Published at 13th of October 2023 06:24:03 AM

Chapter 598: Peak Of Power

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Despite already sensing the flowing red lightning inside Sebrof's body through the Extreme State skill that is still active, the attack came very fast which caught Rex off guard. It was a sudden burst of movement from the very high level of arcane mana control.

Sebrof proves he's the peak of power as his level of arcane mana control was insane.

Arcane mana is a higher form of mana that was caused by a deliberate mutation to the elemental mana which is the normal mana, and it's a purer essence compared to the elemental mana which caused any spell conjured by this arcane mana to be stronger and more efficient.

It requires less arcane mana upon using a particular spell and the result is also stronger.

At first glance, arcane mana looks to bring only benefits to an Awakened. But it also comes at a cost of being harder to control just like different element that is way harder to control compared to other more docile elements.

Lightning, Fire, and Dark elements for example are way harder to control than Wind, and Water.

Now Sebrof not only has the affinity of a lightning element, but he can even control perfectly the arcane lightning mana which shows his very high level of control. As such, he can explode with extreme speed like this and catch Rex off guard.

"Pneuma Spell! Total Lightning Thurst!!"


Way faster than the speed of sound, Sebrof thrust the red lightning saber through Rex's stomach.

Blood gushed out from the back as the thrusting saber brought along the roaring sound of a tiger, Sebrof managed to land a powerful attack and the both of them started to fall down from the sky. Sebrof was able to save the pilots from an attack that would definitely kill them.

Even though they are well-trained, their reflex was not going to win against Rex's movement.

While falling down from the sky with the red lightning saber stabbing Rex's abdomen, Sebrof should rejoice after landing a decisive attack but there was no joy on his face. Many reasons caused him to not feel joy and one of them is due to the fact that the battle wouldn't be over yet.

If two ninth-rank realm entities fight, the battle would take days to be finished without disruption.

Due to their unlimited energy that can be used all the time which usually puts them both in a stalemate, the battle wouldn't stop if there was no one helping the other side or a huge gap in strength between the two entities.

Sebrof has experienced this before, and he knows that this will not be enough.

'Although he's in the ninth-rank realm, it would've been detrimental being stabbed like this if it were any other ninth-rank entity. But he's a prince that has King Mark...'

Knowing that such an attack wouldn't heavily injure Rex that has his King Mark activated, Sebrof's eyes spark with red lightning as he trains his eyes forward. It's not going to end quickly if he didn't use his full power against Rex, so he intends to do so.


Both of them crash onto multiple buildings before finally hitting the ground.

Clouds of dust covered the entire place blocking the vision of anyone to see, their falling impact was destructive but the place was already devoid of people. At the very least, there will not be many casualties from that.

Sebrof stands back up and darted his eyes left and right in search of the dubious Werewolf.

It just needs a brief second for him to realize the impact they caused on the entire sector, he was occupied in the fight earlier and just finally absorbing the fact that the place around him was utterly destroyed.

Only traces of civilization can be seen through wrecked cars and destroyed buildings.

Now that he processed the surroundings, he can't help but blame Zero, Giana, Rex, and more importantly, himself. This shouldn't happen, but the problem caused by others resulted in him failing to do his job.

Protecting humanity.

Taking a couple of short breaths from feeling the burning sensation in his chest, Sebrof looks to the side and finds a pair of purple eyes staring at him appearing from the dust. This made him sigh a sigh mixed with helplessness and frustration.

Rex's walking figure then came out slowly with the red lightning saber still in his abdomen.

Grabbing the handle of the red lightning saber, he pulls it out without even a trace of pain in his face despite the gushing blood before dropping it to the ground beside him. Even Sebrof can't help but frown when he sees the wound closed up at a visible rate.

For a brief moment, he was thrown back to the time he forces his arcane mana to invade Rex.

Back then Rex was shriveling on the ground unable to handle the red lightning arcane mana that was forced into him, he even need Vargas to expel some of the arcane mana to recover. But now the arcane mana didn't seem to hurt him that much, it's his King Mark in play, being a Lightning Elementalist also helps with that.

Rex wanted to move again but out of nowhere, he looks up and saw a huge meteor falling down.

Immediately after that, notifications from the system appear.

Upon seeing the notification from the system, his eyes sparkled for a bit but that flash in his eyes dimmed down almost instantly. It was due to the next notification that hits his mind powerfully and clouded his mind further into the abyss.

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