Published at 18th of October 2021 10:54:44 AM

Chapter 200: 200

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After a full meal, the Western expeditionary forces began to sleep. Even if they were very strong, they could not afford to chase and kill for several days.

The western expedition is easy to say, but in fact it is very dangerous. The enemy is chased and killed by heaven and earth. In the last desperate moment, he will naturally fight to the death and fight against trapped animals.

Therefore, after several days of hunting, these "hunters" in the East were exhausted one by one.

"Hello, I'm Carter. Please remember my name, because I may die at any time. Now I'm risking my life to approach a group of King level creatures. They are the western expedition army!"

A middle-aged man named Carter is facing the camera, nervous and excited. He is broadcasting the whole process of his approaching the residence of the Western expeditionary army.

There were several entourages around him who were responsible for shooting. They were both nervous and excited. With the same mood as Carter, they were indeed risking their lives in the live broadcast.

A few days ago, the Kunlun Mountain war shocked the world. So far, the storm has not stopped, but intensified.

Everyone is paying attention and waiting for the final result.

Today, the Western expeditionary forces have been killed across the Eurasian continent, long-distance expeditions, and the defeated troops sweeping the West all the way, which has already triggered a world-class earthquake!

In recent days, everyone around the world has been talking about it. This is not only a focus issue, but also a very sensitive and extremely tense topic that can easily lead to the whole land of Europe.

People are worried about whether the western expedition will bring devastating disaster!

"Please allow me to curse the damn eastern expedition. They rashly invaded the East and attracted such a group of terrible creatures to retaliate on the western expedition!"

Carter looked at the camera and expressed his dissatisfaction.

Then he pointed to the deep mountain in the distance and said, "look, there is a group of Kings gathering in that mountain range. They have shocking power, are not afraid of missile attack, and can easily kill cities and towns. God, this is a group of super beings comparable to Titan gods, like coming from the word of God, and I am approaching the myth!"

Carter's live program had a sensational effect. It had been announced and reported before he came to the mountains. They entered the mountains with the heart of death.

When the live broadcast began, the outside world became a sensation.

"I would like to say that the world once fell, the ancestors were full of pain, and finally ushered in the post civilization era. Peace was hard won, and the eastern expedition was a group of bastards, who provoked war!"

Carter waved his fist at the camera to express his indignation.

At this time, many people in Greece were watching the live broadcast. His words aroused heated discussion, resonance and opposition.

This time Schiller, the Black Dragon King, the old lion and others made an eastward expedition, which caused unimaginable disturbances.

Westerners have complex moods.

Because many people like Schiller. He is known as the last knight and a living legend of the Holy See. Moreover, he once suppressed some animal kings to prevent them from making trouble in the West.

However, people hate the Black Dragon King, who once slaughtered the city and caused devastating disasters.

Some ordinary people can't understand why Schiller cooperated with the Black Dragon King.

So, now Westerners have complex feelings about this war, but generally speaking, most people applaud. After all, the black dragon king died.

Only a few people were angry and felt that the defeat of the Western Legion was a disgrace.

"We should celebrate that so many animal kings and bird kings have died in the land of the East and can no longer harm the West." Carter said to the camera.

Many people nodded and resonated.

After knowing that the eastern expedition army was defeated in Kunlun Mountain and killed 90% of King level creatures, the land of Europe was boiling.

Most people think this is a good thing. We should thank the kings of the East for helping them solve the terrible creatures that wreak havoc on the land of Europe.

A long time ago, someone put forward a view that we should move troops to the East and destroy the Black Dragon King and others.

Now the result is not bad.

Carter turned to the camera and said, "the only worry is whether they will bring disaster when the western expedition comes."

Many people were silent and worried that the western expedition would sweep the earth and cause terrible damage.

"And I Carter, now risking my life to go deep into the mountains, will contact the Western expeditionary forces, try to understand the truth, and tell you at the first time whether they will bloody wash the West. Please remember my name, Carter. If I die unfortunately, please mourn for me!"

At this time, Carter had walked into the mountains and stepped on the fallen leaves more than a foot thick on the ground, approaching the area that seemed extremely terrible to outsiders.

Finally, they came to the forbidden area.

"I'm not afraid of your ridicule. My legs are shaking. My heart is about to jump out of my throat. I'm very nervous and afraid." Carter frankly admitted the tension.

There are many huge trees in the mountain, which are very thick. There are no other creatures here, because they are scared away.

"God, I heard thunder. They're right ahead."

Soon, the people watching the live broadcast also heard the sound. It was a loud snore. Then they saw a group of giants lying there.

