Published at 6th of March 2023 09:08:19 AM

Chapter 417

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"Oh, almost forgotten!" Xiao Han a listen, immediately spit out tongue.

With that, he quickly picked up the third bowl on the table, and then filled a bowl of rice. He hurriedly went to his father's portrait, worshipped three times, and then put this bowl of full rice seriously in front of his father's portrait.

Xiao's mother stood behind Xiao Han. She lit several incense candles and lit three incense sticks.

"Lao Xiao, you've been gone for years." Xiao's mother sighed, and then seriously said, "it's been four years since this flash. Look, our son is very promising now. In the past, Xiao Han became the number one student in the college entrance examination, but now it is not the same as before. Xiao Han has become the boss of the company and has a worth of 10 million yuan. Lao Xiao, if you know something about it underground, you will be smiling. "

Xiao mother in the side of the chant, seems to be very nostalgic. For her, her husband used to be her own dependence. Since her husband died, she had to rely on the city. In the urban area, the man who depended on her for survival, at that time, she would have followed her husband. If it were not for Xiao Han's existence, she would have ceased to be in this world.

Now, Xiao Han has become his only rely on, become the only family in the world. Xiao's mother felt that it was a wise choice not to follow her husband, because her son was still there. If she was impulsive at that time, I'm afraid it would lead to everlasting hatred.

"Mom, don't be upset." Xiao Han looked at his mother's tears and couldn't help feeling sad: "all these years have passed. Maybe my father has reincarnated. Right, he should have his own life and his own life."

"Well!" Xiao's mother nodded and said, "I know."

"Well, let's eat." Xiao Han nodded.

New year's Eve dinner is the most abundant meal of the year. Of course, this statement should be for the older generation. For now, every family can afford such a meal. On weekdays, everyone has chickens, ducks, fish and meat.

Unlike the hard life in the past, vegetables and radish are usually used, and chicken, duck and fish can only be eaten on New Year's holidays.

"Xiaohan, eat more!" Xiao's mother was afraid that her son would be hungry.

"Mom, I know!" Xiao Han nodded his head and said, "it's not the same now. In the past, only during the Spring Festival can we eat delicious food. Now we can eat it at any time. Besides, are you worried about what I haven't eaten? I open a restaurant at the gate of Shuimu University. I can eat at any time

"Is it?" Xiao mother a listen, surprised said: "this you did not tell me!"

"Haha, I didn't have time to tell you a lot of things." Xiao Han laughs.

"Then you have to tell me later!" Xiao's mother said in a hurry.

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Share your son's success, and that's your joy. Who says the heart of grass? Mothers want their sons to be successful. There is no doubt that Xiao's mother has been looking forward to her son's success, hoping that her son can become a master and live a life of being a master. Now, her son finally embarked on this road, which is a glorious thing for her.

"Yes Xiao's mother said.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked in doubt.

"Tomorrow we're going to pay a new year's visit to my uncle's house!" Xiao's mother replied in a hurry.

"Why?" Xiao Han was stunned for a moment.

"Since I went last year, it's OK to go again this year." Xiao's mother laughed, and then said: "are relatives, should have contacts, otherwise, the relationship may not go long."

"All right." But Xiao Han nodded Don't tell them about my business. Besides, if they ask to borrow money, we should not. Last time they got some scholarships in the college entrance examination. If they knew that I had made so much money, they would not be able to flatter my family by wagging their tails! "

Xiao Han is not a realistic person. For him, he hates people like uncle and second uncle. These two families are typical snobs, especially their aunts. When they are rich, they want to stick them up. When they have no money, they want to stay away from you and trample on you. As the saying goes, the rich have distant relatives in the mountains, and the poor in the busy city. Xiao Han has already experienced such a life. Therefore, he looked down on the style of Xiao's eldest and second.

"I see!" Xiao's mother nodded and said, "I'm not a showman."

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Han laughs.

As soon as the new year's Eve dinner was finished, Li's voice rang out.

"Xiao Han!" Outside the door, Li Dazhou yelled.

"This fat man." Xiao Han couldn't help cursing, and said, "let's not let people eat new year's Eve."

"Xiao Han!" It's louder.

"Are you full?" Xiao asked.

"I'm full." Xiao Han nodded.

"Then go out and play." Xiao's mother said with a smile, "I'll clean up the table."There are only two people at the new year's Eve, so it's quite cold. Unlike other people's home, the population is large, so when eating the new year's Eve dinner, it is particularly lively. Xiao Han just walked to the door, suddenly, a figure burst in from the outside.


