Published at 22nd of October 2021 01:44:11 PM

Chapter 78: 78

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The Manreb hero is coming back!

The Four Books and the Second Episode

"The Kingdom of Lown is a member of the National Alliance. Therefore, if you resist this, you will turn the Third Reich into an enemy, and the nations of the Union of Nations. And they can be driven to their own treason."

In other words, if provoked incorrectly, a nuclear bomb will explode.

"But the British people are afraid."

"It wasn't long before they arrived. For now, I just have to wait... ..Prince Davy?"

Suddenly, when I was silent, Julius called me with a questionable look.

"Oh, yes."

When I nodded my head, which had been lost in thought, he burst into laughter.

"And there is a saying that the knights guarding this place are the knights of extinction, and that the knights who are dispatched are the Count of Colio."

"The Earl of Colio? ...of the Lindis Empire, the most powerful empire on the eastern continent.

"Yes, I'm one of the Knights of the Crown. I heard you retired a few years ago. He must have been here."

He sighed briefly after saying that.

"First of all, it doesn't seem bad to leave it to you, but..."

For now, it seems that anxiety does not go away easily, although it is considered to be the top medical organization.

"If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have brought you to this dangerous place......"

I hugged him silently and patted him on the back as Winley blamed himself.

"Come... Bernie?"

"Don't worry, it'll work out."


At least, the first button is in. It was clear that it was important from now on because it was meaningless to explain the process.

His trembling died down as if he found relief in my voice.

I will keep my word. At least, Winnie is my precious little brother who makes me laugh.

I didn't mean to make him sad.

"By the way, I've been a total nuisance to level five Ullis."

He waved his hand at my words and laughed.

"No, I forgot to tell you, but in fact, the Portna belongs to none other than the Red Tower."

"Oh... yes."

"Our sorcerer is seriously ill, so it's natural for an elder to watch the situation."

I think it is because he is a man of integrity. In fact, even if he uses information verification, it says that he sincerely wants to help.

But why does it seem like there's another reason?

Don't believe in the power to check information.

No matter how much the power of God is removed, it cannot be perfect.

* * *

Why didn't you stay there and treat it?

"It doesn't help me if I stay there."

Persek tilted his head at my cool answer.

There is definitely a patient. And I know the disease.

But she seemed to wonder that I had left them without hesitation.

Besides, you only brought some weird essence.

"This is the key point."

I smiled for writing, shaking the liquid in the test tube lightly.

"I told you it was a virus. You can treat it right away, you can rip yourself off with a knife and tear off the source of the disease."

So if you do that...

"Half-and-half chances, life or death on the spot. It's possible with acupuncture, but only in other cases."

Such an extreme choice is not right for now.

"At least if the disease control team is keeping the dying people in check as much as possible, we should make them when we have time."

What I was trying to do was simple.

an antiviral drug

In other words, creating antibodies to viruses.

It was a disease that did not exist in this world.

However, it is not a soft virus enough to enter the human body and heal itself.

In other words, this means everything to make medicine.

Hippocrya of God, who treated the disease, once said that he had no choice but to watch numerous sacrifices in the process of making antibodies.

The process of developing a cure for a severe disease is extremely difficult.

The history of medicine. In short, it is stained with blood.

Therefore, lawmakers should know the weight of life in the process of learning medicine.

Even if I didn't see the history imbued with the blood, I felt the weight of it.


"The human body releases substances that it tries to expel when a bad substance enters. And they remember the information of the material once blocked, and they make antibodies."

Understanding what I meant, she nodded.

Antigen and antibody. The body of life is mysterious.

"It's actually quite common in medicine, isn't it?"

The disease control team may have tried many things to make antibodies.

Of course, it wasn't successful because this method of antibody production was an attempt to break common sense.

But...... what are you going to do with antibodies with just that's all you're going to do.

I looked at the examination hall silently at her words and looked up.

"Come in if you're here, don't keep looking."

Obviously, it was me and Persek who was in the air, but what he just said was strictly directed at someone else.


Then, my words changed as if they were a signal.

The air, which had nothing until a while ago, was distorted and someone's shape slowly began to appear.


Looking at me with a strangely surprised face, he was still wearing a black uniform and a mask that only showed his eyes, but it was not difficult to infer the expression itself.

My eyes eat half of their expressions.