"God, help me. It's a group of Titans. Do you see it? Each end of them is tens of meters high. I am so small in front of them. Their snoring sound is like a war drum beating. I'm... Afraid! " Carter turned pale.

"God, do you see anything on the ground?" Carter was screaming.

Everyone saw through the live broadcast that there were a lot of bonfire marks on the ground, in addition to one scary bone after another!

"That's the skeleton of King level creatures. God, the smallest broken bone is half a meter long. Oh, there are horns. It's eight meters long. Western King level creatures become food!"

Carter's voice trembled and his face lacked blood.

He was just an ordinary man. How could he hide from a king level creature when he was so close? Soon, the beast king opened his eyes and glanced at him coldly.

Carter felt his brain roar and almost sat on the ground.

At this time, not to mention Greece, even European countries were disturbed, and countless people watched this live program.

Soon, the east also knew, and a large number of people began to pay attention.

The ratings of this program have soared to the extent of shocking the world.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I may be going to see God. They found me. Under that kind of gaze, I feel like I'm being looked down by God and can't move. Please remember my name. My name is..." Carter cried.

At this time, Chu Feng woke up, motioned the other kings to be calm, and motioned Carter to go over.

"Oh, God, I see a human being, the only compatriot, standing among the heterogeneous kings, smiling at me. I feel as warm as spring!" Carter found himself moving. He felt saved. He looked excited and said, "he's waving to me. Oh, God, he looks familiar!"

Carter ran over, almost crazy, and said, "guess who I saw? The legendary demon king of Chu, no, he is a God now. He can save me! "

At this time, countless people outside are watching the live broadcast, and the number of viewers is soaring every second. There are endless discussions from all over the world.

"God, it's really Chu Feng. He's really participating in the western expedition. There are so many animal kings and bird kings around. He's standing out from the crowd!" A large number of people in the East watched the live broadcast, and many people were very excited.

"God, that's the demon king of Chu who slaughtered the red scales!" Many people in the West are also exclaiming.

Recently, it has been confirmed that Chu Feng is not dead. He also saw him kill a dragon at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, which caused a great sensation in both East and West.

Now, seeing his figure again, all parties are exclaiming and paying great attention. The major chaebols and many great forces in the East and the West are staring at him.

"Chu God, it's great to see you. Please forgive my boldness. I'm really excited..." Carter actually knows the Oriental Language, but now he's a little incoherent.

"Don't be afraid, they won't hurt you." Chu Feng said, pushing the head of a beast as big as a house away from the camera, so that Carter, who turned white, wouldn't be afraid.

In fact, both Carter and the photographer almost peed just now. The head as big as the house showed snow-white teeth, and several heads came together, which scared their souls out of the body.

The people watching the live broadcast were speechless and jumpy at the same time. They were wondering what would happen if they were there. The answer might be a scream of horror, and then they blacked out before their eyes.

"Chu God, I risked my life to come to this forbidden area. What I want to know most is whether the western expedition army wants to wash all countries with blood. Everyone outside cares very much." Carter was very nervous, and then quickly added: "I want to say that the eastern expedition is a group of bastards, which has nothing to do with us in the West. It's too late for us to thank them, such as the Black Dragon King and the Arctic king. We want them to die immediately."

Outside, European countries are a little nervous. Indeed, as Carter said, they have no good feelings for the eastern expedition.

"Please rest assured that we are here for peace. We just want to get rid of those Eastern Crusaders who provoked war and help European countries eradicate terrorist creatures everywhere." Chu Feng smiled and said, "so don't worry. You should welcome them. Tell us the clues of those creatures at the first time."

No matter true or false, he is now very kind and has caused a sensation in the outside world. Many people breathe a sigh.

Otherwise, people are really worried that they will wreak havoc and lead to the tragedy of bleeding into a river.

At this time, the big black bull put his head in front of the camera with his body. He was black and bright. He looked awe inspiring. He was full of authentic Greek and said, "we are peace loving people. We don't like to go to war. For peace and peace, we come to the west to eliminate the source of unrest and disasters. We are the messenger of justice and the embodiment of God walking in the world!"

The more he spoke, the more energetic he was. He looked righteous, spitting stars flying and splashing on the camera.

Chu Feng hurriedly drove him away, saying too much and too false.

Sure enough, the people who are watching the live broadcast all look silly and haven't recovered for a long time. It's terrible and strange that such a big black cow is full of Greek.

Cattle have said before that big black cattle studied Greek and Egyptian, mainly focusing on Olympus and ancient temples in Egypt.

