Published at 6th of March 2023 08:10:54 AM

Chapter 1482

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The big elder originally wanted to slip away, but now Xiao Han seems to have a special eye on him. How can I get there?

"No, no, I'll go with you. I'll go with you."

The elder laughed two times, and then his face was like earth.

Xiao Han is not moved, the sky sword is still pointing at the elder, motionless.

The elder, who was leaving, found that he couldn't even move. It seemed that an invisible force was controlling his whole body, making him unable to move.

The elder was so frightened that he did not dare to cry out.

He didn't feel the breath on Xiao Han's body, which locked him firmly.

Xiao Han in front of his eyes gave him a deep feeling.

The elder is very clear that even Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren, their ordinary disciples, have successfully raised their cultivation level and strength to the early stage of the tongxuan period in Penglai fairyland. So Xiao Han is probably at least the strength of the peak state of the middle and the tongxuan period.

In this way, the elder knows that there must be no way to improve today's affairs.

In this way, the elder was led by Xiao Han's breath all the way to the hall of Penglai Island. After that, the elder found that Xiao Han's breath was slowly disappearing, and he was able to recover his freedom.

In addition to the island Master Lu Xuan, there are many disciples of Penglai Island standing around the hall. As for Lu Xuan, there are also several elder elders, who should be senior figures in Penglai Island.

At this time, the elder saw Lu Xuan, the leader of the island, who was sitting at the head of the island. He rushed to the front as if he had seen a savior, and then he stood by Lu Xuan's side.

In the eyes of the elder, only the island Master Lu Xuan can save his life.

Even though Xiao Han's cultivation level and strength have been greatly improved, the great elder believes that Xiao Han should not dare to be so presumptuous in front of Lu Xuan, the master of Penglai Island, to do something to himself, the great elder of Penglai Island.

Thinking of this, the elder's heart is better.

At this time, when Xiao Han and others all sat down, Lu Xuan looked at the scene, and his face was still somewhat unnatural.

Because she found that from the very beginning, when she appeared in the ancestral hall, the night rain around her had been holding Xiao Han's arm tightly. The two people were very close and looked like a couple.

Such a scene, let Lu Xuan suddenly feel a little uncomfortable.

Lu Xuan calmed down, and finally said, "Xiao Han, have you found any news about our Penglai Island's colorful clothes and feather clothes in Penglai fairyland?"

At this time, everyone's eyes were on Xiao Han. Lu Xuan and the elder, as well as other disciples of Penglai Island in the hall, were very concerned about this matter. As for Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team, others were very strange.

After all, although they said that they appeared at the foot of Zhenmo mountain, they did not successfully climb it. Instead, they stopped at the middle of the mountain. Therefore, they did not know what Xiao Han, Ye Yu, Zhang Xiaoqiang and others found after climbing Zhenmo mountain.

Xiao Han laughed and then said, "Lord Lu, before I talk about business, I have a small matter to deal with."

"Oh?" "What's the matter?" Lu Xuan asked curiously

At this time, the big elder standing beside Lu Xuan felt a little cluttered, and the secret way was not good.

Is Xiao Han ready to challenge him?

Xiao Han then said, "Lord Lu, I believe you asked me to enter Penglai fairyland. It should be for me to help you find colorful clothes in Penglai Island, right?"

Although Lu Xuan didn't know why Xiao Han suddenly raised this stubble at this time, she still nodded and said: "it is so."

Xiao Han said with a smile: "when I entered the Penglai fairyland, when I opened the heaven and earth bag, I found that there was no food in my bag, and all the boxes contained bricks. As for the eight breathing pills that every disciple of Penglai fairyland had, they turned into eight glass balls in my hand I almost starved to death. I didn't have a breathing pill. I almost died many times. I wonder if the master of Luxian island should give me a reasonable explanation? "

Speaking of this, many disciples and elders of Penglai Island took a breath.

Xiao Han said this, which means that someone in Penglai Island targeted him and entrapped him. Otherwise, Xiao Han's food and breathing pills in the heaven and earth bag would not have turned into bricks and glass beads for no reason.

Moreover, many disciples of Penglai Island knew very well that Xiao Han was invited by the island Master Lu Xuan himself. Xiao Han was a gas refiner with no family or school. Therefore, all the materials Xiao Han needed to prepare in Penglai fairyland were all arranged by Penglai Island. Even Xiao Han's heaven and earth bags were borrowed from Luxuan island Master Yes.Because Xiao Han doesn't have a bag of heaven and earth.

