Published at 6th of March 2023 08:42:44 AM

Chapter 935

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The third level of "immortal body" can be realized by the half content recorded in the ancient remnant volume on the half axis. This proves from another side that the saint Xu Taoist not only has extraordinary talent and good bone, but also his understanding is very terrible.

The first level of immortality, "no scale gold body" can resist all the attack means below the tongxuan period, the second level "glass gold body" can resist all the attack means below the channeling period, and the third level "Wanfa golden body" can resist all the attack means below the Tongyou period. In those years, the saint Xu Taoist only cultivated the second level of "glass gold body", Although he can only resist all attacks below the channeling period, his physical strength ranks in the top four among the eight leaders of the eight sects, and his combat effectiveness ranks in the top ten among all the human gas refiners who participate in the immortal devil war except the leaders of the eight sects.

This is only the second level of cultivation of "Liuli Jinshen", the third level of "Wanfa Jinshen" has not been fully cultivated. If Xiao Han has a chance to find the lower part of the "immortal body", it will not be more rebellious?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han positively said: "Saint Xu Taoist, you explain so much to me, there must be some special meaning, you just say it!"

Shengxu old man laughed and then said, "Xiao Han, I'll tell you frankly. Although it's only a short day since I met you, I've already moved my mind to recruit students. I just don't know if you mean it or not."

Xiao Han this is not slightly a Leng, this time he is completely Leng in the spot.

I didn't expect that the saint Xu Taoist really moved his mind to accept him as a disciple, which made Xiao Han surprised and pleased.

Seeing Xiao hanleng on the spot, the saint Xu Taoist didn't feel relieved for a long time. He had to sigh for a long time and said with a bitter smile: "ah... I also know that I'm just a remnant soul now. Maybe it won't take long for me to completely dissipate in this world. So I can't give you anything except a set of incomplete body building skills!

The saint Xu Taoist said so, but Xiao Han didn't think so. In fact, the cultivation level of the saint Xu Taoist was enough to be Xiao Han's master. Although the saint Xu Taoist is only a remnant soul, the possibility of rebirth is very small.

But the saint Xu Taoist helped Xiao Han enormously. Not to mention, he introduced the whole Penglai fairyland, which made Xiao Han less detours, almost equivalent to saving Xiao Han's life.

Besides, it is said that there is an incomplete body training method, but it is a very important thing for Xiao Han.

Xiao Han solemnly said: "master Shengxu, don't say that. For me, you are an old man, and the reason why you have become a ghost is because you participated in the immortal devil war thousands of years ago. In order to save the world of eight directions, you elders have consecutively sacrificed your lives, which are the models of our descendants It's my great blessing to be your disciple

The Taoist Saint Xu laughed and said, "OK, OK, OK, in this case, I'll accept you as an apprentice. In other words, I haven't officially accepted an apprentice in my whole life. You Xiao Han is the first disciple of my Taoist priest!"

Xiao Han's face was happy, and he quickly called out: "master, you should come out of the sky sword quickly. I'm going to worship you!"

The saint Xu Taoist priest laughed and said: "I am just a remnant soul. The so-called kneeling ceremony of worshipping a master is not necessary. I don't care about this kind of red tape. In the future, you and I can match the master and apprentice!"

Xiao Han thought of one thing and then asked, "master, I have become your disciple now, and you are from Chongxu gate in the world of eight directions. Does that mean that I am also a disciple of Chongxu gate?"

saint's Taoist thought, and laughed, "let's not go to the door and whether it is still a problem." so you are not a student of a door of immobility. It's not my has the final say, but you say, if you think you are a disciple of a door, if you have the chance, go back to see if the door is still there. If you are not right, you will be wrong. It doesn't matter if I'm a disciple of Chongxu sect. Anyway, my Taoist priest has been wandering in Penglai fairyland for more than a thousand years. As for the concept of sect, it's very thin. I don't care about it any more! "

Xiao Han nodded. What the sage Xu Taoist said is also true. In this era, I don't know whether the Chongxu gate once existed in the world. After all, Chongxu gate has completely declined. Even Penglai fairyland has been sold to other clans at a low price. Has the brand of Chongxu gate been hung at the gate What's the problem!

