Published at 19th of February 2024 01:08:36 PM

Chapter 36

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N: Jose is a guy who is so pretty do not get confuse like me. 

Who knows how many people are hanging on for dear life on this train.

At least Harrison survived. Barely.

The black pool of blood on the floor is covered with the green blood of the monsters, stuck together by the spillage.

A snake-like creature slithered through the disgusting slime.


The creepy sound of something crawling across the floor a few feet away grated on Harrison’s eardrums.

What the hell was that thing?

Holding his breath, Harrison ducked under the chair and slowly crawled forward.

A body on the floor entered his vision.

The monster was still behind him, crawling through the aisles between the chairs, craving for a body. And the door to the next compartment was directly ahead.

Harrison yanked as hard as he could on the ankle of the corpse blocking his way and hurled it toward the aisle behind him.


Harrison jump as the creature behind him grabbed the body and screamed.

He slammed the compartment door shut just before the fast-crawling creature reached him. He spun around and jumped straight into the next compartment, closing the door behind him.

He had barely made it to the luggage compartment.

It had taken a full day to get here. Harrison was lucky that the baggage car was not far from his seat. The train’s cargo area was packed with luggage, making it easy to hide.

As he frantically rummaged through his luggage and finally found the gun bag he had stashed away, Harrison ran into an unexpected figure hiding among the luggage.

Gorgeous pink hair, piercing blue eyes. Gentle as a puppy and prettier than most women.

Jose Cambron. The weapons expert who’d been recruited to teach Cherry how to use them.

Jose’s blue eyes widen as she locks eyes with Harrison. His mouth curled up in surprise and he whispered.

“A lawyer?”

He wasn’t the only one surprised. Harrison was equally surprised by the unexpected person in the unexpected place.

“Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be at Brunel by now?”

Harrison asked, puzzled. I’d thought it was weird ever since Cherry told me that no one had come to see me……!

“I came as fast as I could, I’m a busy man, you know?”

Jose stuck out her lower lip in frustration. It was the look of an impatient child.

“Come to think of it, you are a child.

Harrison reminded himself that Jose Cambrun was only eighteen this year.

But despite her young age, it’s hard to find anyone who’s as skilled with a variety of weapons as Jose. They hired her on a whim because she’s easy-going, sociable, and attachable, which makes her a good fit for Cherry. …….

And Jose’s being here means that Cherry is now at Brunel alone.

“I wouldn’t have hired you if I knew you were so busy. I only called you because I wanted you to get to Brunel before I did, but what if we run into each other here?”

Jose laughed, unfazed by Harrison’s criticism.

“Oh, that’s your fault for not checking my schedule.”

“Who’s to blame…… now!”


Jose put his index finger to the corner of his mouth as he heard someone enter the weapons compartment.



Creepy breathing.

It was the sound of the mysterious creature that had created this mess.

Harrison and Jose quickly ducked under the bulky packages.

As they did, they could see the creature moving through the boxes.

It had green skin like a reptile, walking on two legs, but with a tail sticking out of its butt. The reptilian creature’s mouth was filled with blood.

“What the hell is that?”

Jose whispered quietly, still on the ground.

Harrison wondered the same thing. What the hell was that strange creature?

And why, two days after such a horrific event, hadn’t the imperial family or the police done anything about it?

“Have they abandoned this place?

It occurred to me that the authorities, having failed to control the situation, might have sealed off the train station and the entire area.

“Are you going to Brunel?”

Jose asked, and Harrison nodded. Jose quickly unlocked the bag in front of him.

It was filled with an assortment of weapons and firearms. Apparently, Jose had found Harrison’s weapons bag first.

Jose pulled out a long Winchester rifle. It was a double-barreled rifle, usually used for hunting wild animals.

“How lucky I am to have so many guns at a time like this.”

Jose’s comment reminded Harrison of Cherry’s strange request the other day.

“There’s a guy I want to shoot.”

“A sword, a crossbow, an axe, you name it! But Harrison, I don’t need you…….”

“Just make sure you have plenty of weapons, because I want to do this right, and I’m going to build an arsenal, you know how I am.”

The timing couldn’t have been better. And Cherry’s behavior has been suspicious the whole time.

Maybe, just maybe, Cherry knew the world would be like this.

If so, she could be holed up in her newly purchased Brunel mansion, prepared and safe.

Harrison looked at Jose. For now, he’d have to survive as best he could, because he’d have to meet Cherry alive to answer this question or not.

Jose opened the magazine, chambered a round and loaded it, then handed it to Harrison and pulled out another rifle of the same type and loaded it.

“I’m a delicate sniper, and I have to use this stupid hunting rifle.”

Jose closed one eye and muttered as she checked the rifle’s scope, then finished checking the weapon and pushed her hand over to Harrison.

“We’re closer to Brunel than the capital from here, so I can’t help it. Come with me.”

Harrison nodded as he took Jose’s hand and stood up.

There were three weapons bags, only one of which was filled with bullets. Harrison picked up two while Jose, holding the third, stood up and led the way.

Jose aimed the muzzle of the long-barreled rifle at the reptilian monster that had just passed by and pulled the trigger.


With a heavy gunshot, the reptilian monster’s head exploded.

However, other monsters heard the noise and began to rush in. Jose and Harrison quickly killed the two monsters at the entrance and ran outside.

As they exited the train, Jose called out to Harrison, who had his back to them as they continued to fire off wave after wave of monsters.

“By the way, how do we get to Brunel?”

“First we follow the train tracks, then I know the way, I’ve memorized the map, follow me!”

Harrison strode forward, reloading his rifle. He didn’t go inside the train station, he went straight down to the tracks.

“Wow, you lawyer genius!”

Jose called after Harrison’s back.



The problem was that the gunfire was so loud that the monsters were coming in endless waves. Using firearms against these creatures seemed to have its pros and cons.

“Mr. Lawyer, we have to run.”

With Jose’s desperate cry, they finally grabbed their weapons and began to run.

Ethan and I descended from the observation deck to get ready to go into town.

It was dark inside the mansion, as the sun had completely set. I used an oil lighter to light a wall lantern, which seemed to warm the house.

Even though it was late spring, it was still quite chilly at night. I realized that I needed to light a fire in the fireplace to increase the temperature.

Back in my room, I sat down in front of the fireplace and struck a lighter. But the firewood didn’t seem to catch fire. They flickered and then went out quickly. Was it because the firewood was old?

“What’s wrong? It looks like there’s no fire, or maybe there’s a draft…….”

I looked over the fireplace, but it was dark and hard to see.

“Is it blocked?”

Sure enough, it looked like the fireplace wasn’t doing its job.

There were still torn fabric and chalkboard chalk inside the fireplace’s wood grate.

As I sat in front of the fireplace, staring at it mesmerized, I heard Ethan’s voice calling out to me.

“Miss Cherry?”

I scrambled to my feet.

As I turned to leave the room, I suddenly heard another voice behind me.

“Don’t go.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!