Published at 12th of April 2024 10:26:13 AM

Chapter 156: Chapter 156: 156 enemies

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Chapter 156: 156 enemies

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Translator: 549690339

Aside from her thin arms and legs, the wife has quite ample assets in the right places

Looking at her chest, it seemed to have grown larger since he touched it that night

Xiao Yuchuans eyes were glued to her, as if he wanted to stick his eyeballs onto her body.

He really wanted to touch her.

Xiao Yishan was also staring at Su Qingyue, unable to look away. Su Qingyues face turned red; it was one thing for her husband, the petty cat, to look at her with narrowed eyes, but how could second brother, such a mature and stable man, stare at her like that?

Although she had a little crush on second brother, he was still her husbands elder brother and according to generational order, she should call him second uncle. It was totally impolite for him to look at her like that. Ahem! She coughed loudly to remind the two of them not to stare.

Xiao Yishan felt embarrassed and looked away.

Xiao Yuchuan, however, came bouncing over and openly appraised her from a close distance, Wife, you have such a nice figure! He reached out his claws towards her, but she grabbed his hand.

Unable to touch her, he grinned, Wife, youre really holding your husbands hand tight, huh? They say that with a united couple, even iron can be broken. I, who cant even read, have often heard the older generation say this Ah!

He shrieked and accused her in a trembling voice, Wife, you pinched me!

She pinched a bit of flesh on the back of his hand and twisted it hard. He cried out even more painfully, Wife, you pinched me again!

Thats called twisting, not pinching, and youre supposed to twist in a circle, she argued calmly.

Tears welled up in his eyes from the pain, It still hurts the same

Xiao Yishan observed the interaction between the two, and somehow he knew that Yueer didnt really dislike third brother. Their current exchange seemed like the banter of a couple that others couldnt step into.

Oddly enough, his heart felt a bitter pain. Third brother, stop fooling around.

Whos fooling around Xiao Yuchuan complained pitifully, Second brother, youre not blind. Cant you see that my flesh is about to be pinched off by my wife? Its her fault, so why dont you condemn her instead of me! You should give her the benefit of the doubt since you are older, A very legitimate reason.

Hearing this, Su Qingyue let go of Xiao Yuchuans flesh. Second brother is the best, always impartial.

Xiao Yuchuan rubbed his swollen back of the hand and said bitterly, Well, second brother is the only one in the family who knows right from wrong. Im unreasonable, happy now?

As long as you know. Su Qingyue responded nonchalantly.

Xiao Yuchuan was so angry that smoke seemed to come out of his head, Stinky old woman, if I die one day, Im sure its because youve annoyed me to death.

Dont worry, when you die, I will definitely collect your corpse.

You said it, dont even leave my corpse behind. He said it somewhat seriously. His health was sometimes good, sometimes bad who knew when hed really be gone.

Su Qingyue looked at his serious expression and stopped talking. This handsome, lively young man didnt look like someone with a short lifespan; could he have a hidden ailment?

The atmosphere became a bit awkward for a moment. Xiao Yishan spoke up, Yueer, you should go back first. Youre all wet; hurry up and change your clothes.

Su Qingyue asked, What about you?

What were you planning to do when you came here? Ill help you finish it before I leave.

She looked at second brothers bearded face, this man was strong but also considerate,

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