Published at 29th of March 2024 07:22:58 AM

Chapter 123: Chapter 123: 123 drank a bucket of bathwater.

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Chapter 123: 123 drank a bucket of bathwater.

Translator: 549690339

If she were really mad at him, she would have thrown him into the river long ago.

He should treat you well, Xiao Yishan said, after washing the dishes he scooped half a bucket of water from the stove with a wooden ladle, then mixed it with cold water from the big water jar to adjust the temperature. It wasnt too hot.

He took out a soap pod from the stove cabinet and handed it to her.

She took it, and he carried the big bucket of water into the main bedroom.

Su Qingyue grabbed a washcloth hanging on a nail behind the kitchen door and followed him, muttering, What do you mean by he should treat me well? I dont plan on being your sister-in-law.

Her voice was too low for others to hear.

As she watched, Xiao Yuchuan came out of the main bedroom, fetched a big bathtub from the storage room, and poured a big bucket of water into it.

Wife, do you want your husband to bathe with you? Xiao Yuchuan shouted.

Su Qingyue ignored him, but Li Cai, walking by outside the fence, heard him. Yo, Chuan, you want to take a mandarin duck bath with your wife? You can get it up with such an ugly woman?

Ugly, ugly, ugly! Who are you calling ugly? My wife is very beautiful! Xiao Yuchuan picked up a wooden bucket and dumped the remaining bathwater over Li cais head.

Li Cai accidentally swallowed some water and coughed. Ah, pfft! He spat out the bathwater, gripping the fence, Xiao Yuchuan, have you taken the wrong medicine? How dare you pour water on me!

Which bastard are you? My father has been in the coffin for a long time. You want to go down and keep him company? Xiao Yuchuan glared at him. I tell you, I can say my wife is ugly, but others cant!

Pff! Li Cai snorted, fuming, Youre just a useless man, marrying a wife oh, no, your family cant even get a wife you had to buy one, and all you can get is a second-rate one like Su Qingyue.

Your motherfucker! Are you talking about your wife being a second rate? Your Li family hasnt even got a wife yet. If you ever marry a woman, she will definitely be inferior to my Qingyue! Xiao Yuchuan pulled a stick from the fence. If you have the guts, dont run away! Ill beat you till your teeth fall out!

Do you really think Im afraid of you? Li Cai had never been much of a fighter. He thought about how Yuchuan had fought with the Zhao brothers and Shi Cai without ever losing, and he was suddenly scared. He also saw Xiao Yishan coming out of the main house that strong and mighty figure, it looked terrifying on its own

Feeling weak, he ran away without waiting for Yuchuan to come out of the courtyard door.

Xiao Yuchuan picked up a stone from the ground and threw it hard at him, but missed. Youre lucky you run fast, or youd be losing teeth!

Xiao Yishan had just helped his wife prepare the bath and came out when he heard that. Third brother, whats going on?

Nothing Yuchuan waved his hand, Just that Li Cai kid drank a bucket of my bathwater.

Yishan knew his third brother knew when to stop, and seeing that there was nothing wrong, he didnt say anything more.

Yuchuan looked at the closed bedroom door, Second brother, my wife is taking a bath?

Yes. He nodded.


He scratched his head, Did you see my wife undressing?

Xiao Yishan tapped him on the head, What are you thinking about, you stinky boy! Let me tell you, dont touch your wife when you sleep tonight, got it?

Why? Yuchuan was unhappy. I didnt touch her before because she was injured. Doctor Sun and Doctor Chen in town said her internal injuries are almost healed, right? Its just her right wrist thats still injured, and that doesnt affect that thing..

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