Published at 13th of October 2023 06:27:03 AM

Chapter 514: Pep Talk

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The next day,

Rex is sitting in the throne room with his face buried in his hand remembering the incident last night, he thought that with their current sensitive sense this kind of problem wouldn't arise.

But he was wrong, this kind of thing is inevitable.

Although nothing has happened to his parents living together with the others, he can't deny the fact that most of the people inside the mansion are Supernaturals with most of them being Werewolves belonging to his pack. Only Edward is the only human left aside from his parents.

Last night when he checks on his mother, she was definitely not okay.

Rex comes inside their room with the excuse of telling them that he was about to be away for a couple of days in the near future, but throughout the conversation, he can see that Mrs. Greene spaced out a couple of times.

It's mostly Robert that is engaged in the conversation asking him about the matter.

Despite trying to sound fine and even putting on a strong smile, Rex knew that Mrs. Greene is not okay and she was going to be having the same nightmare of that night again. This made him angrier the more he thought about it.

Mostly it's his fault for being too relaxed around his parents, but this is the safest place.

Placing his parents in another mansion will make him exposed to the other 25 Golden Crest Families with some of them still hostile, buying a mansion in sector 2 is out of the equation as it wouldn't be possible.

Even the top three families of the 25 Golden Crest only have one mansion here.

If the rules of sector 2 are not tight then most of them should own a couple of properties here, but in reality, they don't. So there must be something that prevent them from doing that, and making a deal with Sebrof just for another mansion is not a good idea.

Sebrof is the only one that has the authority to grant him another mansion, and he will definitely twist the agreement to favor him so much that buying the mansion is not worth it.

While thinking about that, Rex massages his forehead with a sigh.

Throughout the night, he already kept himself busy raising his Lunar Light element side into the peak of fifth rank. He just finished meditating and now he can assimilate with a spirit before he finally stepped into the sixth rank realm and achieved his Exalted bloodline.

But immediately after he stopped meditating, the worry he felt for his mother drowned in him.

Rex shakes his head before he opened the Sudden Quest he got from making a deal with the Hester Family, to take his anxious mind off of Mrs. Greene that should still be sleeping. Perhaps currently having a nightmare of that night.

In exchange for fulfilling the war contribution quota of the Silverstar Family, the user made a deal with Lady Lauren from the Hester Family asking to kill a Shapeshifter that poisoned her husband. This Shapeshifter is a powerful Supernatural belonging to the Five Conversion. Bring the designated Shapeshifter to Lady Lauren to complete this quest.

Quest Reward: 15 Skill Upgrade, 30,000,000,000 Exp, Substance of Dynamic Armaments

From the quest reward of the sudden quest, Rex knows that this quest should be pretty hard. Lady Lauren said that this Five Conversion of the Shapeshifter is close with its King, so it doesn't surprise Rex that it's going to be hard.

Despite the difficulty of any quest, solid planning is all he needed to tackle the mission.

Rex doesn't know anything about Shapeshifter aside from the surface-level knowledge of Shapeshifter that has invulnerable skin that is a bane for Earth-related Elementalist. It can shapeshift into anything even the scent and DNA.

It's basically a perfect sabotage machine of the Supernatural, nigh perfect race of assassins.

'System, I would like to buy information about the Shapeshifter Race'

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