Published at 28th of April 2022 06:39:08 AM

Chapter 310: - "It's Ul's awakening."

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Ulrike Scheidt Walker wakes up in a strange place.

When she realizes that she is lying on a hard surface, she opens a small mouth.


The first words that spontaneously escaped his mouth were the names of his beloved disciples.

But there was no response.

If Sam were nearby, he would have responded.

Ur woke up.

"...... where am I? No, no, no. I'm supposed to be dead.

Moving his sluggish body, he looks around and sees that he is in what appears to be a cave.

Moreover, Ur realized that he was lying on a ceremonial altar in the cave.

"This is in bad taste."

It was something unknown to Ur.

Intricately painted magic circles surrounded the altar, and the cave was filled with a nauseatingly dense magic.

A person without magic power would have fainted if he or she had been in this place.

"I can smell blood. And it's not just one or two. It makes me sick. ......, my body doesn't feel right, I don't have magic, but it's like I'm not myself."

You speculate on several reasons for your awakening, but all of them come with unpleasant answers.

I don't know who or what woke me up, but I decide to kill the ringleader.

(It wasn't Sam who did this foolish thing. No, Sam can't raise the dead in the first place. (No, Sam can't raise the dead to begin with because I didn't teach him.)

Ur has only knowledge of the secrets of raising the dead.

But he has never thought of using it because he understands that it requires many sacrifices.

In the first place, people die. It was not my intention to go against the natural order.

If anyone could raise the dead with no risk, it would be the saints as they have been told since ancient times.

"Well, whatever, let's get out of here."

He walks through the strangely lit cave, finds what he thinks is the exit, gets down from the altar, and tries to leave the place.

"Hello, you are awake. Ulrike Scheidt Walker."

Suddenly, a voice called out to me.

"Who is it?"

The voice is male.

He had not been in the cave from the beginning, but had appeared from another doorway at just the right moment.

"Hey, hey, you're not very friendly, are you? You've killed my men before. Or did you just die once and forget about it?"

"My men?"

As the man walks toward us, we can make out his figure clearly.

He was a middle-aged man dressed in white and gold work.

"--Oh, the appearance and the clinging stench of death ...... of the people of Najaria."

I'm the chief.

"Heh. So you're the head of some stupid tribe that's been fighting the Kingdom of Skye for years. I was wondering what kind of a fool you'd look like, but you're even dumber than I thought."

The chief of Najaria laughed at Ur's tone.

"You're hurting me. I've gone to the trouble of resurrecting you, but I don't think these are words of gratitude to a benefactor."


This time, Ur furrowed his brow uncomfortably.

"Don't be silly. This is not resurrection or reanimation, it is transmutation.

"Oops, I'm impressed that you noticed that as soon as you woke up."

"I know my body best. And I have a pretty good idea who you are.

"I see. I see. That's Ulrike Scheidt Walker. Now, let me ask you a question. Why are you as empty of magic as a shell?

At the question of the Najaria chief, Ur's expression changed drastically and he blew up.

"Boo-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! What, you woke me up without knowing it? I entrusted all my magic to my beloved apprentice!"

"...... Samuel Scheidt again. I'm afraid I've never had much luck with him.

"Oh, you know Sam?"

I know who you are. I know. I'd like to kill him.

"But you don't have that kind of power. So you woke me up and tried to use me. They're shallow."

When I gave him a mocking look, the chief of Najaria gave me a bitter look.

"...... terrible. You've just woken up and your head is spinning.

"Because he's a genius."

"Then you must understand what is to come. You will be my pawn.



He must not have liked Ur's words very much.

The chief of Najaria emitted a thick, murderous atmosphere.

"I said no. I would never avenge Sam. Or rather, I have no intention of becoming a servant of a joke of a monster like you!"

Ulle spits this out, raises one arm, and magic swirls around it.

The chief of Najaria was startled.

"Magic! You must not have any magic power right now!"

"What are you talking about? I have no magic, but if I don't have it, I can borrow it from where I have it. Fortunately, this place is full of magic, and I will show you the magic the elves taught me.

"d*mn! Why don't you take control of me! I thought I had prepared you for this when I resurrected you!"

"That's because I am Ulrike Scheidt Walker. I will not fall behind you, even if I lose my magic!"

"Yeah, you're a freak!"

Ur tried to convert all the magic that filled the cave into magic.

At the risk of being interrupted, the chief of Najaria, unable to accept the failure of his plan, looked away from Ur and tried to think of something to correct his course.

Ur laughed.

Finally the chief of Najaria understood where the magic Ur was about to unleash was directed and started to panic.

Of course, too late.

Stop! Do you have any idea how many years and sacrifices went into building this altar! I cannot move on without this altar!

"Hearing those words, I am even more motivated. It's just what I needed for my freshly awakened rehabilitation."

Ur laughed.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

A moment later, Ur unleashed a burst of magic that reduced the cave and the altar to ashes.

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