After hearing Xiao Han's words, Lu Xuan was also shocked, "what? Is there such a thing? "

After hearing the words, Xiao Xuan couldn't help but stand up.

If what Xiao Han said is true, it means that they are really attractive in Penglai Island and want to harm Xiao Han. Otherwise, it is impossible to replace all the food in Xiao Han's Qiankun bag with bricks.

Lu Xuan's heart is very clear, if a man's gas refiner in Penglai fairyland has no food, he may persist for more than ten days, but he can't survive in Penglai fairyland for a long time.

At this time, Lu Xuan turned his head and looked at the elder.

Lu Xuan's mind is very clear. All the materials provided by Penglai Island, including Huiqi pill, are arranged by the elder.

If what Xiao Han said is true, then this matter has something to do with the elder.

Lu Xuan asked coldly: "elder, what is the matter Xiao Han said?"

The elder was surprised at first, but within a moment he thought of a solution.

"Island Master, if this matter is true, then it must be that someone in my staff has a grudge against Xiao Han. That's why I changed the food in Xiao Han's Qiankun bag and Huiqi pill. I'm also responsible for this matter. I will investigate it as soon as possible and give Xiao Han an account."

It's impossible for the elder to play this hand without being experienced.

In three words and two sentences, Xiao Han's accusations were completely wiped out. According to the elder elder, it was the people who worked under him who had problems. It was not my elder who had problems. Even if our elder had problems, at most, it was a crime of improper teaching.

With a push, the elder left the responsibility of this matter clean.

Heard here, Lu Xuan is also a burst of embarrassment looking at Xiao Han.

She knew that it was their Penglai Island's problem, no matter who was responsible for it. In short, Penglai Island was responsible for Xiao Han, so she, the owner of Penglai Island, also had some responsibility for this matter.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan said apologetically: "Xiao Han, I'm really sorry. It's me who asked you to enter Penglai fairyland, but the matter has not been arranged well. I, the island Master, can not blame myself. Here, I, the island Master, want to apologize to you on behalf of the whole Penglai Island."

Lu Xuan said extremely polite, many people present were slightly moved.

Lu Xuan, as the owner of the whole Penglai Island, apologized to Xiao Han personally, which can be said to have given Xiao Han enough face.

At this time, Xiao Leng snorted and said, "Lord Lu, I think you have misunderstood me. When I talk about this matter today, I am not only asking for an account from you, but also cleaning up the person who wants to secretly harm me. Otherwise, others will think that I am a little cat with no temper?"

Lu Xuan was slightly stunned at first, and then she asked, "what do you mean? Do you want to find out who caused this

Xiao Han nodded and said, "yes, the elder, it's time. Do you think you can get rid of this thing with a few words?"

The elder pretended to be innocent, and then said, "Xiao Han, I know that I also have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter. Here, I want you to guarantee that in the shortest possible time, I will help you tell that the black hand is found out and give you an account. At that time, even if the person is handed over to your hand, you can handle it without any problem."

The elder said these words with great sincerity. Some people who don't know the truth, especially many disciples of Penglai Island, are angry.

Now, both the master and the elder of Penglai Island have personally come forward to apologize to Xiao Han. Xiao Han seems to be a bit ungrateful. It seems that Xiao Han wants to give up.

Xiao Han really didn't expect that the elder was so crafty that he wanted to get rid of his relationship with this matter without any evidence.

Xiao Han said with a playful sneer on his face: "big elder, big elder, it seems that you don't have some color to see. Are you not ready to tell the truth?"

Under such circumstances, how could the elder admit it? He continued to quibble: "Xiao Han, I don't understand what you are talking about. I have said that I will give you an account in the shortest time. What do you want me to do?"

Xiao Han smiles bitterly and shakes his head. It seems that he doesn't give the elder a little color to see. This old guy really doesn't want to tell the truth.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han stretched out his hand to the elder. He was still dozens of meters away. Suddenly, the big elder standing beside the main road Xuan of the island suddenly flew towards Xiao Han. It was as if there was a thread in Xiao Han's hand and directly pulled the elder over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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