Published at 6th of March 2023 09:01:26 AM

Chapter 514

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"Damn it, find a foreigner to bully us Chinese. What is it? " Zhang Dagu waved his arm and said, "Xiao Han, give us a bad breath of Chinese martial arts and kill this foreigner!"

National hatred was quickly picked up.

All around were bloody Chinese. Under Zhang Dagu's instigation, people began to shout: "kill this foreigner, kill this foreigner!"

In the face of the situation on the scene, Qin Xiaotian was a little depressed. He didn't expect that these people would shout for Xiao Han. The voices of so many people almost swallowed up themselves.

Xiao Han sneered and said, "Smith, have you ordered a coffin for you?"

"You Smith is a complete China expert. After listening to Xiao Han's words, he immediately became angry. He immediately rushed up, and a super fierce whirlwind leg swept toward Xiao Han.

However, Smith's whirlwind leg did not kick Xiao Han. Instead, Xiao Han skilfully hid in the past.

Xiao Han's brain is like a supercomputer. His brain nerves are running wildly, calculating each other's action and each landing point. Even at the moment of Smith's attack, Xiao Han had already calculated how much his strength was and where he fell. Even his weakness is clear.

Don't know from when, Xiao Han felt that his brain melon seeds are better than before, as if his body inlaid with a real computer.

Xiao Han raised a sneer: "really useless."

This is absolutely a kind of provocation. Smith has not touched Xiao Han in a row. Can this not make Smith angry?

Smith clenched his teeth and said, "son of a bitch, I'll take care of you!"

With that, Smith attacked again.

Although the previous attacks were tentative. However, this attack should be regarded as a suckling force. Smith was the first to rush out with a frantic fist. Xiao Han retreated in succession. He dodged left and right.

"Well done." Qin Xiaotian called out.

In the eyes of outsiders, Smith's attack seems to make Xiao Han unable to raise his head. However, Smith himself knows that his attack seems to be fierce, but all of them fall on Xiao Han. Any attack that doesn't hit the target is redundant. It not only costs energy, but also exposes one's weakness to the enemy's eyes.

"Die," Smith growled as he punched

Several crazy attacks, but Xiao Han is still too much.

The onlookers were stunned. Xiao Han was able to escape the attack from the opponent even though he was able to keep his fist intact under the crazy speed of Smith. Blue rain butterfly is to cover his eyes, afraid to see Xiao Han injured that. He was terrified.

"Don't..." Blue rain butterfly's mouth kept saying: "don't fight. Stop fighting. "

"Hit him, hit him!" Cried Qin Xiaotian's National People's Congress.

However, Xiao Han has found Smith's weakness.

Just at the moment of Smith's pause, Xiao Han suddenly turned backward. His legs caught Smith's neck and fell out.


Smith was brought down by Xiao Han like a heavy stone. The whole man fell down to the ground.

Xiao Han also landed, however, Xiao Han fell on Smith, he was not injured at all. For Smith, such a blow can not let himself hurt, but he felt that he was severely humiliated by Xiao Han.

"Damn it!" Smith just got ready.

However, Xiao Han took the lead. One foot heavily on Smith's chest.

"You lose, Mr. Smith!" Xiao Han replied.

"Go to hell!" Smith roared, and his hands suddenly caught Xiao Han's ankle.

Xiao Han a Leng, did not respond to come over, the other side has used a huge force. He thought of seizing Xiao Han's ankle and hurling it out. Xiao Han's left foot is a little in the air.

Smith's power has thrown Xiao Han out. Fortunately, Xiao Han changed his direction at that critical moment. When landing, Xiao Han rolled on the ground and immediately jumped up.


Xiao Han gave prominence to his turbid breath.


The students around were frightened. Xiao Han's attack was so beautiful that he killed Smith. However, Smith's counterattack also appeared incomparably wonderful. It makes your heart beat faster.

"My God, my heart is almost beating out." Liu Bin said in dismay.

"It's breathtaking." Zhang Feng face satisfaction, he gently wipe the sweat on the forehead.

