He crouched while sticking his free hand to the side, posing.


“What the fuck?” Isabel couldn’t hold her surprise in. Mila didn’t know where to look.


Litan’s clothes were too tight. In all places. Especially his crotch region. And they were yellow. Why were they yellow?


And Liton looked depressed. For the first time, she refused to meet Mila’s and Isabel’s eyes. “He is like that…” She stated.


“With this,” Litan kept posing. He pulled the blade away from his face, revealing a manic grin. “With this, I am ultimate. I am the predator.” He rose to his feet, his jewels jingling. “Now, sister!”


Liton helplessly crouched, letting her brother climb on her shoulders, then straightened.


The obscene man raised his dagger in the air. “I am invincible. I look down upon the world. I-”


It was too much. Before Mila could move, Isabel had already lost control and charged. Litan looked at them in surprise. “I am not finished!” He squealed, raising his voice for the first time.


Liton, in turn, grabbed her brother's legs and threw him at Isabel. Bot Litan and Isabel crashed into each other and began exchanging blows.


Mila had to admit that Litan was now faster, more distracting and annoying with his remarks.


“Let’s celebrate!” Litan exclaimed. “We shall bath in blood!” He continued. “Strike me!” His mouth couldn’t shut up.


“How…” Mila watched the ensuing fight. “How can you tolerate him?” She wanted to know.


“I can’t.” Liton raised her hammer. “But he is my brother. Now, common. If we fight, I won’t have to listen to his shit.”


“Why did you even agree to help him?” Mila was still confused. Was this some sort of psychological attack? If so, it worked remarkably well. “What is this madness?”


“Look…” Liton sighed. “Look, just… Let’s just fight, okay?”


Mila looked at the tired woman, then at the yellow monkey jumping around. “How did THIS make him more capable?” She could see Isabel had trouble keeping up with the man now.


“He just is more… expressive, you know? Shall we?” Liton kept nudging Mila to fight.


“Right, yes.” Mila tore her eyes away from the horrific sight. “We shall.” She was glad they had switched the opponents.


Why did I make the sibling names so similar?

I kept messing up with them while writing the chapter.

Hopefully, none of the mistakes survived.

... Also... Why did I make Litan the way he is?...


Maybe no chapter tomorrow. Didn’t write much today.



Resting Enkiari

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!