Xiao Han actually bumped into it.

"Ouch..." The other side screamed.

"Who is that?" Xiao Han exclaimed.

"Xiao Han, it's me..." That voice is very familiar, although the figure is very similar to Li daphou, but this person is obviously not Li daphou. It looks more like a familiar person.

Xiao Han fixed his eyes and said, "the sea, is it you?"

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Dahai gets up in a hurry. This guy is dressed in a worker's clothes. He looks honest and honest when he smiles. If anyone in the Xiao family doesn't let Xiao Han hate him the least, he is probably this fat man, Xiao Dahai. He scratched his head awkwardly and said, "you Where are you going

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Han asked, don't hate not necessarily like. As the saying goes, love my house and love my dog. Xiao Dahai is Xiao Guoming's son, to this second uncle, he also some dislike.

"Oh, uncle and my father asked me to invite you and my aunt to dinner on New Year's Eve." Xiao Dahai smiles awkwardly.

"Oh?" Xiao Han Leng for a moment, when uncle and second uncle unexpectedly have so kind heart? I even think of myself when I eat new year's Eve dinner. This makes Xiao Han a little surprised. Xiao Han looked at him suspiciously and said, "sea, you can't cheat me?"

"How could I lie to you?" Xiao Dahai quickly shook his head and said, "I I never cheat

This fat man can't cheat, and he is honest and honest. His eyes also proved that what he said was true, not false.

"But we are all finished." Xiao Han shrugged his shoulders and said, "where can I invite someone to dinner temporarily?"

Xiao Dahai listened, embarrassed said: "Xiao Han, or Let's go and have a seat together. Several families are almost there. "

At this time, Xiao's mother came out of the kitchen.

"Sea, how are you?" On hearing this, Xiao's mother asked in a hurry: "have you eaten yet? Come in and eat. "

"Auntie, I haven't eaten yet." Xiao Dahai smelled the food at home, he said in a hurry: "uncle let me invite you to dinner. He said that this year's dinner family get together, said we haven't got together for many years."

"Good, good!" Xiao's mother was very moved. After all, the elder brother and the second brother have always looked down on themselves. Now they are willing to call their own home to have dinner. In a sense, they look up to themselves. Xiao's mother said in a hurry: "you Wait, I'll be ready in a minute

"Mom, we've all eaten. What else are we going to do?" Xiao Han asked in doubt.

"Go and have a seat." Xiao's mother's face is bright and bright, her son has a promising future, and her mother naturally has confidence and spirit. She said in a hurry, "I'll finish the work in a minute, sea. You'll come in and sit down for a while."

"Oh Xiao Dahai nods.

Outside, Li is still shouting.

Xiao Han went out in a hurry.

"Who has come to your house?" Li daphou is sitting on the windy locomotive.

"A relative!" Xiao Han said.

"Shit, you still have relatives?" On hearing this, Li daphou opened his mouth in surprise, and his cigarette fell on his crotch.

"Ouch..." Li daphou quickly shot off the cigarette end. Unfortunately, a hole was made in his new trousers. He said with heartache: "shit, I just bought the pants. The new ones are more than 600 yuan!"

"It's OK. Did you get more than 100000 yuan in the year-end bonus this year?" Xiao Han, with a smile, said, "it's just a pair of trousers. You can buy some more later. Change colors, one a day, no repetition for a week

"Fuck you!" Li daphou scratched his head and said, "Xiao Han, I plan to buy a house after the new year."

"Good thing." Xiao Han nodded.

"My parents are old, I hope they can quickly live in the new house!" Li daphou laughed and said, "my mother has a disability. My father is only a carpenter. He is over 50 years old. I don't want them to continue to work. Now I have the ability to support them. I have to support them."

"Well!" Xiao Han nodded.

Li took a deep breath and then said, "I told them when I just had new year's Eve dinner. They were all moved to cry. I couldn't see them crying, so I came out to look for you."

"You're at the wrong time." Xiao Han shrugged helplessly, and then said: "family relatives come to invite us to have new year's Eve dinner!"

"Damn, snobbish relatives, too?" Li daphou replied in a bad mood, and then said, "don't worry about this kind of relative. I've never seen them come to you at ordinary times. I didn't expect that you would come to you when you were promising. Nine times out of ten, I have to ask you to borrow money! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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