Published at 16th of April 2024 11:31:14 AM

Chapter 285: Porn (R-18)

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Chapter 285 Porn (R-18)

Kevin was sorting through the monster parts, tallying up potential earnings, when someone entered the room and asked, "What are you doing?"

Startled, Kevin turned to see Keyara standing there. "Oh, just sorting stuff," he replied. Noticing Viana and Noire were absent, he inquired, "Where's Viana and Noire?"

"She had some errands to run before we leave, and she took Noire with her," Keyara responded, letting out a tired sigh as she flopped onto the bed. "Surprisingly, she's quite attached to that pet."The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Kevin felt a surge of pride hearing that others liked his pet and remarked, "Well, Noire is such a cutie, who could resist her?"

"Viana is different, you know that," Keyara replied, her expression turning thoughtful. "She doesn't warm up to things easily, but for the past month, she's been acting differently." Keyara turned to Kevin with a curious look. "Do you know if something happened to her?"

'Well, it can because I fucked her in front of her little granddaughter, I think.' Kevin thought, but refrained from sharing that and simply shook his head. Sensing Keyara's suspicious gaze, he quickly added, "Honestly, I wouldn't know. I haven't seen her in a whole month since our new employer distributed us among different teams."

"Fair point," Keyara nodded. As she lay on her back, and asked again, "How did Keith take your trip back home?"

Kevin sighed, sensing Keyara's concern. "Well, she was definitely sad about it," he admitted. "But she understood why I had to go back. We talked about it before I left." He glanced at Keyara, noticing the empathy in her eyes.

And then, smirking, he continued. "Also, she send a gift for you, wanna see?"

Keyara's eyes widened in shock, her mind struggling to process the revelation. The implications of what Kevin was saying hit her like a ton of bricks. "Wait... you mean to say... she knew it was me?" she stammered, her voice trembling with disbelief.

Kevin nodded slowly, watching her reaction carefully. The realization sent a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through Keyara's veins. Disbelief, confusion, and a profound sense of betrayal warred within her. "But... why would she let me do that to her?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

As Keyara's mind grappled with the weight of Kevin's words, he gently maneuvered her onto the bed, offering a supportive embrace. She acquiesced without protest, lost in her thoughts as he spoke. "You're asking the wrong question," he murmured, his voice a soothing presence amidst her turmoil. "The real question is: why did you do it in the first place?"

His words struck a chord within her, prompting Keyara to reevaluate her motives. Why had she allowed herself to engage in such intimate acts with Keith? As she delved into the depths of her memories, fragments of that fateful night resurfaced, each scene playing out in vivid detail in her mind's eye.

As Keyara pondered with a furrowed brow, Kevin couldn't contain a chuckle, causing her to glance at him with a puzzled expression. "I'm just joking," he reassured her, amusement dancing in his eyes. "She doesn't actually know anything. The video is just for roleplay, you know how she enjoys these kinds of scenarios."

Relieved, Keyara let out a sigh and relaxed against Kevin's chest. "You scared me for a moment there," she admitted, a hint of lingering unease in her voice.

As the worry dissipated, Keyara found herself in a peculiar position: her legs spread wide while Kevin's hands expertly fondled her breasts, eliciting a wry smile from her. 'This bastard is too skilled at this,' she thought, a hint of annoyance mingling with amusement.

"Ahem! What are you doing?" she asked, clearing her throat to regain some semblance of composure.

"Fondling your boobs," Kevin replied matter-of-factly, his expression deadpan, as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world.

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