Published at 28th of April 2022 06:43:50 AM

Chapter 13: 12 "I made up my mind" ①

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"Hey, you incompetent!"

As I was walking from my father's office to my room, I was stopped by a voice I didn't want to hear.

Sighing, Sam saw Manion, a blond-haired boy with a wooden sword, waiting for him with a wry smile on his face.

Manion spotted Sam and approached him, his lips pursed in a disgusted frown.

"I guess your father told you about me, didn't he?"

"Oh, yeah. Congratulations on your successor. Good luck."

"-- what?"

What? So, good luck."

Manion looked stunned after I had gone to the trouble of cheering him up.

Sam tilted his head, not understanding, and Mannion shouted as if in an emotional outburst.

"What the hell is that?

I said, "What do you mean, congratulations on officially becoming the heir apparent?"

"Don't play with me!"


For some reason, he yelled at me irrationally.

I looked at my brother, who seemed to be swinging a wooden sword at any moment,


I finally understood the reason for his anger.

(Did he think I was frustrated or crying? I know you came all the way here to make fun of me for that, ...... but you're such a boring girl. Don't you have anything better to do?)

I am appalled at the childish behavior of my half-brother.

No, we are rather amazed that a nine year old child would go out of his way to make fun of his brother's sorrowful behavior.

(Insidious, no doubt, but he is as sarcastic as an adult.)

But alas, it was a waste of time.

Sam is not attached to the Reinbach family and does not lament the fact that he could not be the successor to the Reinbachs.

Rather, he is excited to be able to live his life as he wishes.

Perhaps his father will order him to serve Manion, but he has no intention of obeying such an order.

I will simply leave this house as soon as I come of age.

"...... What the hell is this guy? Are you really that Samuel? Never mind, I'm the next head of the family. I'm the next head of the family, not you with your lowly maid's blood in your veins."


"-- you! What's with that attitude! Don't get carried away just because you're getting a little flattery from the servants and the people!"

What do you want, anyway?"

I want to do my daily magic training, but Manion is preventing me from doing so.

Sam was getting frustrated inside.

But Manion didn't seem to like him.

"-- you! Stop that lickspittle!"

Sam sighs for what seems like the umpteenth time as his brother spits and rages at him.

It seems that his brother's emotions are like an instant water heater.

"When have I ever taken a snap at you? If you're going to make some crazy accusation, can I go now?"

"d*mn you! You're not the same person you were the other day!"

"I don't know. Well, when you're almost beaten to death with a wooden sword by your mean brother, you're bound to change.

To Sam, Manion is nothing.

There is no family feeling for him, and I am sure it is the same for them.

If anything, Samuel, who was only nine years old that day, thinks he died when his consciousness was replaced by Sam's now.

Therefore, Manion was an enemy to Sam.

I cannot and will not be nice to such a person.

So far, I have left them alone when they come at me, but if they persist too much, I will have to deal with them.

I don't care about Manion's future, but if he grows up to be selfish and arrogant, I can see that all the servants and the people will have a hard time in the future.

That was not good for Sam either.

"I told you not to mock me!"

Manion's limits seemed to be easily reached when things did not turn out the way he wanted them to.

Without hesitation, he swings the wooden sword in his hand at Sam.

However, Sam easily grabbed the tip of the sword with one hand.

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