The Outcast - Volume 1 - Chapter 22

Published at 30th of March 2020 07:47:55 AM

Chapter 22

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022-Meet once again


Compared to breaking the high-strength plastic, the coma of the special soldier did not surprise Colonel Lake. A teenager with such a powerful explosive power is beyond the resistant of a special soldier. In this life of Colonel Lake, he has only encountered such kind of people a few times.


As soon as he thought of this, Colonel Lake had developed a strong curiosity and murderous intention for the mechanic. Yu Feng, the shame of this army. The teenager is so strong. How strong will the mechanic be? However, his confidence has not been shaken in the slightest. Just like Xu Le has always insisted, Colonel Lake does not care about the strength of the target's force at all. He believes that no matter how powerful the target is, it is still unbearable when facing the powerful weapons and equipment of the Federal Army.


Throwing the sunglasses to the footsteps, the colonel walked to the front of the temporary camp to direct the light curtain, silently watching the flashing green dots on the light curtain and two different color areas, the red and blue areas represent the possible hiding place of target 1 and target 2. Because the positioning has a time delay, so the color can only spread gradually.


With the constant return of the command signal of the Capital Star Circle, the red and blue areas on the light screen are gradually shrinking. Colonel Lake watched this silent but thrilling process coldly, waiting for the moment when the two areas on the light curtain finally assembled into a fixed point.


Four minutes and twelve seconds? Colonel Lake's pupils suddenly shrank, knowing that he had made an extremely stupid mistake. The information between East Forest and the Capital Star Circle was determined to be a round-trip process. If he wants to locate target 1 or target 2 ...... It takes more than eight minutes!


His face was extremely gloomy, but he didn't say anything to his subordinates. He just felt extremely embarrassed. Lake thought of the firework mistakes made by the Fourth Military District when it first came to the East Forest Region many years ago. At that time, the mistake caused the Fourth Military Region to be directly transferred from East Forest to the primitive and backward place in West Forest. Today, I made another mistake. Does it represent an ominous omen?


If there is military staff or intelligence personnel around, this stupid mistake will not be made. But the problem is that Colonel Lake is a front-line fighter, and for the confidentiality of this operation, the staff headquarters has not been organized following the procedure.


"We have to hurry up a little bit more time." Colonel Lake stared at the two gradually approaching color areas on the light curtain. He thought in his heart that as long as the two-color areas overlap the deepest, it is roughly where the targets 1 and 2 meet. 


"Once positioned, inform me ... the crew is ready for action." Colonel Lake handed over the work of the temporary camp to the East Forest Guard's combatants. He notified the team members hidden in the city in a shoulder-mounted communicator. Lake took aboard in an armored military vehicle and drove into the city of West River in the twilight.




Xu Le ran off the minecart with a rolling belt and did not notice the black water in the tunnel. He found the steel ladder and climbed up desperately. He had to save all the time. Climbing to the top, he smashed the lid open, then climbed out. He raised his elbow very skillfully and pushed the extremely large power switch up. A bright light illuminated the entire room.


Xu Le had stayed in the pit operation room for four years. He opened the dust door of the room and walked through it. He came to the living room. Then he saw a familiar person leaning on the sofa in a familiar posture.


The owner of the repair shop, Feng Yu, was lazily trapped in the soft sofa as if he had no bones. The sterling silver lighter in his hand had just gone out, and there seemed to be a smell of kerosene in the air. The cigarette in his dry lips had just ignited, and his cigarette was bright red before he could release smoke.


A fugitive thief in flight flees greeted his closest hired workers and apprentices in this city with a heartbreaking sense of security in his absurdity.


With sweat and blood on his face, Xu Le stared at him, watching the miserable wound on Feng Yu’s thigh. Without waiting for his breath to calm down, Xu Le asked, "How long do we have?"


Feng Yu raised his eyelids weakly, glanced at the little guy who had been with him for four years. Feng Yu smiled slightly and said, "The electronic monitor found the orientation of the chip, and passed it back to the Capital Star Charter Bureau and then accurately positioned it. The execution force here needs at least eight minutes and twenty-four seconds. You came by a minecart and the speed is good, but the positioning system has been following you for about six minutes and you will be able to find your mark through the launch line. Come down, you probably have more than three minutes to talk to me. "


"I didn't expect you to be able to run out." Feng Yu's pale face was full of pride. "It seems that even if I teach you something casually, which is better than the waste of the Ministry of Defense ... But I didn't expect that you dared to run out and still come to me. "


The two of them knew each other well that Xu Le's courage to escape from the control of the army was tantamount to putting himself on the opposite side of the Federation. Xu Le would have to pay an extremely heavy price for this. But Feng Yu's face was still not touched, and some were just calm.


"Three minutes can't be used for chatting. After all, I'm not ready to listen to your last words." Xu Le rolled down a few green military weight belts from under the sofa and was ready to pack Feng Yu, "I carried you on my back and I will run quickly. "


Feng Yu had no interest in being a pack. He patted Xu Le's hand gently, and a pang of guilty guilt flashed in his eyes. Feng Yu said, "We can't run away. I originally thought that if you didn't come, you would at most be charged with detention for a few days. After all, the federal government is not the savages of the empire who can do everything so brutal. "


"I know you can shield electronic surveillance." Xu Le looked at the boss' face with an unwillingness and even angrily, and said, "You haven't tried it. How can you know if we can't escape?"


"Because I have escaped for more than ten years." Feng Yu coughed twice and smiled. He took the gadget out of her arms and shoved it into the pocket of Xu Le's shirt. Feng Yu said, "The thing you said can only keep the shielding ability for half an hour. It can't be used forever. What should we do after half an hour? West River Prefecture is not large in total. Compared with fleeing in vain, it is better to spend these minutes well. "


Xu Le held his hand stiff in the air with a military weight belt. He looked at Feng Yu's face and gritted his teeth. "You can hide it for more than ten years, why can't you continue hiding?"


Feng Yu didn't answer the most critical question. He looked at the boy with a smile and asked, "In your personality, it seems that you have forgotten to ask me something."


Xu Le asked his head lowered and asked, "What happened to the explosion on the battlefield that year? Are you the spy of the empire?"


He asked very directly, and Feng Yu answered very directly. Feng Yu took a sip of smoke and said lazily, "Of course. No."

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