I think I hid in my own nervousness this time, but even if my knowledge as an assassin is not deep enough, I will be more than double.

Close to a thousand years is almost impossible for a decent life.

The reason why even the heroes of the corridor, who had not reached the end of the journey, were allowed to see the end is because there was an answer of time.

"You've found it again."

"I'm finding it because I see it."

"That's what... "

"You can."

You have to take care of the wrinkles by looking at the other person.

My body doesn't have much work to do, but the inside is different.

When I stopped talking and answered, people were asking if there was anyone else.

Then it came slowly.

"This is the information you've found."

"Yeah, good job. Still thinking about getting paid?"

"Not yet. And, take this."

It was Jack speaking calmly and handing me a capsule containing two sets of papers.

No, my real name is Ai and Helicana. I'm a dark elf.

"What about this?"

"I thought it was the information you needed, so I packed it."

"You're going to get fired if you'really?"

"I don't care. I'll pay for everything."

It seems that it was not the intention of the giant information guild echo.

As I was giving it to you, I opened my eyes as I was taking it and reading the documents.

"Hmm... are you sure about this?"

He nodded quietly to my question. Trust is life to the intelligence community. There will be no lies.

"That's enough. I'm sorry, but let's ask one more favor."

He nodded quietly at my words.

"I need to get the items I wrote down here in bulk. I want you to put the money... ...on the Central Disease Control Unit.

"May I do that?"

"I know there's a disease control team here anyway, so what's the problem? Tell him Baron Gorneo ordered it. We have to get it soon. You never know how much you'll die late every day."

"That's... ..."

"No matter how much a human life belongs to a dark person like a fly, it would not be just a psychopath for a normal human being to die. Think you're doing a good job and move as fast as you can."

In my words, he tilted his head curiously, but it's good for each other if it's mutual assistance.

"The quantity of herbs is one or more wagons for each item. I think I can get it right and fast rather than leave it to mercenaries."

"As soon as possible..."

When I saw him disappearing after a short silence, I shook the test tube in my hand without a word.

* * *

As soon as it dawned, I headed to the task force where members of the disease control team and officials were meeting.

Originally, they were supposed to block my position, but they did not block my position as to what they had to say.

"Oh! You're here, Prince Davy."

"You're going through a lot."

Count Linton smiled vainly at my words.

"Huh, what's the trouble? Rather, it's all the trouble that Prince Davy has done."


"I heard you saved an emergency patient at the clinic the day before."

"I didn't mean it, but it happened."

"Hahaha! I was really surprised. I didn't know Prince Davy had a knack for medicine."

"It's not something to brag about."

He shook his head violently at my words.

"It's not something to brag about! The way that Prince Davy treated yesterday was new and bold for all of us. Isn't that right, Baron Gorneo?"


At Lington's words, Baron Gorneo bowed his head in silence.

"Thank you for your help the day before. But... ..."

"Let's stop saying hello."

I stopped talking to him and looked at Linton.

"Thank you for keeping the land from getting worse. You've been a great help."

Rington waved at my horse.

"Of course."

"However, it's not that I don't trust you two, but I can't afford to waste time because my illness is a disease."

"That means..."

"I treat you. So please hand over your permission to participate in the treatment activity."

Open your mouth!

At my words, Baron Goneo sprang up from his seat.



"Do you think this is a joke? It's five or six days as you want, and if you leave it to someone else, they're fine!"

My eyes narrowed at his cry.

"Does he know he died two or three minutes late?"

He flinched at my question.

Normally, they would swing the stick on carrots, but under the current circumstances, they don't even have time or thoughts.

It will have to be treated as soon as it is prepared.

"I'll ask you again. Do you have the means to treat this disease?"

"Well... then! You mean the prince has a cure?""

"If there's a possibility, you have to hold on."


"I'm not having a rice bowl fight with you two right now. This is the land of my kingdom, and this is my brother's."

As he stared at me with his trembling fist, the surrounding atmosphere began to get extremely harsh.

"Isn't that all right?"

However, Linton relaxedly wiped off his cold sweat and fixed the glasses that made his sharp eyes stand out.

"Lord Linton!"

"Let's see the reality. It hasn't been long since the Devil's Blood had developed in Ordem territory. Fortunately, the response was fast, so there was no disaster with all of Young Ji-min. But."

He asked quietly, vaguely at the end of his speech.

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