Published at 6th of March 2023 09:24:28 AM

Chapter 6

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After Xiao Han and Li daphou left, a middle-aged man sat on the sofa in the casino.

"Go and find out who the two boys are!" The middle-aged man replied that with 700 yuan, he won more than 20000 yuan in baccarat, which has attracted the attention of casinos.

"Yes A little brother beside him nodded immediately.


Coming out of the gambling house, Li daphou was so excited that he almost cried.

"My God, so much money, more than 20000." Li daphou excitedly looks at Xiao Han's schoolbag inside two piles of red gorgeous banknotes.

"It's only more than 20000 yuan. Look how excited you are." Xiao Han glanced at Li daphou and said: "this money is our starting fund. I'm going to rent a venue and set up a college entrance examination training class. "

"Are you serious?" Li daphou calmed down.

"Yes Xiao Han nodded and said, "if we want to make money, we can only use our ability to make money."

"This..." Li Da fat hesitated, nodded, "OK, anyway, you earn this money, and how do you want to spend it has the final say?"

"Fat, you are my good brother." Xiao Han patted him on the shoulder and said, "make money together."

"Good." Li daphou's face excited, said: "contact the site of the matter to me, I have a few friends in this respect."

"All right Xiao Han nodded.

It's getting late. Li dachou takes Xiao Han to Fuxing community by bike. As for the 20000 yuan, Xiao Han and Li daphou each took 12000 yuan. Li daphou wants to take money to rent the venue, while Xiao Han wants to buy tables and chairs. A sprint class for college entrance examination is coming.

Li Dapan sent Xiao Han to the door of Fuxing community, and then went to find someone in a hurry.

It's already seven o'clock in the evening. As the sky grew dark, Xiao Han hurried to his home.

However, no two steps, from Fuxing community on both sides of the green belt drilled out more than 20 people. These people are not good people at first sight. They are wearing tight pants, jeans, or suspenders, and have yellow hair.

However, one of the familiar faces stands out.

"Liao Zhijie?" Xiao Han stares at Liao Zhijie in the crowd.

The boy swaggered and sneered: "Xiao Han, you boy is in the limelight today."

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Han habitually stepped back two steps.


More than ten people immediately surrounded Xiao Han. One by one holding cigarettes, poor eyes. He still had a stick in his hand.

"Want to run?" Liao Zhijie sneered: "it's not so easy. If you kneel down and kowtow to me three times, I'll let you go. How about that?"

Xiao Han's face sank: "Liao Zhijie, a classmate, why so much?"

"Ha ha..." When Liao Zhijie heard this, he burst out laughing and said, "now do you know that you are afraid? But it's too late

Xiao Han has a gloomy face. For Liao Zhijie, Xiao Han is really not afraid. The timidity and fear elements in his heart seem to have disappeared. Now Xiao Han seems to have taken on a new look. Even Xiao Han himself can not feel the brain, why he suddenly seems to change a person like.

Seeing Xiao Han silent, Liao Zhijie is convinced that he is afraid.

"Brothers, take care of him for me." Liao Zhijie waved.

"Hey, hey..." On one side, a few little rascals laughed.

These people mingle in the vicinity of Linjiang No. 1 middle school. They have been exposed to and bullied. Students are the best group to bully. Often some people are charged for protection by them. Therefore, students like Xiao Han are not regarded by them at all.

"Boy, you asked for it." The little yellow hair of the leader was cold.

Finish saying, small yellow hair immediately toward Xiao Han rushed past, the baseball bat in hand mercilessly toward Xiao Han's brain melon seed to smash.

Xiao Han quickly stepped back two steps.

Small yellow hair's attack failed, he sneered: "the reaction is very fast!"

Xiao kept silent and didn't know why. In his own eyes, the other side's attack seemed very slow. Is it because their brain is quick to respond, thus speeding up the judgment of their eyes? Xiao Han seems a little unbelievable to these, even incredible.

However, in the next wave of attack, Xiao Han decided to turn passive into active.


In the small yellow hair rushed up, Xiao Han actively rushed to the past.

Jaguar, Xiao Ruo, move quickly.

He grabbed the baseball bat as fast as he could, and then he lifted his leg and put it on the other side's chest.


At that moment, the little yellow hair immediately flew out like a football.

"Ouch..." Small yellow hair screamed repeatedly, he covered his chest, struggling to get up.

"Big brother, are you ok?" On one side, several younger brothers hurried past.

"Fuck, clean him up for me." Yelled little yellow hair.Wow

Five or six people rushed to Xiao Han at once. This time, Xiao Han seems a little nervous. After all, it was the first time that he faced so many people. In a seesaw battle, he quickly adapted to the attack of the other side.