Then, the Siberian tiger grabbed the mirror and poked over his huge head. His teeth were higher than Carter's body. They were snow-white and glowing. He bared his teeth and shouted, "I'm a northeast tiger. Those who offend me in the East will be killed even if they are far away!"

This guy is completely mixed up. Here he expresses his identity as a strong man in the East. He is still worried that the old ape, the leader of biyou palace and others will settle accounts with him later.

Chu Feng hurriedly pushed it aside, which really added to the confusion.

The outside world was boiling for a time, and all kinds of comments were heard.

Generally speaking, the west is no longer worried. It feels that the arrival of the eastern expedition is a good thing. It helps them eradicate the animal kings who kill cities and towns. Some big forces begin to consider cooperating with the eastern expedition.

Half an hour later, Carter giggled at the camera, not only because he gained goodwill and was no longer afraid, but also because a group of King creatures invited him to eat barbecue.

The people watching the live broadcast were stunned because Carter was holding a big bone more than one person in his arms. The meat on it was golden and he was eating it wildly.

"It tastes great. It's a king level ingredient. Everyone, you must have never eaten it. I can responsibly tell you that the taste is so wonderful!"

The live broadcast has a great impact, and neither the east nor the west can be calm.

Chu Feng and others entered the west, and the resistance became smaller. Originally, the West was worried, and even high-level officials were ready to launch nuclear weapons at any time for blocking and confrontation.

But they also said that it might not work.

Now the people concerned have finally breathed out.

Two hours later, the Western expeditionary force entered a town. Under the demonstration of the big black cattle, a group of strong people turned into human shapes. They all wore black suits, polished leather shoes, polished back, and thick cigars in their mouths.

Chu Feng and cattle looked straight dizzy and didn't know what to say.

Carter chased after him all the time and broadcast the picture live. All the people watching the live broadcast were stunned. This group of King level strongmen could not bear to witness it.

This is a group of gangsters!

Since this day, many Western teenagers began to imitate wearing this dress, which made adults quite speechless for a long time.

The live broadcast was interrupted because Chu Feng and they began to act!

Westerners hate the Black Dragon King and others, and many organizations began to contact the Western expeditionary force for whistleblowing at the first time.

The next sweep was very smooth. Not only the fish that escaped from the net, but also some powerful king level creatures in the West suffered massive expedition.

The Western expeditionary army gained a lot, copying King level nests one after another, with all kinds of materials, fruits and weapons.

Soon after the news came, Schiller fled and went deep into the ocean. It was better than the three palace masters of Bajing palace, yuxu palace and biyou palace.

It is mainly that Schiller burned dark and light energy, consumed King level real blood and fled.

The leaders of several major sects, such as the old ape in Dalin temple, the mountain turtle in Kongtong, the king of golden winged Dapeng, the master of Wudang and the king of Kunlun mastiff, came to Europe to frighten the whole western world.

"Almost. The western expedition is coming to an end. We should go." Said the cattle.

"Target Olympus, March!" The Amur tiger screamed and insisted on going there, because the big black bull had a hot fight with him these two days, called him brother and tricked him to attack the mountain.

In fact, other kings also want to go and fight that Western holy mountain!

Then they went on their way and came to this magnificent mountain again.

The terrain here is magnificent, with mountains towering into the clouds and towering ancient trees. The main peak is like a pillar supporting the sky, suffocating the oppressors.

After discussion, the northeast tiger was the main attack, and other fast kings assisted him in the attack, and began to attack Olympus, the source of Greek mythology!

Carter came, excited and excited. He was specially allowed to come. After all, he had a certain friendship.


At the beginning of the war, the Northeast Tiger roared and its strength was boundless. After climbing the mountain, it fought with a divine vine directly. There was lightning one after another and endless thunder!

"God, Zeus was born. He was a vine!" Carter was shocked when he recorded it.

Then, a golden plant emerged, and sunflower seeds burst out, bombing the mountains like a missile, deafening.

This time, Chu Feng and two cows blocked them. They were not afraid to break the five shackles of plants and just resisted the attack of Apollo, the sun god.

Carter looked stunned. Apollo, the sun god, was a sunflower. What would Athena be?

"Rush up, there is the pure land of God on the main peak!" The kings in the rear roared and stormed the mountain, running up behind Chu Feng and cattle.

In fact, Chu Feng also wanted to know what was on Mount Olympi, what gods were there, and whether there was really a kingdom of God!

Finally, they killed them and began to climb to the top of the highest main peak!

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Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!