Published at 21st of December 2021 09:38:04 AM

Chapter 101: The son-in-law is oming! Lovely father-in-law

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Chapter 101 The son-in-law is coming! Lovely father-in-law

Yanjia, forty minutes ago.

Tang Shuyun saw her daughter's text message, and immediately ordered her to get up and down at home.

Let the chef prepare for today’s dinner, and ask the nanny to clean up the house quickly, so that everything must be cleaned up.

Yan Zhenwei still didn't know what was going on, frowning and asked: "My wife, what are your nerves?"

Tang Shuyun glared at him, but was not angry, and smiled and said, "Smelly old man, I don’t care about you because I am in a good mood today. I’m telling you good news that my daughter is going to take her son-in-law home for dinner!"

"What!" Yan Zhenwei immediately laughed excitedly, his mouth almost reaching the back of his ears.

"Are you serious? My daughter told you?" He couldn't believe such a good thing.

I still have a lot of thoughts about talking with my son-in-law in the afternoon, and I hope my daughter will bring her son-in-law back soon, but in the end my daughter really wants to bring her son-in-law back. This is so beautiful!

"Of course it is true. Let me show you the message my daughter personally sent!" Tang Shuyun handed him the phone.

Yan Zhenwei read it word by word several times before daring to be sure that all of this is true.

He put down his phone and raised his head, "Mum Liu, clean up the house, and an important guest will be here tonight!"

After finishing speaking, he went back to the room alone, went to the cloakroom to choose various choices, found a decent dress, and stood in front of the mirror to sort out for a long time.

"This should be righteous? Although I only met Su Chen in the afternoon, after all, I met him as the old man in the evening, so I can dress up well."

"The beard seems to be a bit longer..."

He rushed into the bathroom, took out the razor and shaved.

Then he walked out again, walking back and forth in the house, taking a look in front of the full-length mirror every time he passed through the full-length mirror to make sure that there was nothing wrong with him.

When the phone rang, Yan Zhenwei was shocked, and almost didn't hold it when he took out the phone.

He thought it would be a phone call from his daughter, and he was very nervous, but when he looked at it, he found that it was an old friend.

Yan Zhenwei breathed a sigh of relief and answered the phone happily.

"Old Gu, what are you doing?"

"It's okay, let's talk to you~ Lao Yan, did you have dinner? We plan to go to the Bund to go shopping at night, are you going?" Old Gu asked from there.

"We can't go, there is something important at home today, haha." Yan Zhenwei couldn't help but laugh.

"What's the matter? Are you so happy?"

"My daughter took my son-in-law home for dinner tonight, they haven't arrived yet~" Yan Zhenwei said happily.

Old Gu froze on the phone, then raised his voice and said, "Ice and Snow is going to take her husband back? This is a great thing! No wonder your voice is so excited!"

"Yeah, this kid is not reliable at doing things. She only said that she would come over for dinner in the evening. Her mother and I were caught off guard~"

"Come on, you, old face, you are pretending to be Versailles in front of me! Just take pleasure in your heart!"

"Hey, my daughter is still abroad and refuses to come back. When will I be able to eat with my son-in-law like you~" Old Gu said sourly.

Yan Zhenwei comforted his friend, "Don’t worry, Bingxue has brought my son-in-law back. Good things must be near. Then Yuxin will naturally come back to attend the wedding, and you will be able to see your daughter right away~"

"That's, haha, old Yan, how do you feel when meeting your son-in-law for the first time? Excited, right?"

Yan Zhenwei cleared his throat, "Ahem, what excites me? To be excited is the excitement of the two children. I am the old man today. Can this happen? I have to speak!"

The two were old friends. Old Gu naturally knew that Yan Zhenwei was unwilling to subdue. He clearly sounded so excited, but he refused to admit it. He had the final say and didn’t know. Because I know who the son-in-law calls him excitedly!

"Yes, you have great rights as a father-in-law. But haven't you seen it before? Last time you called and said that you met your son-in-law. Today is a meal together. It should be a matter of walking away. Right? I can listen to my wife. Shuyun is very satisfied with your son-in-law, and I think you are also quite satisfied."

Yan Zhenwei remembered the bullying he had with an old friend that day, and now he can only pass it over, "Yes, I saw him this afternoon! But it must be different. Tonight is the official meeting. The meaning is different!"

"That's true, the first time the son-in-law came to visit, then your old couple should also be prepared, what do you wear? Would you like to make a video and I will show you the staff?" The old Gu on the phone said jokingly.

But Yan Zhenwei took it seriously, and said solemnly: "Alright, then I'll hang up and start the video with you. I chose the clothes myself. I think it's pretty good. You can take a look for me."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Old Gu dumbfounded, smiled and shook his head and said: "This old face, also said that he is not nervous, I think this is nervous home!"

The video came over in the next second, and Old Gu hurriedly picked it up. As soon as he connected, he saw an enlarged face, clean and clean, even his beard was just shaved, leaving a circle of cyan marks~www about it? Gu, is it okay for me to look like this? Yan Zhenwei asked anxiously.

Old Gu smiled and said, "Okay, this face is pretty handsome, even I can't see your clothes~"

Yan Zhenwei realized that he had forgotten to switch the rear lens, so he quickly changed it, and said to the floor mirror in front of him: "Look, don't the clothes work?"

Old Gu couldn't help but want to laugh, "Are you still wearing a shirt at home? It's a bit exaggerated, right?"

Yan Zhenwei shook his head, "Not exaggerated, the shirt is a little more formal, and the casual trousers I wear are formal and not too rigid. I think it's okay, don't you feel good?"

Seeing him asking questions seriously, Old Gu also got serious, looked carefully and said: "It's good, but your watch looks too expensive, or you should pick it up. Your watch is worth more than 200 million yuan. Custom handmade models, are you afraid of putting pressure on your son-in-law?"

Yan Zhenwei thought for a while, nodded and said: "You are right, then pick it, I'll change to a regular one!"

Yan Zhenwei has seen the strength of Su Chen, but after all, he is a young man who has just graduated. It is the first time he came to the old man’s house. The house alone is probably quite shocking. Don’t make yourself too extravagant to avoid pressure on your son-in-law. .

Yan Zhenwei changed to a two-million-dollar watch, then stood in front of the mirror again and looked at it, smiling with satisfaction.

"Old Yan, your son-in-law..."

Old Gu Zheng wanted to ask, when the door bell suddenly came downstairs, Yan Zhenwei immediately said, "I won't tell you, my daughter and son-in-law are back, they are hanging up!"

After speaking, he pinched the phone and ran downstairs quickly.

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