Xiao Han took advantage of the other party's inattention, the baseball bat in the hand mercilessly beckoned on the other side's skull, and broke his head and blood on the spot.

"Ah The boy covered his head and crouched and screamed.

"Damn it, kill him!" Several ruffians are in a hurry.

Then, all the people rushed to the past, the weapons in the hands of Xiao Han called up.

Xiao Han's physical fitness is closely related to his daily exercise. Otherwise, no matter how fast his brain reacts, it won't work. After a bloody battle, Xiao Han's aluminum baseball bats were all bent. Xiao Han smashed the other three scumbags to their heads and blood, and several others were hit by several sticks, and their leg bones were all interrupted.

After a fierce battle, the other side was defeated immediately.

"Withdraw!" The leader of the small yellow hair quickly wave, Liao Zhijie is also a face muddled. When can Xiao Han be so good at fighting? Although there is no way out, he can always attack the enemy with the quickest and most accurate method.

Just when Liao Zhijie wants to run.

"Stop!" Xiao Han exclaimed angrily.

"You What are you going to do Although Liao Zhijie is a tiger in school, it is only because he has bribed many people with money. If no one gives him a dogleg, how can he be Xiao Han's opponent with his body of 1.65 meters and less than 100 Jin in weight?

"Kneel down!" Xiao Han roared.


Liao Zhijie knelt down with no dignity. He quickly begged for mercy: "Xiao Han, let go Leave me alone

"Liao Zhijie, I will give you a serious warning today." Xiao Han looked at Liao Zhijie coldly and said, "from now on, if you dare to trouble me. I don't mind breaking your arm! "

"Yes, yes, yes!" Liao Zhijie nods in a hurry.

"Go away!" Xiao Han roared.

Liao Zhijie ran away in fear.

Looking at the other side far away from the back, Xiao Han for the first time felt his brain issued a burst of heart pain. The pain almost paralyzed him. He put his hands over his head and bent like a shrimp.


Finally, the man fell down heavily.

When waking up again, Xiao Han felt the cold wind blowing on his body. This feeling made him very uncomfortable, he struggled to stand up, although the head does not hurt, but it seems that there are thousands of needles on his scalp.

Back home, Xiao's mother is anxiously standing at the door.

"Xiaohan, are you back at last?" Xiao's mother was anxious. She grabbed Xiao Han's arm and said excitedly, "if you don't come back, I'll go to school to find you."

"Mom, I'm fine." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I was just detained by the teacher."

"The teacher didn't embarrass you, did you?" Xiao's mother did not ask the reason at all, because she did not dare to touch the pain in Xiao Han's heart.

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"Why are you so pale?" After entering the room, Xiao's mother saw Xiao Han's pale face and immediately became a little anxious: "are you not feeling well?"

"I'm fine." Xiao Han shook his head in a hurry and said, "I'm a little hungry!"

"Then eat quickly!" Xiao's mother hastily brought the hot food in the kitchen. For dinner, stewed spareribs with radish, and a dish of Chinese cabbage, plus a dish of tofu milk. Three dishes, radish stewed spareribs is Xiao's mother to supplement nutrition. I only eat cabbage and tofu milk. As she ate, she looked at her son with deep concern in her eyes.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han's nose was sour and his eyes were moist.

See their mother was left the best things for themselves, but they bear the poverty alone, bear the poverty, bear all the pain. Xiao Han vowed in his heart that he must change the ending and let his mother live the best life. This is the most urgent hope in Xiao Han's heart.

In order to verify his ability, Xiao Han shut himself up in the room and found out all the exercises. These questions are relatively simple. Xiao Han can basically read the topic to find the way to solve the problem. One of the exercises of the previous college entrance examination was finished by Xiao Han in the evening. Xiao Han thought it was incredible. In case, Xiao Han decided to go to the bookstore tomorrow to look for some books about Olympiad.

Sleepless night, Xiao Han always felt that this ability has a feeling of worrying about gain and loss. He was afraid that when he woke up, he would become the submissive and dull Xiao Han.

Fortunately, when I woke up the next day, nothing seemed to change.

When I got up, there were warm soymilk, two fried dough sticks, four meat bags and an egg on the table.

It's puberty, it's time to grow up, so you eat a lot.After breakfast, Xiao Han hurried to school with his schoolbag on his back.

As soon as he arrived at the school gate, he met Li daphou who was looking around. Li daphou saw Xiao Han at a glance. He ran to Xiao Han in three steps and said, "Why are you so late?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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