Published at 4th of April 2024 06:10:30 AM

Chapter 137: Chapter 137: 137 The Origin of the Xiao Familys Name

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Chapter 137: 137 The Origin of the Xiao Familys Name

Translator: 549690339

Xiao Yishan. He replied coldly, frowning slightly, Stupid old woman, do you really not know the names of us two brothers?

Nonsense! She didnt know them before, so how could she know their names?

Xiao Yuchuan thought about how his wife had been bullied and timid at the

Zhu Family, hardly interacting with anyone. The villagers liked to call him Chuan and his second brother Dashan. Besides, their family didnt have much contact with the Zhu Family. It was very possible that she didnt know. So you must not know what Fourth Brothers name is either

Before he could finish his sentence, she casually said, Second Brother is called

Shan, you are called Chuan, so your fourth brother must be called He. Mountains and rivers, and theres a Liu as well?

Xiao Yuchuan and Xiao Qinghe were both surprised at the same time. Yuchuan took a careful look at her, still wearing the same ugly face, Wife, how did you suddenly look so educated?

Ive always been very knowledgeable, she said proudly, only for him to disapprove, Our familys Liu already left a long time ago. Mentioning his eldest sister Xiao Ailiu, his heart felt cold.

After she got married, his eldest sister never returned.

Xiao Qinghe seemed to have thought of her as well, his clear gaze showed a touch of sadness.

Dont mention that woman who left our Xiao family. Once a woman is married, she is no longer part of our family. Xiao Yuchuan waved his hand and smirked at her, Wife, since you are so knowledgeable, why dont you guess what Fourth Brothers name is? Or what should he be called?

She looked over at Xiao Qinghe, who gave off a comfortable and refined feeling. She muttered the three characters softly, Xiao Qinghe. I think he looks like a clear stream.

Xiao Qinghe looked at her in surprise, his gaze immediately returning to indifference.

Xiao Yuchuan exaggeratedly applauded, Well, wife, you indeed have knowledge. This stinky old woman who barely knew her Chinese characters was acting so learned. Clearly, he guessed wrong. She must have already known the names of their brothers in the Xiao Family. Pretending to be ignorant and asking those questions just to impress him, does she think he will be in awe?

It was a nice thought, though.

The entire village knew the origins of the names of the Xiao Family brothers and their eldest sister, so she must have heard it from somewhere.

Seeing the mocking expression on the petty cat, she wasnt angry, Did I guess wrong?

No, what does it matter if you guessed right?

She also thought that guessing just one name wasnt a big deal.

He was staring intently at her face, expressing his doubts for the second time, Su Qingyue, are you really deaf or just pretending to be deaf?

Really deaf. Itll be fine in two days.

How long have you been deaf?

Since the day Second Brother brought me back from town. She had no memory of the previous bodys life before, Didnt Second Brother tell you?

So you told Second Brother. He flashed a hint of displeasure on his face, That introverted gourd, always holding in farts.

Its no big deal. She shrugged indifferently. Maybe Second Brother thought that it didnt matter whether his third brother knew about the day she became deaf or not.

He was still somewhat unconvinced, Youve been deaf for so many days, but I havent seen your eyes so sharp before. How did you suddenly become so good at reading lips?

A few days ago, I was seriously injured, staggering around while walking. I had no time to stare at your rotten mouth. Now that my injury has healed, my eyes have become she snapped her fingers, Much sharper..

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