Seeing the sage Xu Taoist said so, but his words inevitably had a trace of bitterness. Xiao Han thought it was the same. After all, the saint Xu Taoist was a disciple of Chongxu sect. He was once a senior of Chongxu sect. Naturally, he had been a member of Chongxu sect for a long time. Now Chongxu gate has not been completed like that, and there are still some in his heart Emotional.Thinking of this, Xiao Han said, "master, don't worry. If I have an opportunity in the future, I will find a time to see if I can go back and take you to see what the Chongxu gate is like. If I can, I don't mind rebuilding Chongxu gate."

The saint Xu Taoist nodded and said with a smile, "OK, let's talk about this in the future. I'll teach you the cultivation skill of" never cultivate yourself forever "tonight

Xiao Han said with a smile, "thank you very much, but how can you pass it on?"

The saint Xu Taoist said with a smile: "I carried the half axle of ancient fragments with me, which has been put in my heaven and earth bag. But my heaven and earth bag has been destroyed with my body in the immortal devil war. So now the cultivation method of immortal body only exists in my mind!"

Xiao Han was slightly stunned. The half axis of the ancient fragments had been damaged in the last war between immortals and demons. Now the cultivation method of immortality and immortality only exists in the mind of Taoist Saint Xu. How to teach it? Is it true that a word is said by Xiao Han?

Xiao Han thought for a while and said, "OK, master, you can start!"

The saint Xu Taoist then said, "well, call out the sky sword first."

Why call out the sky first?

Xiao Han was a little confused. He didn't know what he was going to do to summon the heaven.

Although it's not clear what the sage Xu Taoist is going to do, Xiao Han still calls out the sky sword according to his words.


Xiao Han thought that the sky sword just appeared in front of Xiao Han. The sky sword quietly suspended in front of Xiao Han, which was less than a foot in front of Xiao Han, and sent out a buzz, as if to say hello to Xiao Han.

The sky sword hovered in front of Xiao Han for a while, making a buzzing sound. Xiao Han grinned, and then he reached out and grasped the sky sword in his hand.

After starting, the sky sword felt as if it had sensed it, no longer making a buzzing sound, but lying quietly in the palm of Xiao Han's hand.

Xiao Han looks at the gray spot on the sky sword, which is the mark left by the ghost of the saint Xu Taoist on the sky sword. Xiao Han grabs the sky sword in his hand, and can feel the existence of the saint Xu Taoist more vividly.

Just as Xiao Han was about to explain the cultivation method of "eternal immortality", Xiao Han said with a smile, "prepare yourself, and I'll teach you the cultivation skills of eternal immortality."

Xiao Han was slightly stunned and then said with a smile: "master, I'm ready. You can start to explain at any time!"

"Explanation?" Xiao Han's words made the saint Xu Taoist all feel strange. The saint Xu Taoist just reacted. He said with a smile: "I will teach you the immortal body skill. It doesn't need to be passed on by mouth!"

No word of mouth?

Xiao Han is a little puzzled. If it is not word of mouth, how can he teach a set of skills?

Xiao Han has never encountered this kind of situation before, so he really doesn't know what the so-called process of teaching skills is. Therefore, Xiao Han is ignorant in some aspects. After all, he has never encountered this situation before, and no one has explained to him how to teach the skills.

Xiao Han laughed at himself, and then urged: "master, you old man, don't sell tricks any more. How do you want me to prepare?"

The Taoist Saint Xu said with a smile: "little fellow, the process of teaching is not as complicated as you think. As long as you sit still and regulate your breath, you can keep a peaceful state of mind. The next thing will be left to me!"

Xiao Han nodded. It turns out that there are so many mysteries in inheriting Kung Fu. Xiao Han has never met such a situation before. Therefore, Xiao Han is like a novice with two eyes and one smear. He really doesn't understand the inheritance skill at all.

It seems that when you sit down, you will be able to endure the pain when you sit down in the temple

Xiao Han, who is about to close his eyes, is stunned. He can't understand why there is still some pain in accepting the skill inheritance. It's strange. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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