"Stop fighting." Blue rain butterfly can't see, she has been shouting, but no one on the scene to listen to her. Everyone was still watching the game. It's a new game, and it's very rare. Who is willing to give up?Xiao Han is standing five meters away from Smith. Smith has just eaten Xiao Han's move, and still has some lingering fear.

"Yes, you are very good." Smith said with a smile: "however, you are still not my opponent!"

"Is it?" Xiao Han narrowed his eyes and said, "if I was going to kill you just now, it's a piece of cake!"

"That's just what happened!" Smith sneered and said, "do you think I'll give you such a chance?"

"Come on Xiao Han glanced at him and said, "come up with some strength!"

Smith narrowed his eyes and said, "well, I'll show you how good I am today."

With that, Smith tore up his vest and threw it aside.

Without waiting for Xiao Han to open his mouth, Smith has already rushed towards Xiao Han. In two meters away from Xiao Han, Smith suddenly jumped up, he roared: "go to death!"

Is still a whirlwind leg, however, this move is obviously more fierce than before, more crazy. It was a reckless, reckless attack. Xiao Han knew that the other side was risking his life. But I can't fight with him.

Xiao Han quickly dodged.

After that, Xiao Han landed on him again. They are always chasing after each other.

"Go to hell." Smith let out a roar.

When Xiao Han turned back, Smith had already caught up with him, and his fist smashed at the back of Xiao Han's head.

"Xiao Han, be careful!" Zhang Feng shouts.

If Xiao Han's eyes scan each other's attack like a radar, his brain after accurate capture and accurate calculation, and then through the brain nerve, through the central nervous system, made a precise response.

Xiao Han's brain ground a low, the other party's fist from Xiao Han's hair to wipe the past.

On the other side's arms are all exposed on his head, Xiao Han suddenly changed direction, with the shoulder hard toward the other side's elbow in the past.

In the face of this sudden attack, Smith was dumbfounded.


On this one, Smith felt a tremendous force coming from his armpit. The force of the heavy impact almost lifted itself.

"Ah Smith screamed.

Xiao Han drags the other side's arm, even in his own all-out blow, the other side still does not break free from his own control. Xiao Han is very easy to grasp each other. His left foot on the ground a little bit, the right foot suddenly stepped out, the whole person immediately rushed out.


Xiao Han drags the other side's arm, with this step huge strength, he mercilessly throws each other out.


At that time, Smith was severely thrown to the ground by Xiao Han.

This blow, Smith fell out at that time. The man fell heavily on the ground. Xiao Han immediately stepped on his chest. This time, Xiao Han wrung the other side's arm fiercely, let the other side have no room to fight back. Only one time, at that time, he put the other party to the ground.

"You lost again." Xiao Han sneered.


All of a sudden, everyone was stunned. Xiao Han's attack really played a very strong strength. What's more, Smith had little room to fight back. Xiao Han looked at each other coldly and said, "admit defeat?"

"No, I don't give up!" Smith gnashed his teeth.

"Good!" Xiao Han shook off each other's arm and sneered, "then I'll give you another chance."

Smith looked at Xiao Han in amazement. On the challenge arena, there is no saying that Xiao Han has defeated himself, but he even gave himself a chance, which makes people a little surprised.

Smith took a deep breath and said, "well, don't you regret it!"

"I Xiao Han will never regret it!" Xiao Han shook his head.

Smith narrowed his eyes, his sharp eyes staring at Xiao Han, as if he could penetrate each other's thoughts at any time.

It's a pity that Xiao Han is so powerful. Although Smith has a strong skill, it is a pity that he can never defeat Xiao Han's super brain. Although Xiao Han only learned some tripod Kung Fu, but under this super strong brain, he can easily play a strong strength, skills and agility.

Xiao Han raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said, "Smith, let's go."

"Good!" Smith gritted his teeth and rushed up quickly.

This time, he will never have any hidden, has been defeated twice in a row in the hands of Xiao Han, this time said anything to take the other side. Smith jumped up in the distance. The whole man was in the air.

Then, Smith turned his body in the air, and his legs swept towards Xiao Han like scissors. The speed is amazing. Moreover, the difficulty of this move is indeed very high in the history of Sanda, and the possibility of defense is very low.

Xiao Han narrowed his eyes and stepped back two , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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